Fastpass: People can get desperate


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Most CM's let you use them after the time. It has been reported that this is what they are supposed to do, but there are some CM's that take it upon themselves to make their own rules and won't let you in. But that's rare.

Happened to me, we got a fast pass for BTMRR and then went to get something to eat. Since we had 45 minutes left on the FP and Splash Mt. had a 20 minute wait posted we decided to ride it. The line was longer than posted so we ended up about 4 minutes late getting back to BTMRR. The CM wouldn't let us on, I did tell him that we waited 15 minutes past the posted time on Splash but he didn't care and said it was expired. I said no problem and walked away.

I was on vacation and din't fell like arguing but 4 minutes late was a bit extreme to me. Oh well rules is rules.


Well-Known Member
jmvd20 said:
Happened to me, we got a fast pass for BTMRR and then went to get something to eat. Since we had 45 minutes left on the FP and Splash Mt. had a 20 minute wait posted we decided to ride it. The line was longer than posted so we ended up about 4 minutes late getting back to BTMRR. The CM wouldn't let us on, I did tell him that we waited 15 minutes past the posted time on Splash but he didn't care and said it was expired. I said no problem and walked away.

I was on vacation and din't fell like arguing but 4 minutes late was a bit extreme to me. Oh well rules is rules.

But from what we've heard in this thread, those aren't the "rules". It's a shame that happened to you.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
But from what we've heard in this thread, those aren't the "rules". It's a shame that happened to you.

Good point, many people did mention that. I will say that I was upset about it but didn't want to argue with the CM. I go on vacation to relax and unwind so I just let it end at that. Especially since some CM's did let us on a ride a few minutes before my FP was active.
I have to add that most of the CM's are really compassionate with the Fastpass time window. I have 4 children and at times we have had to regroup, missing our window time and have never been turned away from the attraction upon return.


New Member
I didn't know you could use Fastpass after the time. When I was there recently I went to get a fastpass for Soarin', but the return time was 12.40 to 1.40, and we had lunch reservations at Le Cellier at exactly 12.40. I therefore hung around the fastpass area waiting for the return time to reach 1.30, since I thought we would be able to get back by 2.30.

Should I have just gone ahead and got one for the earlier time?


Well-Known Member
well, last week we were about to go on tt when the ride broke down. it was about 1:15 and we had reservations at garden grill at 1:30. we asked what we should do and the lady gave us our fastpasses back and told us that the rule we can use them any time after the return window opens. so, i guess it's up to the person checking the fastpass



Well-Known Member
I really hope they don't start being real strict with the expiration time on the fastpasses. If they do, you'll start seeing people (and even families with toddlers in tow) trying to sprint across the park, knocking people down or trying to burst through crowds and stuff, to make it to the attraction in time. This would not be a good idea. Even with planning, things come up, and inevitably you'd see desperate people trying to make fastpass expiration times. Please, Disney, don't do that.


A great fastpass story

Last week our group of 6 had tickets for Expedition Everest and then 4 people decided they'd rather sit it out than ride, so we had 3 extra passes. We were trying to decide who to give them to when this father and three daughters came running up. The standby line was like 90 minutes, and the father started in on them... "I TOLD you we should come get fast passes but you didn't want to and now look at this line and we'll never be able to ride it in the time we have left or else we won't see anything else etc etc etc". (I could just hear myself giving this same speech in a similar situation!) The girls were looking miserable that they weren't going to get to ride, when I shoved the fastpasses in the father's hand and said, "Here, we have 4 fast passes you can have"

Fortunately this guy understood the concept and was thrilled to get them. And they lived happily ever after.


Well-Known Member
DisneyMom06 said:
I have to add that most of the CM's are really compassionate with the Fastpass time window. I have 4 children and at times we have had to regroup, missing our window time and have never been turned away from the attraction upon return.

Same here, I was a late or somewhat early numerous times since they implemented the FP program and never had any problems, except for the time I mentioned above. That's why I just dropped it and didn't argue with the CM about it. Maybe he was just having a bad day.


Well-Known Member
Thats nice about the acts of kindness about giving the extra fps to people. But, usually with me family, If we are planning on riding everest together all 4 of us, and at the last minute, 2 change there minds, I would just ride it twice. Once with my dad, and the second with my brother, and if they dont want to, Ill ride it by myself 4 times.


New Member
I remember last summer I had a Fast Pass for Test Track. Well as I was waiting for my time to come up the Cast Member who was taking them told me to set back while other people were comming threw with Fast Passes. The thing is there were no people comming with them & if there was it was only a few people at a time & I don't know what the Cast Member saw but there was plenty of room. So I agree that some Cast Members can be to strict with Fast Pass rules, but have you ever heard of telling a guest to move back, when there was nobody else with a FP going threw.


Active Member
WDW FAN 4 LIFE said:
I remember last summer I had a Fast Pass for Test Track. Well as I was waiting for my time to come up the Cast Member who was taking them told me to set back while other people were comming threw with Fast Passes. The thing is there were no people comming with them & if there was it was only a few people at a time & I don't know what the Cast Member saw but there was plenty of room. So I agree that some Cast Members can be to strict with Fast Pass rules, but have you ever heard of telling a guest to move back, when there was nobody else with a FP going threw.

I once had a Fast Pass for BTMRR. When we returned to use it, even though no one was entering, we were told we had to wait for one minute for our time. So, in some cases, yes, the CMs are pretty strict wwith the times on the ticket. It seemed a little weird to me that they wanted us to wait one minute with no one else going through, but hey, that's what the ticket said. One minute was better than 20 minutes though.
Officially a FP can be used anytime after the window of time has opened, however, as people have said Disney can refuse to admit you after your return time as it would defeat the system if everyone did this. The computer is constantly calculating how many people it expects to have back and distributes that amount of tickets per hour period. In an attempt to get more people on the ride at the end of the night the system can also begin to collapse the time periods to less than 1 hour blocks as well during high traffic times.

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