Excellent Expedition Everest video


Active Member
I've been going back and forth whether or not I want to ride Everest when I'm there in a couple weeks. The problem is I have a very weak stomach, and I wouldn't want this to ruin my day. But the video didn't make it seem to intense neausa-wise.

Anybody have any thoughts? How does it compare with Big Thunder, or Space Mountain?


I've been going back and forth whether or not I want to ride Everest when I'm there in a couple weeks. The problem is I have a very weak stomach, and I wouldn't want this to ruin my day. But the video didn't make it seem to intense neausa-wise.

Anybody have any thoughts? How does it compare with Big Thunder, or Space Mountain?

Hi, I am VERY VERY easily nauseated (even in the front seat of a car) and I didn't get sick on this at all. It's a lot of fun...maybe you could try it at the end of your day? That way if you get sick you can just go back to the hotel & not ruin your day?


Well-Known Member
Great video!!! Wow, this guy must have taken some serious time working on it. The music was a tad annoying...IMO Although I liked seeing some queue stuff because we used a rider-swap so I went in through the exit. Thanks for sharing!!

I've been going back and forth whether or not I want to ride Everest when I'm there in a couple weeks. The problem is I have a very weak stomach, and I wouldn't want this to ruin my day. But the video didn't make it seem to intense neausa-wise.

Anybody have any thoughts? How does it compare with Big Thunder, or Space Mountain?

I think it compares more with The Matterhorn at Disney, with some Big Thunder-like turns, and the drop is a bit more intense than Splash Mountain. HTH. I say go for it!! Brave the mountain!


Active Member
The only place where anyone can get easily sick on this ride is when you go backwards and even then it's really only the first time you ride it. After that, you expect it. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just unexpected and the videos obviously can't show what happens when you go backwards. But the ride is tons of fun and you can't pass it up...

About the video though, couldn't they have found any better music than the Casino Royale soundtrack?


I've been going back and forth whether or not I want to ride Everest when I'm there in a couple weeks. The problem is I have a very weak stomach, and I wouldn't want this to ruin my day. But the video didn't make it seem to intense neausa-wise.

Anybody have any thoughts? How does it compare with Big Thunder, or Space Mountain?

I am the same way, and most motion sickness meds put me to sleep, but I did find that Walgreens sells their version of Dramamine Less Drowsy formula and it works great. It doesn't slow me down one bit, it works all day and it allows me to ride whatever ride I want to, even if it would have made me sick in the past. I recommend it completely!


Well-Known Member
I am the same way, and most motion sickness meds put me to sleep, but I did find that Walgreens sells their version of Dramamine Less Drowsy formula and it works great. It doesn't slow me down one bit, it works all day and it allows me to ride whatever ride I want to, even if it would have made me sick in the past. I recommend it completely!

Sweet...I have got to try this stuff next time we go down next March. Expedition Everest (the backwards part) and RnRC (the take off at the beginning) really messed with my stomach. I was fine with everything else there. Thanks for the info!!!:wave:


Well-Known Member
The backwards part on Everest caught me *way* off guard! But for the big drop I was totally fine. I was nervous at first but I loved the ride so much we got right back in line to do it again. :D

Thanks for posting the video!


Sweet...I have got to try this stuff next time we go down next March. Expedition Everest (the backwards part) and RnRC (the take off at the beginning) really messed with my stomach. I was fine with everything else there. Thanks for the info!!!:wave:

No problem! hope it helps. The only ride that I still can not stomach even with motion sickness meds is the Tea Cups. Getting older has totally taken it's toll on my ability to stomach spinning rides, used to love the Tea Cups as a kid, but just can't do it anymore. Sad.


I am the same way, and most motion sickness meds put me to sleep, but I did find that Walgreens sells their version of Dramamine Less Drowsy formula and it works great. It doesn't slow me down one bit, it works all day and it allows me to ride whatever ride I want to, even if it would have made me sick in the past. I recommend it completely!

Sorry, I know it's a bit of a thread drift, but it's important!
If you decide to try a motion sickness remedy, please try it before your vacation! I tried Bonine to prepare for Mission:Space and :snore:slept for 12 hrs! Thank heaven I was at home!!!:rolleyes:
Everybody reacts differently to medication! ;)


New Member
About the video though, couldn't they have found any better music than the Casino Royale soundtrack?

I agree. The music is good, but didn't really seem to fit as a soundtrack to the ride video. The music was much more dramatic than the ride even comes close to being. In fact, as I was watching it, I was sitting here chuckling at the first part of the ride, where the music was really dramatic, as if to suggest something really exciting is happening...and it's the most boring, slow part of the ride. :lol:

I also thought the part where the train gets to the broken track, and the video suddenly switches to a dramatic zoom-in of the mountain, seemed a bit cheesy. Also, I was a bit distracted by having to see the guy's bald head in the seat in front of our POV throughout the entire video. I've never understood why someone goes to the trouble of shooting a video, meant for editing and posting on YouTube, but they don't select a better seat for the POV. :lol:

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