Expedition Everest: Ride Review, que floops, Tarzan last shows, and Yeti Paint? Pics!


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Helloo, all Thimblekisses is probobly kill me for posting, she does pics and I do video, BUT, I find this must be told sooner than she can. So, We went to this cast previews today and got to ride it 4 times! First, The ride:

Now, The ride was amazing. I was entertained the entire length of the ride, I don't see what the big fuss was about the greenery before the first lift, but it went by so fast, I didn;t even notice it much. One thing I thought was cool, small thing, but that the lifts, other then the first few feet, don't clack as you go up, aka, Thunder Mountain. I love the backwards motion, but again, not a big thing, but you could see a bit of the inside of the mountain during the backwards part. Ehh, a bit of light inside the structure, it might get fixed. The way to come opon the yeti is NOT viewed very well, or really at all in the two videos that were released, (mine will be much better!) But for anyone who wants to know, I did NOT film, I don't think its right to do it now. Next weekend, it's fair game! But this weekend no. The big drop got us some HUGE air in the back of the train! It was awsome! I like the yeti shadow, I didn't think it was bad at all, but that's just me. Oh, now there is one more thing.... oh yes, the YETI! He was soo amazing! and the first ride, (which happened to be in the front cab!) really scared me when he came at us, I don't want to be a spoiler so I wont make many other comments on it other than that,and the fact that ALL of the merchindise has this snowy white Yei, when the real one is more brown and weathered. AS to merchindise, There was tons of it! Below was my selections of the day..

YETI Bennie! It just seemed fitting for some reason, they also had these awsome snowglobes that had motors in them to make the snow move! They had Tons of stuff, AND they had a picture pick up Which leads me to think where do they take your picture?? Looking forward to the full AP opening and then full opening.

Second, the que was very nice! Looks to look at, but as with all previews things were not done, blue painters tape was everywhere with writting on it for what was to be there. We found two thing note worth, one being this book in one of the glass cases,

can anyone say Joe Rhode?

Second, This sad piece,

Yeah, who knows who typed that..:lookaroun

So away from Everest for a second. We wanted to see Tarzan Rocks once more before it closed, and there was this person wearing this sad shirt that read, "Tarzan Rocked, 1999-2006" I thought is was very sad, but we enjoyed the show and got a nice video of it for archive.


Lastly, we went to get Corinne's face painted and this is what we found!

I think it's awsome! It's not a choice, but she had done it on half of her face that morning, I think it looks great! She said they were not allowed to do the whole face because it's too scarey, but she after her shift she was going to do it and then ride the ride again! I thought that was funny, and thought it would be nice for the Yeti to get a taste of his own fear!

Well That's all, but I will have a FULL DVD quality video as of next weekend open to everyone! So be on the lookout and keep an eye out for the yeti, he had to have been over 25 feet tall, He was massive, that's all I can say! Thanks to those who invited us, we had a blast!


Well-Known Member
Great report (as always) !

Good call, I think, on waiting to film.

Can't wait to get down there. Unfortunately it won't be before summer.



Thanks for the pics. I applaude you for not video taping YET! I always enjoy your updates. Keep 'em coming and have a magical weekend!


Well-Known Member
Someone forgot to mention they did not have a fastpass lol.

It was nice seeing you guys there, if it was only a few glances. Everest was so awesome. I loved everything about it. Can't wait to go back tomorrow and do the same thing and to see the very last performance of Tarzan.

We saw one show today, and it was so sad. Some of the cast started crying near the end. We were able to talk to a few of the performers after the show, and it seems that some are going to Tokyo, while some got offered jobs in Disney Broadway productions, namely Beauty and the Beast.


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ISTCrew20 said:
Someone forgot to mention they did not have a fastpass lol.

It was nice seeing you guys there, if it was only a few glances. Everest was so awesome. I loved everything about it. Can't wait to go back tomorrow and do the same thing and to see the very last performance of Tarzan.

We saw one show today, and it was so sad. Some of the cast started crying near the end. We were able to talk to a few of the performers after the show, and it seems that some are going to Tokyo, while some got offered jobs in Disney Broadway productions, namely Beauty and the Beast.

Thanks for the Tarzan info, I know we have been missing each other for like a year now, and we had that rushed meeting, but whatever, It was ncie to see you, and I agree, the ride rocked! I got a video of the 10:45 show today, so It was pretty good. Hay, We DID get fastpasses! they has half for the free gift, and half for real fastpasses. :)


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tk421-sw said:
We are not, as of yet, we were guests of two very cool castmembers!
2 VERY cool castmembers indeed!!!

The free gift was just so random. Neat, but just SO random.

What did you think of the bird? I don't know if it has been discussed here before, but I thought it was hilarious. It was just so dumb and pointless. We were dying all the way out in the parking lot, because you can actually see it raise and lower from all the way out there!


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ISTCrew20 said:
2 VERY cool castmembers indeed!!!

The free gift was just so random. Neat, but just SO random.

What did you think of the bird? I don't know if it has been discussed here before, but I thought it was hilarious. It was just so dumb and pointless. We were dying all the way out in the parking lot, because you can actually see it raise and lower from all the way out there!
It did seem pointless, there was talk about it in another thread, but yeah, It just goes up and then down. It was pretty funny, everything else i nthe ride has such good movemet, and then this plastic bird raises and lowers. :lol: It was great! And the gift was random but still cool!


Well-Known Member
It was a blast haning out with you two!!!! The best was the blue fire thingy! LOL Thought not really hearing the ride was the best!


New Member
More praise for the merchandise. :):):) That snowglobe your were speaking of is such a great piece of art. I bought one for myself last week and put it on my computer desk.


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OmegaKnight said:
More praise for the merchandise. :):):) That snowglobe your were speaking of is such a great piece of art. I bought one for myself last week and put it on my computer desk.

Ok, I don't know where this came from but.....:zipit: :lookaroun

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