January is Iffy
So I was out at the EE site taking photos on May 8, '05 and a gentleman and his family was standing next to me. He was telling his family how great the ride would. Thinking he was just a member of the general public and not someone who reads Disney forum boards I volunteered that parts of the ride would go backwards. Well guess who was being a know-it-all here.
Turns out this fellow is part of the construction crew. "Oh yes", he says. "That's in scene five where one of my guy's was working on the torn up tracks. If you look to the peak on the left side you can see where we started sculpting some of the ice, [looks like a blue/white ice cap]. That continues on to scene 7 where the train is reversed again. There is a big room in scene 9 where the snow billows out; it's really huge in there."
He then takes out his digital camera and sure enough there is a shot of someone standing in the middle of track that is looping around in different directions. He also showed me some shots from the peak at sunrise/sunset? "You can easily see the Swan and Dolphin and on some days all the way into Orlando."
OK, he's made me a believer. Someone that actually knows what they are talking about. I pressed, rumor is out for an opening as early as January. What about that?
"It could be possible. By law there has to be six months of ride testing. Normally, we would have added the rock work starting at the top and going down. Any debris from above would be covered as we when down the mountain side. However, by starting at the bottom and working up we finish the lower part where the ride is and can begin testing early while we continue to finish out the top. The ride track itself only reaches to about 100 feet below the top peak. One mistake made is they forgot to figure on the time it will take to remove the pins that stick out all over the mountain that support the scaffolds. When those come out there has to be patching of all the holes that are left. So if we can start testing in August we could meet a January open." So that's why we see blue tarps over the tracks, to protect it from rock work material? "Yea, the concrete is messy. Some of it on the inside is even Saran wrapped."
Ooooh! Juicy info to be sure. How about the Yeti? Seen it yet? "No, it isn't here yet, but I have a photo of the foot print that is part of the mountain."
He when on to explain the way the projects are contracted out. First, Imagineering figures out what it will cost to do the project and puts out a price quotation. Then third-party vendors bid for the project and if they can do it less expensively they are contracted to do the work. If they fall behind schedule Disney takes the project back over with their own people to see that it gets finished. "I don't work for the third-party contractors. I work for the Disney Company. When I started on this there were only 20 on my team. Now there are over 200 of us working on EE."
Interesting stuff hu? Had he not pointed out the blue ice cap to me I would have missed it even though I was trying to get all possible angles. I'm planning on another trip in October/November and then again in January/February so maybe things will progress along enough for an early '06 open. :sohappy:
I was finally able to rescue some damaged images off my flash card and save a shot of the 1st icecap peak discussed above. See the