Everybody Loves MJ--Everyone Welcome!


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
Just to add my 2 cents here, my check engine light came on a few times a couple of years ago, so I had to get it checked out. It turned out that I was not tightening the gas cap tight enough after pumping gas. It was the cheapest auto repair I've ever had!

Well, considering the shocks are gone, the car wobbles and tilts on its axis when you go above 50 mph, the transmission is shot, and it slips in and out of gear randomly... I'd say the engine light is just a harbinger of more things to come. :(


Well-Known Member
DisneyBunny said:
Well, considering the shocks are gone, the car wobbles and tilts on its axis when you go above 50 mph, the transmission is shot, and it slips in and out of gear randomly... I'd say the engine light is just a harbinger of more things to come. :(
Ahhh - reminds me of a few cars I've had. My van has about 120,000 miles on it, but I can't even think about car payments right now, so I just treat it with kid gloves.


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
Ahhh - reminds me of a few cars I've had. My van has about 120,000 miles on it, but I can't even think about car payments right now, so I just treat it with kid gloves.

Marc's little Geo has around 115,000 on it. It's lasted a good while, and up till now we've had to do little to it. But at this point any repairs we did to it would cost more than the car is worth.


Well-Known Member
DisneyBunny said:
Marc's little Geo has around 115,000 on it. It's lasted a good while, and up till now we've had to do little to it. But at this point any repairs we did to it would cost more than the car is worth.
...and the trade-in value is nothing too. That's what we're up against with the van.


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
...and the trade-in value is nothing too. That's what we're up against with the van.

Exactly. We've been holding out since February, and luckily prices have come down since then on the car he wants. Maybe this week he'll get down to the dealership and see if he can negotiate it down to where we can afford it.


Well-Known Member
DisneyBunny said:
Exactly. We've been holding out since February, and luckily prices have come down since then on the car he wants. Maybe this week he'll get down to the dealership and see if he can negotiate it down to where we can afford it.
Good luck with that! At least now he's working from home, right?


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
Good luck with that! At least now he's working from home, right?

That does help a lot, but he still needs the car to make his once-a-week meeting at Hopkins. And it's a long drive in the city... the city driving makes me nervous. :lookaroun


Active Member
Nemo14 said:
...no PJ's those days I'm guessing.... :lol:

:lol: White shirt, dress pants. He won't even wear the nice colored shirts I bought for him. Dress for success, he always says. I say, they've always commented on how nice he looks in colors, but no... white shirts for him.

The problem is, they don't stay white for long. His coffee habit gets in the way.. :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
DisneyBunny said:
:lol: White shirt, dress pants. He won't even wear the nice colored shirts I bought for him. Dress for success, he always says. I say, they've always commented on how nice he looks in colors, but no... white shirts for him.

The problem is, they don't stay white for long. His coffee habit gets in the way.. :lookaroun
It took Dave about 7 years of our mariage before I could get him to wear even a pale blue dress shirt - now he's better about it, he's branched out to tan and cream! Gotta' love it!


New Member
Well, woke up to MJ being sick from her tummy on both ends :( It is especially bad when she throws up, that is dangerous with her fundoplication. We were planning on taking her swimming today, but that is not happening :(

Not sure what we'll do around here today......
Just a quick lunchtime hello! Didn't get on at all yesterday and haven't had a chance to catch up.

Dana, don't know if you're around - had to jump off the computer rather abruptly Sunday night, I didn't say goodbye, RUDE , sorry! Hope you and yours are well, no problems with the flood I saw on the news?

Everyone doing okay without Connor?:D (don't know if my smilies, work I'm on my mac at work)

Back to work!!


New Member
Hi Amy, nice to meet you and glad to have you. You'll find that MJ being sick is sort of a common thing around here with all of her medical issues. Thanks for the well wishes, hoepfully she'll be up and about by tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
:wave: Hi Bonny.
Sorry to hear about MJ. That sounds pretty scary, considering how likely she is to aspirate some of the vomit. And, of course, a sick child is often a miserable child... hope that she gets better soon.

I haven't been online much lately; I didn't forget you. :animwink: I'll try to remember to give you a call later, if I can remember my own name. *The past few days have been a bit of a blur, you see. Migraines.*


Well-Known Member
Hi Nibbs, Brenda and Amy!
And anyone else who happens to be lurking!

Bonny, hugs to the sick little one and to the mommy taking care of her!
And hugs to Nana, too!

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