Ever see someone get busted at Disney?


Well-Known Member
nothing exciting - resisting arrest. The majority of people that got arrested at PI were for D&D (drunk & disorderly), underage & the occasional drug bust

I'd see that consistently when just on vacation there. Of course PI regulars called me crazy, and even a liar for suggesting this ever happened there. LOL

I witnessed one guy, who was obviously drunk, approach two women and try hitting on them (flirting) and when they told him no (politely too) he violently shoved one to the ground calling her a few curse words and then tried to walk off. I couldn't get to him fast enough. About 5 other men jumped on top of him and held him down until sheriff's deputies arrived.


OV 104
Premium Member
I'd see that consistently when just on vacation there. Of course PI regulars called me crazy, and even a liar for suggesting this ever happened there. LOL

I witnessed one guy, who was obviously drunk, approach two women and try hitting on them (flirting) and when they told him no (politely too) he violently shoved one to the ground calling her a few curse words and then tried to walk off. I couldn't get to him fast enough. About 5 other men jumped on top of him and held him down until sheriff's deputies arrived.

I believe it entirely. My brother was a bouncer during college until he got a stable job post graduating. I always enjoyed sitting and watching people go insane when they are black out lit. Flat out Hysterical!

Darth Tater

Well-Known Member
I'd see that consistently when just on vacation there. Of course PI regulars called me crazy, and even a liar for suggesting this ever happened there. LOL

I witnessed one guy, who was obviously drunk, approach two women and try hitting on them (flirting) and when they told him no (politely too) he violently shoved one to the ground calling her a few curse words and then tried to walk off. I couldn't get to him fast enough. About 5 other men jumped on top of him and held him down until sheriff's deputies arrived.
And people still wonder why Disney didn't like the image PI was giving off.


Well-Known Member
And people still wonder why Disney didn't like the image PI was giving off.

Careful where you say that. There are those here that will defend PI to their last breath. LOL I came back from our trip just before they closed PI and mentioned a drunk person staggering around and was flamed for even mentioning it. But I agree with you. Disney probably had enough of the drunk and disorderly that came with PI. PI was an awesome concept, but it was destined to cross a line at some point.


Well-Known Member
Bump....this past weekend while waiting in line for Pooh & Tiger in England, the family in front of us was getting their picture taken when someone from the gift shop door opening took a picture of them with their own camera. That's when the CM yelled at them "DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN!" The people in the gift shop scurried off quickly. I know it's nothing serious but that's all I've seen at WDW as far as people getting busted.


Active Member
I was at MK one night a few years back in July, very late. We were near the kids play area at Splash Mountain waiting for some of our group. It was almost abandoned an there was a guy in his late 30s smoking. An employee walked up and told him he couldn't smoke. I couldn't hear his reply but he obviously refused to put it out. She turned and walked away. About 30 seconds later a door opened up in the wall, a couple security guards stepped out and escorted the man into the door. Didn't even know there was a door there. Don't know what happened after that? Maybe he's an animatronic on Pirates now?


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Bump....this past weekend while waiting in line for Pooh & Tiger in England, the family in front of us was getting their picture taken when someone from the gift shop door opening took a picture of them with their own camera. That's when the CM yelled at them "DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN!" The people in the gift shop scurried off quickly. I know it's nothing serious but that's all I've seen at WDW as far as people getting busted.
Sorry, but if you don't want your child's photo taken by anyone else, then do not take them to the most photographed spot in the world.

It's GOING to happen...your child WILL end up in someone else's pictures. And so will you.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, but if you don't want your child's photo taken by anyone else, then do not take them to the most photographed spot in the world.

It's GOING to happen...your child WILL end up in someone else's pictures. And so will you.
A bit off topic, but hey. This past weekend a lady two cars in front of me on BTMRR was taking a bunch of photos during the ride of the people directly in front of me, so I photo bombed about five of the pictures. I feel dirty for having enjoyed it so much.


Well-Known Member
A bit off topic, but hey. This past weekend a lady two cars in front of me on BTMRR was taking a bunch of photos during the ride of the people directly in front of me, so I photo bombed about five of the pictures. I feel dirty for having enjoyed it so much.

We were on Kilimanjaro Safaris this past trip and the young "I dress like this because I want you to think I really don't care" couple in front of me took a pic of themselves with my face in the middle behind them. The guy got all y about it and accused me of photobombing them. LOL I told him that the next time he and his hipster girlfriend decide to do a "selfie" together to make sure that someone else isn't in the picture first, and that I am sure he will be able to drown out his sorry in the bowl of tofu I am sure he will be eating later.


RunDisney Addict

In the words of the girl in the video "THERE ARE KIDS HERE" wasn't disneyworld but hey still disney lol also that guy was not going down.

As law enforcement, I'll say that if this guy is trained to use Pepper Spray, he should be trained on what to do next. There are soooooo many things wrong with this video.


Keep Moving Forward
Bump....this past weekend while waiting in line for Pooh & Tiger in England, the family in front of us was getting their picture taken when someone from the gift shop door opening took a picture of them with their own camera. That's when the CM yelled at them "DO NOT TAKE PICTURES OF OTHER PEOPLES CHILDREN!" The people in the gift shop scurried off quickly. I know it's nothing serious but that's all I've seen at WDW as far as people getting busted.
They were most likely just snapping a picture of Tigger and Pooh - people do stuff like this all the time. The CM seemed to have over reacted.


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any significant bustings, but I've been busted for smaller things, such as walking through the side door of old nickelodeon studios, and being caught in triceratops encounter.


Well-Known Member
Two years ago I was at MK by Pirates and I witnessed a kidnapping or taking of a child. There was a family of 4 tending to the youngest child in their stroller and some older man came and took a young girl by the hand and started to walk away. Well apparently he did not realize the Disney Security Guard who happened to be standing 10 feet from him lol. And the Security guard saw this and immediately reprimanded the fellow. And the girl went back to her family. it happened rather quickly and the kidnapper and girl did not even make it 10 feet before the security guard got him.
Makes you wonder if Disney has undercover security guards among the guests dressed in regular clothes.


Keep Moving Forward
Two years ago I was at MK by Pirates and I witnessed a kidnapping or taking of a child. There was a family of 4 tending to the youngest child in their stroller and some older man came and took a young girl by the hand and started to walk away. Well apparently he did not realize the Disney Security Guard who happened to be standing 10 feet from him lol. And the Security guard saw this and immediately reprimanded the fellow. And the girl went back to her family. it happened rather quickly and the kidnapper and girl did not even make it 10 feet before the security guard got him.
Makes you wonder if Disney has undercover security guards among the guests dressed in regular clothes.
All he got was a reprimand? What was his excuse for walking off with a kid that wasn't his?

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