Favorite queue?


Well-Known Member
Inside is super cool but outside I feel like I am at a 6 flags. I would have to say the following are my top 3:

Star Tours
The new cue at HM
The outside is beautiful the fountain the hidden gonzo on the clock, and also the statler and Waldorf cutout. I just really love the Muppets


Well-Known Member
Great question-so many great queues!! What makes them so great for me is the decor, the feelings they evoke, the music, and the anticipation of the ride.

I love the Haunted Mansion, Toy Story, Space Mountain, Spaceship Earth (yeah I don't know), Pirates, Great Movie Ride, and Star Tours.

But my favorite favorite is Tower of Terror!


Well-Known Member
Ill continue the theme here, because its hard to argue with such queues:
MK - Best: Haunted Mansion Worst: Peter Pan
Epcot - Best: Mission Space Worst: Anything in the Land Pavillion
DHS - Best: Tower of Terror, best ovearll Worst: Toy Story Mania
AK - Best: Expedition Everest Worst: None, all the queues are well done.
I also think Little Mermaid's will be one of the best, even though after a year, it wont be needed.


Well-Known Member
winnie the pooh, I love being able to use your hands to wipe honey off poohs face I would say PP but its not much of a q, I just get really stoaked waiting in line


Well-Known Member
Everest, because the Queue is long and lots to see related to the Yeti. At least if you have to miss the Yeti, you can get to see things related to him.
TOT, Love the atmosphere, but I'd like it more if it meandered more through the lobby and cut across the front hotels counter.
Haunted Mansion, Yeah I like the interactive addition.
Mission Space, Cause I love anything to do with NASA, space travel/ exploration.


Well-Known Member
I have to go with Pirates. You feel so engulfed in the theme since you are completely hidden from the outside. There is also the excitement about seeing the boats as they pull up.

There is something childish in me that still gets a little excited when I see or get on a boat of any kind. My three year old Son is like that as well. Boats are just cool.


Well-Known Member
Two come to mind. Expedition Everest and Splash mountain. EE for it's complete emersion in the theme and Splash for the wonderfully classic Disney feeling it gives. I know it is not high tech or over the top but for some reason being under the surface with Brer Rabbit takes me to a happy place.


Well-Known Member
I love Haunted Mansion (the new interactive Queue), Tower of Terror (the 1939 style), and Space Mountain (the games and space).

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Spaceship Earth (yeah I don't know)
Hey, no need to be shy! SSE is an excellent choice! For all the Spartan sparsity, the build-up to the ride is awesome.
How can you top standing underneath that majestic geosphere, slowly getting sucked in, walking past the fresco as that mysterious rotating light beckons you inside! It is mesmerising!​


Well-Known Member
Hey, no need to be shy! SSE is an excellent choice! For all the Spartan sparsity, the build-up to the ride is awesome.
How can you top standing underneath that majestic geosphere, slowly getting sucked in, walking past the fresco as that mysterious rotating light beckons you inside! It is mesmerising!​
Ahhhhh there it is!!! :)
Pirates I would say is my favorite to go through because its cool and its a good way to cool off during the summer heat.
My second has to be toy Story Mania, its just a fun environment to be in, although you may stand in it for quite some time.
Its Tough to be a Bug could be considered one I like too. It's fun going down under the tree and getting an up close look at the tree going through the line.
Tower of Terror is cool, but the outside portion in the middle of summer with all those plants and trees makes me way uncomfortable. I still enjoy this line though.
Test Track is pretty cool too. It's got a lot of things to look at and amuse you, but the noises and everything get annoying.

Overall Worst Line- It's a Small World... Just thinking about having to stand in that line for 10 minutes and then having to ride it making the song go around in my head.

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