Expedition: EVEREST to open in January


New Member
This is closer than i expected. i thought Spring! This ride is definatley what AK needed to spruce things up. they Needed A Coaster.


New Member
*Sigh* - remembers Test Track opening dates.
Yeah!!! How many YEARS did that take to open? was it 2? Man that was the definition of disappointment...Follow Lee's advice, don't book a trip based on possible soft openeings....or soft openings, at all.


Well-Known Member
sabian said:
Yeah!!! How many YEARS did that take to open? was it 2? Man that was the definition of disappointment...Follow Lee's advice, don't book a trip based on possible soft openeings....or soft openings, at all.
I've mentioned it before but, we're not going to see TT delays with Everest. TT was brand-new, complex, proprietary, one-of-a-kind technology for the ride vehicles. EE is simply themed roller coaster technology that, i hate to say it, has been done before (Mummy). DON'T GET ME WRONG: I think that EE is going to be awesome and has the potential to blow Mummy out of the water. I'm just saying the technology is the same, so we're very unlikely to see TT delays with EE.


Well-Known Member
I see Soft Openings by early December.. Anyone notice the trend that they are cutting it closer and closer?...


Well-Known Member
I think they still have too much to do to hold soft openings this year..they still have a lot of exterior work to do (the mountain itself isn't finished), I can't imagine how long the interior work is going to take...not to mention the ride itself...etc...

We're five months into the year already lets not forget...I think January '06 is possible, but even then that may be pushing it a bit close....

Still judging by all the latest construction pics we've seen, this is looking like its going to be the best attraction ever built by Disney...


Well-Known Member
From one of the pictures I have seen posted here.. The rock work is coming along great. The exterior is also springing along very quickly. They still have 7 months till the start of December.. Anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
objr said:
Still judging by all the latest construction pics we've seen, this is looking like its going to be the best attraction ever built by Disney...

Well that would be nice, but if EE can be put in the same sentence as Splash Mountain, Tower of Terror, Indiana Jones Adventure, or Spider Man, then we should all be in for a big treat. It's getting tougher and tougher for me not to get super excited about it.


New Member
The_CEO said:
I see Soft Openings by early December.. Anyone notice the trend that they are cutting it closer and closer?...

If that news story is true then I think they are shooting for opening on regular schedule in Jan. To me I don't see them trying to shoot for soft openings in Jan. I am almost positive they want to have this ride rolling for the Christmas holiday. I they are that close to having the ride open then I know they will put some more man power into it to get it done. I think they are further along then we think. I am beginning to supect the ride will be ready for soft opening in early Dec and shooting for regular daily operation in Jan.


Premium Member
I'd be so happy if I could ride it in December, but I'll only be there the 1st and 2nd so I won't get my hopes up.


Well-Known Member
Lynx04 said:
If that news story is true then I think they are shooting for opening on regular schedule in Jan. To me I don't see them trying to shoot for soft openings in Jan. I am almost positive they want to have this ride rolling for the Christmas holiday. I they are that close to having the ride open then I know they will put some more man power into it to get it done. I think they are further along then we think. I am beginning to supect the ride will be ready for soft opening in early Dec and shooting for regular daily operation in Jan.

Nobody knows for sure what percent is complete. But to me.. It seems atleast 7 5% complete.. 85% by end of summer.. Perhaps? If Xtreme Home Makeover can build a house in 7 days.. Disney has the power to do this before christmas breaks.
I mean, the trains are on the tracks..


New Member
One of the things that I have noticed from the pics is that they are working from the bottom up with all the skinning. At first I thought they would skin the outer part of the mountain then work on the inside. Having seen some of the pics of the inside it seems that they are just working from the ground up, with that in mind, it is would make logical sense to assume that when the mountain is fully skinned all the way up, then the inside is pretty much done as well. But we all know that assumptions are the mother of all foul ups. Unfortunately, assuming is all we can do.


Well-Known Member
Even if it is fully skinned on the inside, it'd be just like USOs' Popeye ride, which had to have some serious work done to it, because some of the parts of the flumes came to the walls and at one point in the ride, it could take a persons head off. They'd have to run the Donkeys through it serval times to see if all the parts are just right. I'd say the ride is more along the lines of 55% or lower done.


New Member
Pirate665 said:
Even if it is fully skinned on the inside, it'd be just like USOs' Popeye ride, which had to have some serious work done to it, because some of the parts of the flumes came to the walls and at one point in the ride, it could take a persons head off. They'd have to run the Donkeys through it serval times to see if all the parts are just right. I'd say the ride is more along the lines of 55% or lower done.

Agreed, the trains will have to be tested for an extended period time before they can even start guest testing. I would think that the ride wouldn't start guest testing until after at least 45 to 60 days after trains start testing, with everything running smoothly. Like some else mentioned, the attraction is mostly a rollercoaster and shouldn't require much more testing then any other testing. If their are indeed show scenes envoled, a lot of the testing would be tweaking the sync of the show and ride elements.

I would say the attraction is more along the lines of 75% to 80% finished, that doesn't include testing. Half of the ride is the steal support and track which has been completed.

Also, if you think about it, the attraction was announced in April of 2003 and was stated to be completed at the earliest end of 2005 and no later then April of 2005. Being that we are 2 years into a 2 1/2 to 3 year project, even at the very latest the attracion is 2/3 completed. If this story is correct then the attraction is closer to 80%. Just deductive logic.


Well-Known Member
Even though the track and supports are in, you have to think of the electrical, lighting, emergency equipment, ride control system programing/installation, as well as painting, costume cordination (changes can be made at the last minute), Fastpass programing/installation, ride safety training and twiking, plus anyother little add ons. These are the things that take the longest. Esp. electrical work and programing work. These are crucial and cannot be screwed up or else the whole thing will never get off the ground.


New Member
Pirate665 said:
Even though the track and supports are in, you have to think of the electrical, lighting, emergency equipment, ride control system programing/installation, as well as painting, costume cordination (changes can be made at the last minute), Fastpass programing/installation, ride safety training and twiking, plus anyother little add ons. These are the things that take the longest. Esp. electrical work and programing work. These are crucial and cannot be screwed up or else the whole thing will never get off the ground.

Electrical and lighting: Majority done before skinning.
Ride System (track): Installed
Ride System (program): Handled during testing
Painting: Part of the skinning process
Costumes: Done by a separate department and could have already been completed, really not affected by the construction of the attraction.
Ride Safety: during testing
Fast Pass: be installed during testing.

Some of these things are done while other areas are being worked on, or are commengled with other parts of the construction.

The one projects that I am not certian about when it comes to length is, how long will it take to do the landscaping? Not the ground shifting but the adding trees and other plants.

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