Favorite New Attraction of Fantasyland Expansion


Well-Known Member
In my mind, an attraction is something that has a designated exit and entrance. There are a few exceptions, but I think this typically works as a definition. I would definitely qualify the Belle, Aurora and Cinderella additions to be considered attractions, just not major ones.


Well-Known Member
In my mind, an attraction is something that has a designated exit and entrance. There are a few exceptions, but I think this typically works as a definition. I would definitely qualify the Belle, Aurora and Cinderella additions to be considered attractions, just not major ones.

I agree. I think they just aren't the magnitude we're all looking for and not something we'll all come back to do again and again. I don't think everyone would be happy unless they were building 2+ D/E ticket attractions in addition to the M&G's. The princess M&G's seem akin to Olivander's Wand Shop from WWoHP: Very cool, but you only need to do it once or twice.


Active Member
I agree. I think they just aren't the magnitude we're all looking for and not something we'll all come back to do again and again. I don't think everyone would be happy unless they were building 2+ D/E ticket attractions in addition to the M&G's. The princess M&G's seem akin to Olivander's Wand Shop from WWoHP: Very cool, but you only need to do it once or twice.

It's been said before, but truly does need to be repeated here:

The new Cinderella, Aurora and Belle attractions ARE NOT going to be mere meet-and-greets! They're going to be full-fledged interactive attractions/experiences, so don't pass judgement.

Not everything has to be a D or E ticket. Therefore, you should not speak, as Enderikari once put it, ex cathedra from your belly button.


Well-Known Member
The idea for this post was a good one, but with so many Debbie Downer's, it just becomes frustrating to read the posts. I know it's a while off till the bulk of it is finished, but let's just wait and see what comes out of the FLE. Then we can debate on whether or not it was a good expansion as opposed to just conjecturing about it.


Well-Known Member
M&G's are not attractions. That's why they're called M&G's and not attractions. I don't care what kind of little show they put on for the kids, with surprise birthday parties for Sleeping Beauty or Bell. I never heard anyone seriously refer to Mickey's M&G as an attraction before.

If these M&G's are considered attractions then you have to consider the wand shop at Potterland an attraction.

Other than that, I think its a good expansion. If it really cost half a billion for what they're getting and with the shape of the other parks, like AK, with its lack of attractions, I'd call it a waste of money. But for what it is, I think it'll be a really nice addition to MK. My niece will love it. And it'll be much easier to move around.


Well-Known Member
M&G's are not attractions. That's why they're called M&G's and not attractions. I don't care what kind of little show they put on for the kids, with surprise birthday parties for Sleeping Beauty or Bell. I never heard anyone seriously refer to Mickey's M&G as an attraction before.

If these M&G's are considered attractions then you have to consider the wand shop at Potterland an attraction.

Other than that, I think its a good expansion. If it really cost half a billion for what they're getting and with the shape of the other parks, like AK, with its lack of attractions, I'd call it a waste of money. But for what it is, I think it'll be a really nice addition to MK. My niece will love it. And it'll be much easier to move around.

I guarantee Disney's brass views the Wand Shop as an attraction, or at least something more than worthwhile. They are kicking themselves at losing the merchandise opportunities that Universal is taking advantage of with Potter. Forbidden Journey isn't what's worrying Disney, it's the loss of merchandise money to Universal.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee Disney's brass views the Wand Shop as an attraction, or at least something more than worthwhile. They are kicking themselves at losing the merchandise opportunities that Universal is taking advantage of with Potter. Forbidden Journey isn't what's worrying Disney, it's the loss of merchandise money to Universal.

Yeah, in my mind, to a business, an "attraction" is anything that attracts visitors to spend money. Just because it's not a ride doesn't mean it's not an attraction.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee Disney's brass views the Wand Shop as an attraction, or at least something more than worthwhile. They are kicking themselves at losing the merchandise opportunities that Universal is taking advantage of with Potter. Forbidden Journey isn't what's worrying Disney, it's the loss of merchandise money to Universal.

Oh, there's no doubt about that. And I agree with you completely there, man.

But would you consider the Disney face Painting an "Attraction?" Or a character walking around the park an "Attraction?"

Believe it or not, I wouldn't fault someone for seeing it that way. But there lies the difference; an attraction by my standards is a total immersive enviorment that tells a story and has a beginning, middle and end. I wouldn't fault anyone who would consider the Bell M&G an attraction, because it involves guest participation, but I just don't. I wouldn't even call it a show.

If we went by the "an "attraction" is anything that attracts visitors to spend money" logic, every street vedor would be considered an attraction. The shop outside POTC would be an attraction and so on...

Mr. Morrow

New Member
M&G's are not attractions. That's why they're called M&G's and not attractions. I don't care what kind of little show they put on for the kids, with surprise birthday parties for Sleeping Beauty or Bell. I never heard anyone seriously refer to Mickey's M&G as an attraction before.

If these M&G's are considered attractions then you have to consider the wand shop at Potterland an attraction.

Other than that, I think its a good expansion. If it really cost half a billion for what they're getting and with the shape of the other parks, like AK, with its lack of attractions, I'd call it a waste of money. But for what it is, I think it'll be a really nice addition to MK. My niece will love it. And it'll be much easier to move around.

Agreed if this is what they consider attractions these days that is pretty sad.


How many of us have actually seen the plans?
:wave: And it's a D. No + about it.

. There was only one person here who was saying he thought it was over 6 minutes based on the number of vehicles. The guys in the know have said more like 4:30 minutes.
WDI puts it at right around 4:30. I understand TP2000's theories about the number of vehicles, but for now I'm gonna go with the official line.

I've seen the artwork and ride model and the AAs are going to be very advaced. Probably Mermaid's strongest feature.
Not really. Beside Ariel, the AAs are very basic. WDI is doing Ariel,who will at least have cool hair, the rest are limited movement figures being farmed out to Garner Holt.
The ride's strongest feature will likely be the music. And the exterior facade.

I'm looking foward to Star Tours 2 (an actual ride). Sorry to be a buzzkill but nothing about this expansion is exciting IMO.

IMO no matter how dressed up it is a Meet and Greet is a Meet & Great and not an attraction.
Exactly. M&Gs are not attractions, they are some of the little things that help flesh out the MK experience, like parades and castle shows. The day we start letting TDO pass M&Gs off as attractions is the day they will officially have won.:rolleyes:

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
Just to devil's advocate for a minute...

Disney builds an expansion with one new ride, a couple rethemed rides, and a few minor new attractions here and there and years before it's done we label it a failure.

Universal builds an expansion with one new ride, a couple rethemed rides, and a few minor new attractions here and there and we label it the end-all thesis statement of theme park design?

Let's allow WDI to do what they do, they made this game.

Mr. Morrow

New Member
Just to devil's advocate for a minute...

Disney builds an expansion with one new ride, a couple rethemed rides, and a few minor new attractions here and there and years before it's done we label it a failure.

Universal builds an expansion with one new ride, a couple rethemed rides, and a few minor new attractions here and there and we label it the end-all thesis statement of theme park design?

Let's allow WDI to do what they do, they made this game.

IMO WWOHP is not doing so hot. Sure it is drawing people in but with the way it is run people will be fed up very fast.

FB: No one over 6"6" or 265 that eliminates like 60% of the country. There are 2 hour lines just to get in the land. This can't last they will have to expand the land as well as increase the load for the main ride.

As far as FLE it is not a failure but its will not be what some people make it out to be. It is not like we are getting Carsland from DCA.



Active Member
IMO WWOHP is not doing so hot. Sure it is drawing people in but with the way it is run people will be fed up very fast.

FB: No one over 6"6" or 265 that eliminates like 60% of the country. There are 2 hour lines just to get in the land. This can't last they will have to expand the land as well as increase the load for the main ride.

As far as FLE it is not a failure but its will not be what some people make it out to be. It is not like we are getting Carsland from DCA.


Most of my high school is either going or desperately wanting to go lol

Adults of all ages I know have been going and I haven't heard one negative thing about the land (even from someone who went and didn't even get to ride).

And the average weight of adults is 174 according to a 2007 study. What kind of things are you reading say that over half the population is over 265 pounds?! We're fat, but not that fat. 24% are over 200 pounds and I don't even think remotely 95% of those people are pushing 3 bills. And how many people do you know over 6''6'? rofl!! 60%, seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I agree about capacity, but they need something to combat Potter or the lost capacity due to IoA will mean no need for added capacity in MK.


Active Member
And the average weight of adults is 174 according to a 2007 study. What kind of things are you reading say that over half the population is over 265 pounds?! We're fat, but not that fat. 24% are over 200 pounds and I don't even think remotely 95% of those people are pushing 3 bills. And how many people do you know over 6''6'? rofl!! 60%, seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I'm 99.999% sure that he was using hyperbole.

Anywho... My favorite part of the Fantasyland expansion is the WHOLE THING. Consider: Hit Little Mermaid early in the day or use a fastpass, then avoid the whole area like the plague for the rest of the day. The entire space will be a sponge, absorbing every single family with a daughter under 14. The crowd control that this will have on the rest of the park (and other parts of FL) will be fantastic.


Active Member
I'm 99.999% sure that he was using hyperbole.

Anywho... My favorite part of the Fantasyland expansion is the WHOLE THING. Consider: Hit Little Mermaid early in the day or use a fastpass, then avoid the whole area like the plague for the rest of the day. The entire space will be a sponge, absorbing every single family with a daughter under 14. The crowd control that this will have on the rest of the park (and other parts of FL) will be fantastic.

I just heard the statistic in another thread rofl, I don't think it was a joke. If it was a hyperbole then it was quite an exaggeration.


Well-Known Member
I guess since there's only going to be ONE new attraction it's the only one anyone can be excited about. Therefore, this thread is pointless.

(No offense to you jjharvpro, I'm just saying there is only going to be one attraction in the FL expansion.)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
One more vote for 'there is only one new attraction in FLE'.

TLM looks like a fine attraction to me. A solid dark ride. And unlike the others, an omnimover, which greatly enhances capacity. Looking forward to it!

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