Favorite WDW "secret"?


New Member
Ive been shown a whole bunch during my working days there so here are a few:

Someone was referring to Mickey's Philhar. There several "secrets" in that film. There is a hidden mickey during the "be our guest" scene where lumiere casts a shadow on a table top. The clouds in the "Whole New World" sequence are shaped like genie bottles. In the peter pan scene, if you look into downtown London you'll see the word "FLY" spelled out in lights. And if listen closely right before the broomsticks come marching out, Donald murmurs "god damnt." Maybe not directly, but it sounds close enough.

Perhaps my favorite "secret" (which is more like a joke) is that the exit station on Kilmanjaro Safaris is a cattle chute. An inside joke from the Imagineers about Guests. Check that out next time you ride it.

If you go inside the restaurant in Africa and look up on the second floor, you'll see names written in store windows like that of MS. Joe Rohde's name is up there as part of "Rohde's Jewelery" or something like that. Anyone who knows of his unique earwear can get a chuckle out of that.

In the frontierland train station, look up near the ceiling in the Lost and Found bin and you'll notice something from Mary Poppins.

Irrawaddy Erik

Well-Known Member
DSpear456 said:
Perhaps my favorite "secret" (which is more like a joke) is that the exit station on Kilmanjaro Safaris is a cattle chute. An inside joke from the Imagineers about Guests. Check that out next time you ride it.

If you go inside the restaurant in Africa and look up on the second floor, you'll see names written in store windows like that of MS. Joe Rohde's name is up there as part of "Rohde's Jewelery" or something like that. Anyone who knows of his unique earwear can get a chuckle out of that.
LOL Your the first person other than a few friends that has known these. LOL Good job. Where did you work? :wave:


DSpear456 said:
Someone was referring to Mickey's Philhar. There several "secrets" in that film. There is a hidden mickey during the "be our guest" scene where lumiere casts a shadow on a table top. The clouds in the "Whole New World" sequence are shaped like genie bottles. In the peter pan scene, if you look into downtown London you'll see the word "FLY" spelled out in lights. And if listen closely right before the broomsticks come marching out, Donald murmurs "god damnt." Maybe not directly, but it sounds close enough.

A few days ago someone posted a link to a video of Philharmagic so I saved it to my computer. After I read your post I was determined to go back and find all these things you pointed out. Tell me how I did.....

Lumiere Hidden Mickey: http://andrew-laura.com/philimages/mp3.jpg

Peter Pan "Fly": http://andrew-laura.com/philimages/mp4.jpg

Genie Lamp Cloud: http://andrew-laura.com/philimages/mp5.jpg

Also, I wanted other people's opinions on what I think are hidden Mickey's. Everytime I watch Philharmagic I see tons in the smoke scene at the beginning. Here's a screen shot of what I mean: http://andrew-laura.com/philimages/mp1.jpg

Here's with them outlined: http://andrew-laura.com/philimages/mp2.jpg

What do you think?


New Member
Irrawaddy Erik said:
The cement troughs.......where used to move "waste" water through the streets because there was no plumming. It's also the reason why there are no restrooms in Liberty Square also. :slurp: LOL

As plausable as this sounds, I thought the concrete simply replaced the cobble-stone strips that were there when the park opened and caused a lot of twisted ankles and skinned knees.

My favorite secret, the wooden leg-named Smith in the baggage office of the Frontierland Train Depot. A Mary Poppins joke.

I also like the party line phones in the Main Street shops, if they are still there.

My favorite hidden Mickey: The Mickey constelation in the star room of Space-ship Earth.

Did you know that JII used to have and audio insult of Mickey?
foxfire said:
Try this the next time you cross a bridge into another land from the Hub---look down at your guidemap (do this when it's not crowded). When you reach the center of the bridge, you'll automatically look up at the new land you're entering b/c the bridge raises and lowers slightly in the middle to force you to look at the new location.

Could you elaborate on this one? I don't get it... Do the bridges move? Thanks :)


New Member
the-reason14 said:
What is this about Tinkerbell being locked in a treasure chest in her shop. Is it like that shop in fantasyland thats like kinda close to the backside of the castle, that my family and I always bypass, if so is it like real easy to find, or do you have to look real hard to find it.

My six year old daughter is actually the one who found Tink hidden in the locked drawer. When you walk into Tinkerbell's Treasure Gift Shop look to the left after entering and there is a stand with a mirror on it, bend down and look into the keyhole, you will see Tinkerbell mad and trying to get out it's a figurine and it lights up. This has to be the best secret!!


Active Member
My all time favorite secret is in ToT. As you walk from the lobby towards the library for the video, look at the wall. There is an old sign board/directory, the kind with the letters that push in, in a glass case. Some of the letters have fallen out, which makes sense, because it's an old hotel. But if you walk up to the glass case and look inside at the bottom lip, you see that the letters that fell down spell something out...

That's what I love about Disney! How many people would notice a detail like that? (To be honest, I only saw it because I noticed a couple of other guests looking inside)


New Member
One of my favorites is on the muppets, when you go up to the one display window, the sign says be back in ??(I forget) minutes--key under mat, lift up the mat, there it is!!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
trr313 said:
My six year old daughter is actually the one who found Tink hidden in the locked drawer. When you walk into Tinkerbell's Treasure Gift Shop look to the left after entering and there is a stand with a mirror on it, bend down and look into the keyhole, you will see Tinkerbell mad and trying to get out it's a figurine and it lights up. This has to be the best secret!!

Thanks, Im going to have to write some of these down to make SURE, I remember. :animwink:


New Member
figmentfan said:
WDW secrets................

1. Flying chocolate chip cookie in Space Mountain.
2. The sleeping Hidden Mickey in Splash Mountain.
3. Secret targets on Buzz that give you alot of points.
4. Frying eggs in the environmental chamber on Test Track.
5. Dreamfinder's ship in the Epcot shop Mouse Gears.
6. Five legged goat in the Contemporary Resort.
7. Farm house in the Living With the Land Ride has a second floor bedroom with
all the furnishing, only visable from the Garden Grill Restaurant.

Those are just a couple of little secrets I know............
Okay - from a girl with terrible aim - what are the secret targets? Oh how I would love to even come close to beating my hubby on this one... I swear he gets 999,999 every time and I get like 9,999. It's horrible... any tips?


Ever look at the "Partners" statue? Walt is pointing with two fingers instead of just one. I've heard it said that the pose was taken from a picture of Walt and his daughter while surveying the land that became Disneyland. His fingers are like that because Walt was holding a cigarette in the picture.

I also read recently that Cinderella's Royal Table was supposed to be the the Castle apartment's living room so Walt could look at all the happy children enjoying Fantasyland. Does anyone know if this is true?


Naturally Grumpy

Originally Posted by Irrawaddy Erik
The cement troughs.......where used to move "waste" water through the streets because there was no plumming. It's also the reason why there are no restrooms in Liberty Square also. LOL

As plausable as this sounds, I thought the concrete simply replaced the cobble-stone strips that were there when the park opened and caused a lot of twisted ankles and skinned knees.

No, the dark center "trough" is what Irrawaddy Erik said it was. If you check it out next time, you will see that it has a rambling irregular edge. Also as was said, there are no bathrooms in Liberty Square.

One final bit from Liberty Square are the window shutters and their hinges. The "common" houses have their shutters hanging unevenly as they are fastened with "leather" ties, while those on the affluent houses like Hall of Presidents retain their metal hinges. The reason for this is that these metal hinges were used to make bullets. Not unlike today, the well to do were able to protect their assets while the working class had to pay up.

One additional item....The Tiki Room. The "thatch" is really meant to last, and you don't have to worry about termites! :lol:


orange robot?

jesserin said:
Okay - from a girl with terrible aim - what are the secret targets? Oh how I would love to even come close to beating my hubby on this one... I swear he gets 999,999 every time and I get like 9,999. It's horrible... any tips?

I think it's the orange robot... i dunno how i did it but once, all of a sudden i had 9999999999 or whatever! it was really early on so i just had to sit there for the rest of the ride! i really wanted to play! they didn't even give me a prize! :veryconfu


Well-Known Member
BigNorm said:
Ever look at the "Partners" statue? Walt is pointing with two fingers instead of just one. I've heard it said that the pose was taken from a picture of Walt and his daughter while surveying the land that became Disneyland. His fingers are like that because Walt was holding a cigarette in the picture.

I also read recently that Cinderella's Royal Table was supposed to be the the Castle apartment's living room so Walt could look at all the happy children enjoying Fantasyland. Does anyone know if this is true?

The point Disney doing is what the CM's call the Disney point.

There is an apartment in the castle but it was never completed due to the fact that Disney died and Lillian his wife didnt want to live there alone.

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