Favorite Nightime Ride


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Out of ALL 4 parks, what is your favorite thing to do at night, and why?

Mine is Splash Mountain! I love the view of the illuminated castle you get just as you are about to drop!


Well-Known Member
BTMRR. It's less of a transition from the cave to the outside, and the lighting outside looks very nice at night. In short, the over-all look of the ride is enhanced at night.


Well-Known Member
Lots of good ones already mentioned, but I'd have to say my favorite is Expedition Everest. Wait for the front car and gaze out over so much of WDW while you are stalled at the top. It is beautiful.


Well-Known Member
HM and Splash... and for some reason Buzz lightyear, even tho its indoors... Haha. Yes I am crazy. I think Buzz and tta may be because I love tomorrowland at night and I run there after wishes.


Splash Mountain as well!

If you time it right, you can get to the top of the final drop during the finale of Wishes
simply amazing

Matt and Kelly

Well-Known Member
Thunder Mountain for sure. For some reason it just seems faster and wilder to me after dark. Splash is also one of my faves, especially when the fireworks are going off.

Tower of Terror is cool as well...as I'm sure Everest is as well, though I haven't had that oppotunity yet.


Well-Known Member
Another vote for BTMR and Splash Mountain. I heard that Thunder goes fast at night too because the tracks are cooled off. Haunted Mansion is also awesome at night.

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