Ever planned a trip with someone who isnt "excited"??


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Original Poster
Hello all!
Im sure some of you have read my posts about my upcoming trip with some friends, and all your help has been great!
We now have another friend who has decided to come(making 3 forsure, possibly 4 if another dosnt have a conflict with an internship)...
Anyways, this is the friend that i was worried about before because she wanted to bring her hubby, we have convinced her now it is just a GIRLS trip, and shes fine with that...
but she just dosnt understand disney..she thinks we can do it all in one day, thinks its very childish that im excited to see a mouse (She claims hes not real :shrug:lol), dosnt want to eat with the characters, and is only concerned about what malls we will be visiting.
Has anyone ever traveled with someone like this before? Will she ruin the trip or do you think her excitment will change once we get there?


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Hard to say. Some folks are instant converts the moment they lay eyes on Main Street USA. Other don't get it even when they're smack dab in the middle of it. :shrug:

Take her and if she gets it, great! If she doesn't, point her toward an outlet mall and enjoy Disney with the rest of the girls. :D


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hard to say. Some folks are instant converts the moment they lay eyes on Main Street USA. Other don't get it even when they're smack dab in the middle of it. :shrug:

Take her and if she gets it, great! If she doesn't, point her toward an outlet mall and enjoy Disney with the rest of the girls. :D

Thanks! It is hard to tell! I told her we would go to the mall atleast once for her, so everyone gets to do somthing they want. There will be two disney newbies, and one is a little timid, but excited, not sure what to expect...this one on the other hand is saying "well if i was 6 id be excited"... my other friend just laughs and tells her she dosnt understand, its like a city within itsself, and that even shes going to wait in line to see mickey!


Well-Known Member
I had that problem last Christmas. Me and my best friend went to WDW and from the moment we arrived there was complaining. She made fun of the little girls who walked around in their princess costumes at the parks; rolled her eyes at the sight of characters; complained about the long lines for rides; was furious at the fact that you stand in like for upwards 30 or more minutes for a 2 minute ride. She did not get into the magic - to her, it was one big joke. She complained that everyone was too happy which was fake.

This part is not disney related: the day we were leaving Orlando - we arrived at MCO only to find that our flight had been delayed 3 hours because of severe winter weather in Chicago (we flew Southwest). She complained about the delay. Then once we arrived back in Chicago that night at MDW- we had a 3 hour wait for our luggeage (it was Christmas Eve) and the airport was packed at 3am. She complained that had we flew "JetBlue and went to ORD" we would have been in Chicago and this awful trip would have been over". I told her that it had nothing to do with the airline but rather bas weather.

In the end, all she did was complain and made my trip miserable!!!

I am planning a solo trip in January.


Active Member
My advice would be: don't take her. I took a non-Disney fan to WDW, and the whining and criticizing of everything drove me nuts.


New Member
I went in Jan/Feb 07 with my boyfriend who suffers a severe allergy to children. He could not see how or why to adults in their 30's should ever go to Disney World. I planned everything from start to finish. He complained the whole time prior to our trip ( so much so I almost canceled), he complained on the plane, then oh my gosh, he really complained on MME (he was worse the the crying kids). So with that being said when it all was said and done he said he had the best vacation ever. We're going again in December, his choice. You never know how or who Disney World will transmogrify. And if all else falls, it is a BIG world and lots of people get lost there everyday:lookaroun
Sorry to run on just wanted you to have another opinion to hear.
Its going to be tough dealing with it. I usually go with a core group of four people. One year we brought along 3 more friends and one of them was annoying and complaining the entire time. It was frustrating in the parks but luckily we were staying in separate rooms so we would make fun of it at night which made the rest of the days easier to deal with since everything was funny instead of annoying.

If she does want to go to a mall, go to Mall at Milennia on Conroy Road. It is very beautiful (anchors are Macys, Bloomingdales, and Neiman Marcus) and if you are going to give up park time to go to a mall, its way better than Outlet Malls of the Florida Mall


Active Member
experience as teacher

When we went for an extended family 'magical gathering' a few years ago including me, dw, ds, dmil, dsil, dbil, dn's, I was about the only one excited for it, and I did all the planning, adr's, etc. Most of them thought I was crazy to spend so much time on it, but boy did they appreciate it when we were there and I got many thank you's. My dw, who had never been, really enjoyed it when she was there, which was a lot of fun to see her become a kid again, hugging the characters and playing playing playing. Now we're going again, just me, dw, and ds, and you'd think that she'd be all excited and into it? Nooooo....once again it's me alone planning and stuff much to her bemusement, but I know that once we get there they'll be all into it again, so I hang onto that as my incentive...


I took my DH to WDW 4 years ago for the first time in his life. He always referred to Disney as 'The Mouse' and would rant about the disney-fication of things. I was very nervous to say the least about our trip!

When we got there he was weirded out about the costumes and craziness. The best decision I made was to take him to Studios first since he is a huge Star Wars and Indy fan. By the end of the day, he turned to me and said that he got it. And by the end of the trip when we were on the bus and a little girl climbed in his lap amd proclaimed 'I am Cinderella' he just rolled with it.

The best advice I could give you is to play to what she likes and to hope that the 'magic' works! I hope that your trip goes well!!!


Well-Known Member
I was able to "convert" my sister in law in 2007. She could never understand why I always took my vacations in WDW. Now, she has been 2 more times and while she just had another baby, they are planning another trip in late 2009.

My ex-husband on the other hand, had fun but he never "got it". Rather, he "tolerated" it. Every time I take my son back and he has to sign a consent to travel letter, he says "again?" Hmmmm .... :fork: :lol:


In 2003 we took my sister-in-law (then my brother's fiancee), who doesn't get excited about anything. Other than the fact that she slowed us Disney pro's down, it was a great trip, and we felt like we converted her.

That said, when we planned our trip last year, she again acted like she didn't really want to go, but my brother talked her into it, and she appeared to have a good time. This year, when we planned our December trip, she was pretty adamant that she, my brother, and my baby niece would not go.

Long story short, you just never know... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
She could seriously ruin your entire trip because from my experience people who don't want to like Disney won't. And you'll probably try very hard to make this a fun trip for her and when she's not impressed or makes fun something sweet, like a kid meeting Mickey or when she thinks the Haunted Mansion isn't "scary" (as if it was supposed to be) then you'll just be mad.
If you have to take her explain that she cannot whine the whole time because planning a trip to disney is not easy or cheap and most people don't get to do it often. Tell her to keep her negative attitudes to herself for the sake of everyone else because you really don't care if It's a Small World is kinda lame or because Big Thunder Mountain Railroad isn't as scary as rides at Six Flags or Universal, its the magic of it all that makes it special.
Oh and these people usually are the ones who break the No Flash Photography rule on dark rides. Remind her about that rule before you arrive (and everyone in your group for that matter) and explain that its because it ruins the effects for younger riders and first riders like herself. {sorry but I had to point that out because flash photography drives me crazy!}

But like I said at first, to avoid any problems she will probably cause:
The first trip I went on with my sister, she seriously asked if we could go to the outlet malls when we I was planning our itinerary. I was seriously worried that she wasn't going to 'get it', but she was instantly a Disney person once she experienced it! Needless to say, she doesn't even consider going to a mall when she plans her trips.

She almost gets as excited as me about Disney and we have so much fun planning our trips and going together.


Active Member
I just got back 2 weeks ago with someone who was "non Disney". She wanted to go to lay around in the room. We took her to the parks and she complained the entire weekend about there being no Dr Pepper for sale on the property. I assumed she was having a miserable time. When we got back on Monday, she kept saying what a great escape from reality Disney was and how she wants to go back. I have successfully converted her to realizing why we love the place so much and now she is planning a family trip of her own next year. That felt good for me that she found a new escape.


New Member
my husband is the crankiest, non fun person alive and when we went in 2006 for our very first time i was really worried our trip was going to be a miserable one! but this 260 lb. 6 foot grump was cracking smiles left and right the whole time we were down there and even got into the spirit of having a character princess breakfast for our twin daughters. everyone is different and will have different experiences, but to me, the magic of everything disney got to my hubby and it is something that still makes me feel warm inside when i think about how much fun we all had when we went. he even told me two weeks ago to book our next vaca to the world for 2009 and believe me, he didn't have to tell me twice. but it was great that he told me to book it and is willing to go again. i really hope she she gets bit by the magic bug and you all have a wonderful time. good luck!


Active Member
Another thing I wanted to add...my friends all ask why we keep going back to Disney and never go to Universal. So this past time with my friends, they paid for me to go to Universal so that I could experience non Disney. Needless to say, I do not want to go back there and they do not either. They were hurrying to get back to the Disney magic. I can now say I have done Universal and now they know why I stick to Disney. :)
The first trip I went on with my sister, she seriously asked if we could go to the outlet malls when we I was planning our itinerary. I was seriously worried that she wasn't going to 'get it', but she was instantly a Disney person once she experienced it! Needless to say, she doesn't even consider going to a mall when she plans her trips.

She almost gets as excited as me about Disney and we have so much fun planning our trips and going together.
I'm sorry, but I just don't get the "mall" thing. I've been around different parts of this country, and I'm pretty sure there are malls w/i an easy driving distance just about everywhere. It reminds me of a school trip I was lucky enough to go to Paris with. EVERY one of the girls wanted to shop and drink; I had to beg someone to visit the museums/ cathedrals/etc. I mean, you can shop at home! Sorry for the rant...just my pet peeve.

And by the way...DON'T TAKE HER!:lol:


New Member
The only thing I can think is if she wants to go shopping at the malls let her. From what I have heard there are ways for her to get t them. You and the rest of the group have fun at the parks


Active Member
If it were me I dont think I would take her. You spend so much money for a magical trip to Disney and having someone like that along whining and grumping all the time would surely ruin it for everyone else. I guess you can take the chance, on the other hand, that she MIGHT enjoy it and get the magic like the rest of us, but its an expensive chance to take!! IMO....

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