Everest videos - DON'T JUDGE!

Dr Albert Falls

New Member
Original Poster
Like many of you, I was SOOO tempted to look at the online videos and photos of Expedition Everest. (OK, gotta admit, I took a few very very quick peeks!)

Thank goodness I got the chance to ride Everest this week, before the video temptation overcame me! I don't think I could have made it another weekend without caving in!

Now that I've ridden it, I've gone back and looked at the online ride videos.

For those who won't be making it to Florida anytime soon, I don't think you'll "ruin" the experience by watching the videos. The reason?

The videos simply DO NOT give you any sense of what Everest really is. I promise! I was absolutely blown away by EE. But the reasons I loved it cannot be conveyed in jerky video.

First of all, the queue detail cannot be overstated. You can look at photos and videos of the queue. But until you're standing in the middle of it all, inhaling the damp, earthen-scented air, and looking at the 3-dimentional carvings and such, you have no idea how overwelming it all is.

The same goes for the ride. Even if you memorize the track layout from watching videos, it can't prepare you for that RUSH when the train leaves the station. Surprisingly, one of the most amazing parts of the ride is the slow trip through the bamboo forest at the beginning of the trip. The breeze on your face, the accelleration of the train, the landscaping, and the anticipation immediately make you forget everything else around you.

The ride videos cannot simply cannot recreate the stunning 360-degree view your own eyeballs can provide as the train wisks you up the main lift hill. It cannot replicate the cool mist on your face, the sheer thrill of cruising through that first snow-covered pathway, and the "oh yeahhhhh!!!!!" you can't help but scream as the train races around the outdoor double helix. Likewise, videos can't share the physical sensation of the train falling backwards (even if you know its coming!), and the head-spinning movements as the train speeds through the dark interior.

Clearly, the most "inaccurate" thing about the videos is how quick the yeti flies by. Don't get me wrong, it's still way too brief, my only major complaint about the ride (especially after later seeing the amazing detail of the yeti's face in the Jim Hill photograph. Speaking of which, I don't think it would hurt to "peek" at that photo, too, since you could never observe that detail during the ride.). But trust me-- YOU SEE THE YETI MUCH LONGER THAN THE VIDEOS SUGGEST. Have you ever taken a still photo of something, but were later disappointed that the image was so much smaller and less impressive on paper than it was to the naked eye? Same with the yeti videos. The camera cannot zoom in and focus on the creature in the same split-second way your eyes can.


New Member
Thanks for the insight....I feel much better about having cheated and watched the video and looked at the pictures!!!!
It does actually make me more anxious to see it in person....only that's over 300 days away:cry:


Well-Known Member
AshAlytwins said:
Thanks for the insight....I feel much better about having cheated and watched the video and looked at the pictures!!!!
It does actually make me more anxious to see it in person....only that's over 300 days away:cry:

I feel your pain! Not travelling over to the great USA until 4th Sept so there is still quite a while before I get to experiance it for myself. I'm glad you think that the videos and pictures won't ruin my first ride. I just couldn't wait that long without cracking!


Premium Member
Nice post Dr Albert, thanks for your insight. A lot of people around here need to read this thread and take in what is being said.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more. My biggest thing with the video is that the projection is SOOOOOOO much better in person, and you see the Yeti for probobly 4 seconds on the ride, wheras in the video it's about 1. There are so many aspects to the ride that just cannot be experience when watching the video. I will say though ride it at least twice, cause for me the second ride was better since on the first your trying to look around and figure out whats going on as well as take everything in. After that you know where to look. :D


You write so well that your review warrants a SPOILER DISCLAIMER more than the videos! I admit the videos left me a bit underwhelmed, and I was hoping they really didn't capture what it's like to be there. Thanks for confirming my hopes!


Well-Known Member
I agree and thank you for a wonderful insight. The video for me was a good thing as I dont prefer to have things coming at me without knowing WHEN this was going to happen. I will enjoy the whole of the ride more if I am not anticipating every second to come nose to muzzle with the Yeti!!! Once again a great review!!!! I hope to see and feel all of those things come this Saturday!! Belle


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
nice review....

there are some on the site that have definately have discredited the attraction and havent even seen it in person..... maybe they will eat crow once they attend.

thanks again


New Member
jmaxwell007 said:
nice review....

there are some on the site that have definately have discredited the attraction and havent even seen it in person..... maybe they will eat crow once they attend.

thanks again
We'll see what they have to say after feeling the forces on that backwards helix.....:animwink:


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
imagineersrock said:
I'll see what I can do... lol. I heard Everest had its very first protein spill sometime last week.
just dont tell me row and seat number please.... i just have to block it out



New Member
I, too, was underwhelmed by the video, but now that you have posted this review, i have confidence that the ride will be the firstt I ride when i go in July. Can't wait!!!! thanks for your thoughts.

Leah's Dad

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