Every adventure requires a first step,trite,but true even here!!!

Hey Everyone,I wanted to start this out with a pic of my trip journal(like in the last TR)but,I figured since there's plenty of room left in that same book for more Tr i'd make a title page instead.I found this perfectly appropriate quote from Alice In Wonderland.


My girls had mentioned that they wanted solo bday trips with mommy and originally I was supposed to be taking my oldest DD as a late bday in January,but she lost that due to behaviour issues,yep I know I'm mean ohwell!!!She now gets a chance to earn it back ,in the meantime I'm taking the youngest DD for her bday and mine during time that fits right in between the 2.she is now 7 but will be 8 at the time :( I knew I wanted to plan it ,but didn't know when and to be honest I didn't really take it seriously .....that is until about 210 days out when I went shopping over the border and found star wars material (this past trip[ we did star tours for the first time-a few times and she fell in love with it)

All that being said at 205 days out we booked our flights at an amazing rate(the cheapest i've ever found) and because I had flight credits to use ,they became so cheap that its as though 1 of us flies for free.203 days out I booked the trip portion.It's a short trip while the oldest DD will be home with daddy and I'm afraid to leave too long(thinking about how she'll be dressed for school frightens me to no end)So just me n Hailey aka "H" or whatever else i feel like calling her at the time and Me Carrie :D

Here's a pic from our last trip while riding expedition everest


This is going to be my cheapest trip ever and thats without any discounts yet,we're staying at AOA in an ariel room for 3 nights.


with no set plan for dining yet.We have until November 20th to decide that.I'm also very happy to say that I will again be seeing some of my fave magic ladies.If anyone has any non buffet dining suggestions please don't hesitate to share those with me.At this time I'm not doing the DDP because out of pocket when I can share meals with H is cheaper and just better for us(we eat smaller meals more often throughout the day,we're snackers really)


Well-Known Member
haha I love it!!!
If you saw the Pluto stuff I have... OMG LOL Heads up.... they have a Pluto plush pillow!!!! (of course DH got it for me in October) You had to hear the comments I got getting on the plane!! LOLOL (Mom?? you're going to be out $20!!!! on that one!! but WELL worth it to a Pluto lover!!)


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If you saw the Pluto stuff I have... OMG LOL Heads up.... they have a Pluto plush pillow!!!! (of course DH got it for me in October) You had to hear the comments I got getting on the plane!! LOLOL (Mom?? you're going to be out $20!!!! on that one!! but WELL worth it to a Pluto lover!!)
actually funny that you mention it,since my upcoming trip is to celebrate our bdays together I planned on getting the Pluto for her as part of her gift,I'm trying to decide how to get it in my room without her seeing.


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actually funny that you mention it,since my upcoming trip is to celebrate our bdays together I planned on getting the Pluto for her as part of her gift,I'm trying to decide how to get it in my room without her seeing.
Our last trip, DH bought me everything Pluto (and like I kid, I got teary eyed) At Magic Kingdom (Emporium) he got my Pluto Pillow, my Pluto Mug and 2 Pluto ornaments for the tree this Christmas. IMHO, check out the Emporium at Magic Kingdom, as well as the Pin Stations (I also received 4 Pluto pins) and have them delivered to your room. Every year, we search out Pluto merchandise, just wish they had a Pluto phone cover or Pluto Ipad cover. Trust me, every dang year, my DH goes on the hunt for Pluto merchandise LOL.. best of luck!!!!!!!!!


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OKay so knowing that a disney trip is coming up means making certain shopping trips for that adventure,and since we're not doing the dining plan this time(it's cheaper for me to share food with H )I would definitely have to buy more than the usual snacks to take.I usually like to pick things up here n there when I can rather than all in one trip...that being said H and I got quite a bit accomplished on Friday.WE even took a special guest with us for this shopping adventure.

Here is Hailey and her doll emma waiting for the bus


Our first order of business had nothing to do with Disney at all though,i had told her that if she kept her room clean all week that she could earn$5 to buy something for her doll(there are certain chores the kids have to do just because they do but when I need leverage I use it,and i'd been having a hard time recently getting her to do her share)She kept her room clean plus offered to help put away groceries so we where in search of something for the doll.I already knew what it was gonna be because h had informed me a few days earlier that emma was having a hard time seeing and she thought she might need reading glasses.H found a pair to try on too(the doll glasses are in her hand)


so emma and glasses in tow we set off in search of things to amuse Miss h on the plane and heres what we found......

colouring sets(1$ each)


and these magnet dress up sets that were 5$ each


after that we ventured over to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner that(I made shrimp alfredo if you wanted to know)and we decided to get some snacks for the trip here's our stash so far


it was a good little shopping day,but don't you worry there will be more of them later on,and i'll be back to fill you in on them too :D


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OKay so I've been away again for a while but I'm back in to tell you all the latest,it's sure been busy around here with getting stuff ready for Disney and doing probably more shopping than I'd like to admit and I've been taking Hailey to countless appointments to try and get to the bottom of her seizure disorder,but it seems like everytime we go to another appointment we leave with more questions than answers.I've also been going to some appointmnents of my own with a possible surgery to follow.

when Hailey went for bloodwork they made her a cotton ball bunny n I thought it was super cute


and since she was so brave and did so well we went out for lunch n treats together


My snack pile that i posted on here has gotten rather large and i defintely went a little overboard but with that I have some news......The manager of the property here has decided to come to Disney aswell and shes bringing her mother n 2 daughters(its sort of a trial run for her before she goes with her kids n hubby on their own)So ofcourse I will be touring them around a bit in between meeting some of fave Disney ladies(you know who you are).
I wanted to make sure that I had enough snacks so that if I have any guests at the resort I'd have something to offer them while they visit.

current snack pile pic (updated version lol)


also whenever i go to Disney I like to make up little goodie bags for my kids with different things they can use on the trip,travel sized toiletries and different gadgets to entertain them in long lines or on the airplane.I also usually will put a few snacks in these bags for park days so that they don't always have to ask me to retrieve these items out of my bag.So you'll see from time to time some pics of things I bought for the trip mixed with those items too,and i recently ordered Ariel themed birthday banner and streamers to decorate the room when H falls asleep on the first night.


I've got a friend on one of the forums that i frequent who does these disney themed movie nights with her family and it inspired me to want to do the same however mine didnt go so well,you see we had Lilo n stitch on Netflix when I was in the planning stages of it and that was the movie we were supposed to watch so I made kabobs of asian seasoned chicken and pineapple,and pulled pork sandwhiches on dinner buns and that was great I aslo made a hawaiian cake for my friends daughter since it was her birthday and we invited them along.Sadly though my netflix wasn't working that night...I even had hawaiian decorations.so here's what happened ,we watched Brave which was downloaded in our computer,ate the hawaiian themed food and then decided we'd through in candy decorated cookies to the mix to represent wreck it ralph so we did a mish mash night LOL,my camera battery died part way through n so here are the pics I did get.


Haileys cookie


Rileys cookie


and the other pics are on my friends phone so when /if I get those I'll post them here later on.This weekend I also had a guest from out of town that I was helping out with some things and that took up a good chunk of my time .I can't recall if I mentioned it or not but I had made BBB res for H n then she later told me she didn't want to do it because they hurt her hair the last time so we've since switched that to Pirates League yet again and she wants to do the mermaid package again,although i think this time i'll do her hair in 2 braids rather than having them do the twists because her hair is so baby fine that those twists just fall out and then this way the braids will stay put while they can still clip on the colour change flower.
I have a busy few weeks coming up so I may be away for a small amount of time once again ,but when ever anything changes or i have updates you can bet I'll be back her to inform you as soon as i can :D


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Hey everyone okay I hope you don't mind the real life updates but on one of the forums I post on those are the parts that I liked and made it different from the other pre reports I had read,so although on one it isn't as common I kinda like the idea and will do mini real life posts from time to time.So yesterday I went with my kids to my moms house because while one of my sisters was on a cruise in the bahamas I had put her on a mission to find straw disney purses(I had seen in somebody's tr somewhere) I don't live in the same town as my sister or my mom ,but its closer for my sister to get to my moms than it is for her to drive to me.So my sister was coming to bring my girls their gifts.So while we waited for her to come by we decided to play disney princess choutes and ladders and rudolph monopoly.



and i also recently got glasses,but please ignore my look as my hair isn't done and i have no make up on EEEEEKKKK

Oh and you gotta love haileys face in it LOL she's a nutter!


Eventually (an hour and a half after she was supposed to arrive)My sister showed up and gave the girls their little basket/purses.Hailey got ariel and riley got Cinderella.


Then my mom and step dad wanted to take us out to dinner so we hung out outside while they got ready to go and i took a pic of the girls just because.

it didnt come out very well at all but meh whatever!


after our dinner we went out to walmart because my stepdad saw some suitcases a few days prior that he wanted to buy the girls(Riley refused to let me show hers because she wants that to be in the tr for when her and i go in October)Hailey picked a kitten one and I remembered that i had wanted to include a pic of the bags my sister bought me for Christmas so i put them on the couch n took this.....


which led to Hailey wanting a pic with her suitcase,the girls are very vocal about what i should pout in my pre tr or tr's and these are their memories too so my moto is if it doesn't hurt anyone than why not right?


so again if you want to see the suitcase Riley chose you'll have to wait until a few months later,when I do the pre tr for that.Anyway this morning Hailey decided she wanted to start packing some things in her suitcase and that WE MUST take pics to post here(she makes me so proud)lol so here are her pics of her packing so far....


and of course Duffy needed to be in his "seatbelt" the only thying she has to pack is her clothes but being that we have 3 months,3 weeks and 3 days until we depart,I didn't want her to pack those n have them be a wrinkled mess.


so thats that for now see you again soon :)


glasses? what glasses? honestly they look fine :cool: love that H has the important items packed! and Duffy looks like he's strapped down ready to be tortured LOL. good to see these mini reports within the main one.


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OKay so I'm gonna get this in while the fam is away lol I'm sneaky !!! they went toboganing or however u spell it who cares (I'm home doing laundry).Someone made a mess of their clothes at school today ,anyways I plan to decorate our room for our bday and ariel is H's fave princess plus i found cool Ariel decorations for our room so.......... i bought them on ebay.Anyways my plan is to decorate the room on the first night when she falls asleep,well i'm going to decorate the window so that we are both surprised when we leave n walk past it the next morning.so while the fams away I' figured i'd post my decorations since they arrived in the mail today .....




now to get dinner done before they get back


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OKay so its update time again ..everybody say YAYYYYYYY... no okay just me? I can live with that .Anyways I have to start by showing you pics of the awesome card I got from "oopsi" I had to get Riley to help me hold it,cutest card ever!!!


So true thats how most of our convo's go lol



and finally lol


I loved it and figured theres no way to fit it in my scrapbook n see all of it so I had to take pics of course.

OKay so I had been reading her reports and seeing how she does the themed movie nights and decided that would be a fun thing to do with my girls.We used to do Countdown nights where we would pick an activity every so often to do as a countdown to our trip,sometimes it was movies sometimes it was a craft or an outing.Anyways I decided to steal oopsi's idea n give it a go.THe first one didnt go so well it was a mish mash Disney night but this weekend I had planned on watching alice in wonderland and doing an afternoon tea party.that is until ...............a few things sorta halted that plan ,because i needed to go buy the movie( I wasn't relying on Netflix since thats what foiled the first one) so reason number 1 why I didn't get out to buy the movie n list of supplies......


that first plough got stuck,n then unstuck n a second was called in n the 2 together had a hard time figuring things out.


also earlier in the day that door in this pic couldnt be opened it was blocked by snow n frozen shut



it was like a blizzard that day which isnt so fun ,but after the wind when the snow is left I am a very happy girl because I love the snow!!! It's beautiful BUT not as beautiful as the second reason I couldnt go out that day..........


my bestfriend had her baby n needed me to watch her older daughter so I stayed in with my kids n watched my other little chicklet and decided I'd switch it to a movie that we already owned.I had some valentine mickey cookies I had bought the previous weekend and figured I'd print out colouring sheets.I always have mickey stuff around here so I decided the Three Musketeers would do the trick since I could use the vday cookies n get vday chocolates out too to suit the theme.I didnt decorate anything but the table because we didsnt get much sleep the night before since it was pretty much a slumber party here with our visitor.We stayed in our comfies and eventhough it wasnt the plan it went quite well.

Riley's colouring sheet


Hailey's colouring sheet



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(for those of you don't know "oopsi " is a friend from another forum site.

the vday cookies


the girls snuggled up watching the movie n pretending to sleep


we had butter pecan mickey waffles and hot chocolate with mickey head cake sprinkles,there was enough waffle mix made to each have one that day n have some left over that I froze in an air tight container.The next morning i threw them in the toaster oven n that put icecream on top of them( I may or may not have had one today too )

and......I realised today that tomorrow my ticker will say 3 months,2 weeks and 1 day until Disney,so I decided to make a disney Countdown page n call it 321 Disney ,so when thats done i'll post a pic for you all to see too


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