Something I forgot to mention yesterday- it seems like there was something strange afoot with the power distribution throughout Future World Central yesterday. I came in, and immediately noticed that the East whirly-gigs were all stopped, but the West ones were all going. I walked into Electric Umbrella, and the big wall sign just inside the front entrance was off. Over at the breezeway, the whirly-gig lights were on, but half the ceiling lights were off. I walked over to the West breezeway, and those whirly-gig lights were off, and so were all of the ceiling lights. Then, after I'd walked away from there for a bit, the West whirly-gigs stopped, too. By the time I came back to the Plaza in the evening, everything was back on.
That would be wonderful, but I wouldn't get your hopes up that that's what's going on. I have a little bit of a feeling that that sign's been like that for a while. So it's possible that it is totally meaningless.