Facial recognition at SSE


Well-Known Member
I am at epcot now so forgive me if this has been posted - but i just rode sse and they are running the recognition . It is a bright flash but works with the lightning flashes already there. They are still testing the kiosk in project tomorrow. I took a short video i can post tonight. The walls are up around the legacy kiosk at the base of sse.


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Original Poster
I posted this topic on my smartphone, so I didn't want to type too much, but I wanted to talk about the "flash."

When I rode SSE, I noticed the flash, because I thought, "Oh great, some idiot in front of me is going to take flash pictures of every scene in the ride." But I also wondered what they were taking pictures of since the ride is really dark in that segment with very little to actually photograph. After I noticed that it was only happening right at the "purple haze lightning" screen area, then I figured it was just an added strobe effect to compliment the lightning. When I thought it was a "strobe effect," it didn't bother me at all. In fact, the only reason it bothered me in the first place was because I thought it might be someone taking TONS of pictures throughout the ride.

When I got off of SSE, I realized what the flash was for, but it still wasn't too big of a deal to me. Those stupid warning video screens MUST GO though. I remember when the entry tunnel was so dark that you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. That was good storytelling, because it kind of set the scene for the whole ride while you listened to the "communications chatter" and the intro narration. I remember when all you could see in the tunnel was the "purple haze lightning" screen.

I hope they do take out that stupid warning at the beginning. Has anyone else noticed that they don't actually warn you about the drop in POTC anymore? They used to have that Skeleton Head that warned you about "rough waters ahead," and "keep your ruddy hands inside the boat." Anyway, I would think a warning would be more appropriate in POTC than SSE.


Well-Known Member
Here is a link to the video I shot today - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8peChOrSCfQ

It is very brief - only about 20 seconds, but hopefully it will give you an idea of what the ascent tunnel is like now with the flash added.

I couldn't get a shot of the kiosk in Project Future as the CMs were standing around it. I went up and watched them "play" with it, but they never acknowledged me. I also have a shot of the wall around the Leave a Legacy kiosk, but it's not terribly exciting.


Well-Known Member
I went on SSE today, and there was nothing. Zip. Nadda. No flash, and no sign of anything that was there, so I assume it's over. Drats.

Anyhoo, there will be a big old honkin' update up tomorrow!

Good news!
Bad news!
Star Wars!
Shuttle launch!

It'll be a big one alright!


Well-Known Member
Here is a link to the video I shot today - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8peChOrSCfQ

It is very brief - only about 20 seconds, but hopefully it will give you an idea of what the ascent tunnel is like now with the flash added.

I couldn't get a shot of the kiosk in Project Future as the CMs were standing around it. I went up and watched them "play" with it, but they never acknowledged me. I also have a shot of the wall around the Leave a Legacy kiosk, but it's not terribly exciting.

Thanks for the video. The flash seems pretty distracting/annoying [to me], but I am sensitive to bright lights anyway - especially when flashed in my face.


Well-Known Member
They were still testing it yesterday, so it could be it's just going to be an on/off thing for a bit while they work out the bugs. Guess I just got lucky... Glad I thought to videotape it!
I read all of the posts, and i can't really see a definite reason as to why exactly these are being used. Can someone help me out with that?

What would happen if someone's head was turned at that portion of the ride?

Has anyone else noticed that they don't actually warn you about the drop in POTC anymore? They used to have that Skeleton Head that warned you about "rough waters ahead," and "keep your ruddy hands inside the boat." Anyway, I would think a warning would be more appropriate in POTC than SSE.

When they said they were gonna take that skull out, I got very confused. Because when he was there, he was what we call a "101 figure" which is a figure that, if it's not working right, the ride goes "101" or is shut down. And that was because it was considered a safety warning. It just seemed weird that when he was there, he was so important as far as safety goes, and then they just took him out and now it's very dark there with the sound of rushing water your only warning.

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