everything is so corporate


New Member
Original Poster
just got back from my 14 day trip, fist one since 2003, had a great time but my biggest bug bear, was how everything has become so bland and corperate.
the bags are all the same, the mugs are all the same, all the stores now seems to sell the same stuff, the food is the same all served on the same paper plate, even the napkins are now all the same, the 50's diner and the scifi diner used to have there own now thats all gone. i was bored looking at it, i was fed up seeing it everywhere. so much merchandise was the same evreywhere it actaully put me off buying anything as it was obviosly so massed produced, what was the point, i could get it any where, and the park stuff isnt even wdw exclusive thats all gone to disney parks.
any one else feel the same or am i now in post vacation depression?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
The merchandise has been creeping that way for quite a while, it just continues to get worse.

The food being all the same is thanks to the DDP.


Well-Known Member
The napkins, it's probably more of a "cost effective" measure than a corporate thing.

Food... depends on where you eat. It's certainly not the same throughout World Showcase, or any Table service restaurant. Counter service? Sure, because that's basically WDW's fast food arm.

And what exactly are you expecting to see merchandise wise? What are these "same stores" that you are referring to?


Active Member
Your observation was first apparent to me as well a couple of years ago.
When we were touring the World Showcase at Epcot in 2007 I noticed the merchandise offered in the shops was very different from what was available before in 1987 and 1990, the last time we had been there. Less specific, less unique and more generic. We definately left with less souvenirs purchased than in previous years. For example, one item available in 1987 in Germany was a T-shirt with Mickey wearing lederhosen with "Epcot World Showcase Germany" splashed across and the country outline behind with the country flag. Each country had its own specific t-shirt, and other merchandise, not anymore, sadly. I only noticed shirts that were more country specific with no correlation to Epcot or WDW. Most of the items I could have purchased online form some other store.
It is a sign of the times, especially in large corporations looking to cut costs, it is an area easy to find a quick savings. Unfortunately it can take away from the general atmosphere or the unique flavor of the park, attraction, restaurant, or shop, etc.


I kind of get what the OP is trying to say...I have gone each year for several years now, and it definitely seems to be trending towards more corporate style branding etc. Every store sells exactly the same merchandise, except of course at the ones that the thrill rides dump you into afterwards. Many of those at least are geared towards the theme of the ride. But what bothers me most, is that you don't really get any benefit by going to the parks and buying a stuffed animal there...it used to be you got the official disney park stuffed animals and other merchandise and it was exciting only available at the parks etc. But now, with the Disney Store and online stores, you can get anything anywhere with overnight shipping, and it kind of takes away from the going there to florida and getting that special merchandise, gift etc....


Well-Known Member
But what bothers me most, is that you don't really get any benefit by going to the parks and buying a stuffed animal there...it used to be you got the official disney park stuffed animals and other merchandise and it was exciting only available at the parks etc. But now, with the Disney Store and online stores, you can get anything anywhere with overnight shipping, and it kind of takes away from the going there to florida and getting that special merchandise, gift etc....

This I agree with. I miss the days of "You can only get this *IN* WDW!".


Well-Known Member
I noticed (and lamented) this trend. Big difference in attraction/park/resort specific merchandise available between my trip in '98 and my next trip in '06. And it seems to have gone down even more - my last trip in Dec. '08 I think I came home with 2 shotglasses.


Well-Known Member
I definitely do not like how the same merchandise is sold in all the stores as well. It takes away from the fun in shopping. I still like to go in all the stores but heck nothing different is found anywhere.


This I agree with. I miss the days of "You can only get this *IN* WDW!".

I miss that too. In one respect it's nice to get that item you might have thought "gee I wish I bought that," but now you can pretty much get it anywhere you want.

There are pretty much 'specialised' carts and stores for each ride, but even those are starting to get the corporate feel to them.

Napkins I can kind of see. Bags too, but it was so cool when you could bring that item to someone you bought it for in the bag that had Walt Diseny World on it. Made it feel more special than the Disney Theme Parks bags they have now.



Well-Known Member
Most of us love Disney World, but sometimes it's good to take off the rose-colored glasses for a bit and realize Disney is not perfect.

I've actually been talking with my fiancee about the decline in WDW merchandise over the last decade--I spend less and less on merchandise each trip (and more and more on food...). Net effect, though, is that I don't spend as much in the parks now. I know guest spending is down, and I have to think it's not ONLY b/c of the economy. If there were more unique items to purchase, I think guests would spend more money, but if money is tight AND merchandise is generic, people are less likely to splurge.

hpyhnt 1000

Well-Known Member
Unfortunately this fact is true. Whats the point of shopping anymore if all the stores have the same merchandise? For example, why is it that when I walk into Club Cool in Epcot, I find merchandise that says "Disney's Hollywood Studios" on it? Are you @#*%# kidding me??? And the same thing with M:S. Why am I finding Star Tours stuff in there? Its unbelievable! Keep the park specific merchandise IN THE PARK WHERE IT BELONGS!!! :brick:


Well-Known Member
If it bugs you so much stay home, shorter lines for me.

This tells me you don't really understand a major focus on Disney theme parks. It is supposed to be an experience that you cannot gain anywhere else in the world. Marketing and merchandising is a huge part of that experience. Not to mention the premium prices that can be charged for unique items. A balance needs to be found but 'staying at home' should not be your, nor Disney's, answer.


Well-Known Member
This is definately a major issue and another example of what needs to be changed in the World. Main Street used to have unique shops, now it's all one giant disney department store. There is no longer a need to go to a certain area or store to get a certain item. There are some items unique to the resorts and the WS but for the most part every souvenier is available everywhere. I dont want to be able to buy the same merchandise at Tink's Teasures as I do in DTD or Frontierland. Kind of takes away from the fun of finding that perfect souvenier.

Greed is NOT good...it waters everything down for mass consumption
Unfortunately this fact is true. Whats the point of shopping anymore if all the stores have the same merchandise? For example, why is it that when I walk into Club Cool in Epcot, I find merchandise that says "Disney's Hollywood Studios" on it? Are you @#*%# kidding me??? And the same thing with M:S. Why am I finding Star Tours stuff in there? Its unbelievable! Keep the park specific merchandise IN THE PARK WHERE IT BELONGS!!! :brick:
Guest spend is down on merch and food, due to economy/cost cutting.

Is keeping the merchandise theme-specific going to buck that trend? I don't think so.

Star Tours/Mission Space merch in each other's "area" is just another way of filling up the shelves in the relative stores. Disney are clearly not keeping the supply up as there is no demand for it. Simple economics.


Active Member
The homogenization of merchandise is terrible, but Disney are simply putting what sells onto the shelves. Sadly, attraction-specific and unique stuff is less popular and HSM, Stitch and Hannah Montana are very popular. As a company increasingly obsessed with the bottom-line, it's too much to ask at this stage that Disney sides with theme over profit.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Guest spend is down on merch and food, due to economy/cost cutting.

Is keeping the merchandise theme-specific going to buck that trend? I don't think so.

Star Tours/Mission Space merch in each other's "area" is just another way of filling up the shelves in the relative stores. Disney are clearly not keeping the supply up as there is no demand for it. Simple economics.

Utter bollocks. The merchandise has been steadily homogenised for years, or are you saying Mystic Mickey foresaw the financial crisis ahead of the worlds financial experts.

What happened to resort merchandise, attraction specific, park/WDW specific, its all been replaced by High School Musical 9035 and Walmart available made in China dross.

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