As someone of your generation, I agree with your evalutation of how, our generation is impatient in general. I know i never wait more then 20 minutes for any attraction. I do however disagree about the generilzation you made about video effects over Animatronics. I think AA's are amazing I ride the COP, CBJ, and Tiki just to watch the amazing AA's (well COP dosn't have amazing AA's they just amuse me.) The best of the Little Mermaid in NFL is the AA Ursula. The screen attractions don't do it for me, I could sit at home with headphones and watch a screen or pick up my Wii and do what people do in Toy Story Mania, all i need is somone to spray me with water. (joke! lol) In the end of the day though why do we think Pirates, Haunted, and Splash are amazing rides? Not because of screens or 3D effects, but because they have story, theme, and honestly amazing AA's with which to tell the story. Universal is a bunch of cheap thrills hidden behind sceens, nothing immersive there.
Again I do see your point about alot of people age 15 to 20, yet i don't think or believe leaving behind AA's fr screens does anything to give disney an edge, sure witty intigration fine, but I'll take an attraction with some tasteful AA's over a screen any day.