News Expose reveals WDC control in online fan community


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
I’m also surprised people think leakers didn’t have an agenda. There are only two types of leakers, naive ones and political ones.

That's with regard to information meant to be secret, whether it's boardroom intrigue or plans that marketing wants to control.

There's other information that is "ordinarily secret" but "no big thing if revealed." This is stuff that a lot of people have access to up and down the corporate chain, all the business partners and vendors are in on, and all their family members and best friends. E.g., I posted about my one and only personal insider contact I have that there will be a Coke stand eventually installed in SWL. That's because I know a person involved in making that happen. Many of our insiders here are business associates of Disney and thus the source of their insider knowledge.

A real insider has said that Disney normally doesn't care about such types of leaks. Apparently, some imagineers can't stop blabbing about stuff they're working on (and if it's in the Blue Sky phase of development, often doesn't come to pass, and thus all those rumors that never go anywhere). It's the palace intrigue and the really big stuff that marketing wants to reveal that are truly secret and are true "leaks."

Outside of Marvel, however, I see the other divisions failing. I can’t believe they just dumped all of 20thCF film slate, why in the world do you buy a film studio and then shut it down?

All of the 20CF films were not dumped.

Additionally, resources at Fox TV and Studios are being diverted for Disney+.


Well-Known Member
Just want to say that I'm quite impressed that someone who joined the board yesterday has already mastered the multi quote. I think it took me a year to figure that out.

Unless of course they are either a professional message board contributor or have been here before under a different name.
Ya think? ;) The funniest part is they seem to think no one has noticed... In my 7+ years here (some more active than others), this has been the wildest couple days I can remember. Most of the actual Spirit threads themselves didn’t cause this much hullabaloo in such a short span.


Well-Known Member
Just want to say that I'm quite impressed that someone who joined the board yesterday has already mastered the multi quote. I think it took me a year to figure that out.

Unless of course they are either a professional message board contributor or have been here before under a different name.
Or they could have other forum/s they go to, which they've been a part of before this, that also uses Xen.


Well-Known Member
That's with regard to information meant to be secret, whether it's boardroom intrigue or plans that marketing wants to control.

There's other information that is "ordinarily secret" but "no big thing if revealed." This is stuff that a lot of people have access to up and down the corporate chain, all the business partners and vendors are in on, and all their family members and best friends. E.g., I posted about my one and only personal insider contact I have that there will be a Coke stand eventually installed in SWL. That's because I know a person involved in making that happen. Many of our insiders here are business associates of Disney and thus the source of their insider knowledge.

A real insider has said that Disney normally doesn't care about such types of leaks. Apparently, some imagineers can't stop blabbing about stuff they're working on (and if it's in the Blue Sky phase of development, often doesn't come to pass, and thus all those rumors that never go anywhere). It's the palace intrigue and the really big stuff that marketing wants to reveal that are truly secret and are true "leaks."

All of the 20CF films were not dumped.

Additionally, resources at Fox TV and Studios are being diverted for Disney+.

I’ll give you contractors, but creative (and that includes imagineers) I consider high up, just because their angle is “I want my project to get the green light so I’ll show management fans want it” doesn’t mean it’s an angle. Also I’m aware I oversimplified the 20CF stuff but they did essentially shut down most of the mothership (searchlight not included.). I was really hoping Disney was going to make 20CF the new touchstone, and now that’s in doubt. I feel there can and should be a place in the new company where “adult movies” can be made separate from the family stuff.


Well-Known Member
I’ll give you contractors, but creative (and that includes imagineers) I consider high up, just because their angle is “I want my project to get the green light so I’ll show management fans want it” doesn’t mean it’s an angle. Also I’m aware I oversimplified the 20CF stuff but they did essentially shut down most of the mothership (searchlight not included.). I was really hoping Disney was going to make 20CF the new touchstone, and now that’s in doubt. I feel there can and should be a place in the new company where “adult movies” can be made separate from the family stuff.
Walt Disney Imagineering is not inherently “high up.” They have interns and fresh graduates working there. They also hire out work to third parties. Even a production grunt has to know some things to get their work done.


Well-Known Member
Walt Disney Imagineering is not inherently “high up.” They have interns and fresh graduates working there. They also hire out work to third parties. Even a production grunt has to know some things to get their work done.

Then those would fall into my “naive” category and they will either learn to shut up fast or be fired when they leak a big enough secret.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, IMHO the best thing is to be a fan who appreciates the great stuff and also acknowledges the WDC is a large organization made of imperfect human beings who will make poor choices. To flip that around, I may roll my eyes at Stitch’s Great Escape and the Hunt for Jack Sparrow Ride, yet I still get the same sense of — yes, Magic — when I walk under that train station.

I have a PhD in Psychology and work in medical education. Whenever I visit Walt Disney World, I am regularly passed over by Disney Research cast members. I know that I am not part of the Walt Disney Company's target demographic. I regularly think about the financial cost of my three trips per year, to a resort owned by a multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate, and how I could be exploring London, Paris, and Rome, rather than touring World Showcase. Moreover, I am an EPCOT Center purist, but, as a social scientist, know that attraction narratives, like that of Spaceship Earth, are the perspectives of a corporation.

From 2017 to 2018, in the nine months before my Mom passed, I was able to take her to Walt Disney World three times. On one occasion, she was the Grand Marshal of the Festival of Fantasy parade. Before and after the parade, a Photopass photographer whisked my Mom and I around Main Street for dozens of photos. I cannot begin to express how happy she was in the moment and the joy I take in looking at those photos on our wall everyday. From a table near Casey's Corner to the wheelchair seating row of Impressions de France, I have numerous spots throughout the park where I can recall fond memories with my Mom.

I do not labor under the misapprehension that the Walt Disney Company is benevolent and virtuous. On Sunday, I know that the announcements for Epcot will disappoint me as they will likely be a significant departure from a celebration of human achievement. Although the Walt Disney Company will continue to experience scandals, like John Lasseter's misconduct, and Walt Disney World will continue to change, the parks and resorts provide memorable time with my family. Time is the most precious gift and one does not realize its value until it begins to run out. For better or worse, my most cherished memories have been at Walt Disney World, made possible by the Walt Disney Company.


Active Member
Quotes ..... This post is gonna be a big one! :O
Star Jones said something that I always remembered and used in business "The feet you step on today, are connected to the A** you're gonna have to kiss tomorrow" EVERYONE should remember that.
Amazing quote I am going to remember this for quite some time, do you mind if I share this around? Credit will be given of course......
It's pretty implicit in the post where he says the whole truth can't be said because there's an innocent third party who would be outed/hurt in the process. Thus, implying, the charges are correct and he's pleading nolo contendere.
Interesting legal argument here thanks for the link it's certainly a new way of looking at it for me but, it confirms what my existing thoughts and what I knew, internally. Legal jargon is not my thing but always nice to see how fields, and topics can connect to each other.
except for newly created accounts to react to every single post as if whatever they're trying to do matters.
Calling me out ..... Lol I'm just here for the drama found about all this yesterday and it's quite fun to follow, I've been a part of some other internet drama before but this one takes the cake!! The companies, and people, involved are all much higher stakes than other online communities that I have been a part of.....
The thing that was shocking was the Iger/Eisner angle and that Disney has potentially active sleeper agents posting. Mainly because I always assumed that Disney monitored this site at a distant and acted through trusted insiders to try and control the message I frankly thought we were beneath them to warrant such time
I am not going to sugar coat anything I say I would have said the same thing before all this blew up, as far as I knew the only people working on a "Grander scale" so to speak were nation states, after all that's what you think of, when you think of propaganda. Not corporations.
I think, the vast VAST majority of us all were surprised when this all came out.
FlyerTalk has this for many of the hotel/airlines and it would be really great to have someone around who could answer trip planning questions, Fastpass issues and the like. It would build some good will.
Definitely agree with this I mentioned something like this but it would be great to have reps on fan and community boards like this, in an official capacity. I am on some other boards that do that and some of the reps have the best understanding of the community culture, and are some of the most well liked, and respected, members on the board.
Just want to say that I'm quite impressed that someone who joined the board yesterday has already mastered the multi quote. I think it took me a year to figure that out.

Unless of course they are either a professional message board contributor or have been here before under a different name.
Not a professional contributor but a "Professional" ....... I spend a lot of time on the internet, got quite used to all the various forum software out there. I'm not here to influence anything, in fact if you think that, discount my posts entirely and take what I have to say with a grain of salt. I'm not on any side here but MY OWN .......
The funniest part is they seem to think no one has noticed..
Oh believe me but I have! Lol
Or they could have other forum/s they go to, which they've been a part of before this, that also uses Xen.
Spot on


Well-Known Member
I still haven’t figured it out...
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the bottom +QuoteReply buttons work the same way except they reply or quote whole posts
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Active Member
Taking the time, to put a link to this post here on the other Drama thread on this board related to this topic .......

Looking at this post, and the one I posted below it we can see, the TP2000 account "Loved" one of my posts mentioning it connecting it to Troy Porter ..... but nothing else. I'm hoping that he will message my direct inbox but I am extremely doubtful that anything will happen, besides being ignored or more posts being reacted to, like this, if I post about other connections.

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