Ever gone with a Disney Virgin??


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Original Poster
Hi Everyone I posted this last year and was just going through and reading it again. Just wondering if there is any more great stories!!!!!

I am headed to Disney in Sept 2008, I know it's over a year away but my wife and I are going with a couple who have never been before and I'm worried that they are not going to love it as much as I do. Granted I love it more then most but I know a lot of it for me is the nostalgia of remembering being there when I was small.

Do people that go for the first time as Adults have the same appreciation?? I'm worried they just wont get it and appreciate the wonder and magic that is Disney!! Any thoughts from the people who went for the first time as adults????


I have a friend who I travled all over the country with but I could never get him to go to Disney World. He would always say he was just not into it. In 2000 a group of my family members from Colorado were going to DW and just to see them he went down with me. HE GOT IT!!! He has since been to DW nine times and will go at the drop of hat. His first visit.......He was 40 years old.
I think the whole thing is to not tell people how cool it is but to just let them have their own "First Disney Experiance".
Good Luck.


My wife had never been until 2006... she loved it!!

Then this year in late May-June1 we took another 6 adults from her family that had never been... they all at least appreciated it and had a blast on the coasters... they liked the attention to detail in the pre-show areas and the cleanliness... so I guess they loved it on a whole other level that a kid may not notice... It's harder to impress an adult anyway, but I did observe the "kid inside" come out of all of them at one point or another. It was fun "hosting" them (because it was our long-planned trip that they tagged along on) but at times it got a bit tedious having to be the tour guide. The best tip I can give you is to show them some highlights at set times, but most of the time you need to split up and let them enjoy through their own eyes/ears/nose etc. Let them be the kids exploring it like you once did.

I think anyone that can go to WDW or DLR should... and if they don't at least appreciate the quality I'd be surprised.

Put it this way... if they've ever been to a "lesser" theme park and liked it, they should enjoy themselves. Disney is on a whole other level.:animwink:


New Member
In July I went to Epcot with a friend and her daughter neither had ever been
both loved it tho i had to brainwash her daughter into thinking the wand was stupid :lookaroun


Well-Known Member
Don't 'push' your views, but be supportive. A lot of people don't like to have others' views being forced down their throats (especially adults). Give the 'newbies' a chance to fall in love with Disney for themselves. They'll either get-it or they won't, but if they get-it on their own, they will get it more quickly and more deeply. Odds are, they'll get it.


New Member
Have them read a couple of the guidebooks so they can understand the sheer size of Disney World and all the different types of attractions/entertainment available.
Also, I agree that getting some time away from the other couple will be important.


My partner went for the first time in 2004 he was 21 and he loves it - in fact were going back next week, But i remember having to do stuff i had done years ago and hating having to do them again because i had already done them - so be prepered to have to do things again, because someone else hasnt seen them.


Active Member
:wave: My DH and I went first time together as adults and have been hooked ever since. Been 13 times since and one coming soon. My brother went once and said he wasnt going again but he went again,too. My DH's aunt wasnt looking forward to her disney trip but when she came back she said she had a wonderful time. they will get it when they experience the magic themselves! Let them enjoy. Remember, its the most magical place on earth!!!!


Active Member
My doctor is an avid golfer as is her husband 2 or 3 years ago they went to WDW with another couple for their golf escape package. Since the package included tickets to the parks, one night after dinner at their resort, they decided to visit the MK. None of them had been and my doc was 54 at the time. As she was telling me the story I could tell she had been dusted with pixie dust. She said they didn't do a lot of attractions, mostly walked around, shopped and enjoyed the atmosphere. When I asked what she thought about it she simply replied "I fell in love with the mouse." She then said, "I can see why you go back every year."


Well-Known Member
I think the process of self-discovery is very important to one's enjoyment of the parks, so you should give your friend a wide berth. If you set up each experience as "Oh, oh you're gonna *love* this!" you are bound to be faced with a disappointed or underwhelmed friend, and, in turn, find yourself disappointed that s/he didn't share your enthusiasm.

It's tough to be tight-lipped, but I recommend you make an effort to limit your guiding excitement to "Hey, let's try this attraction." And if the reaction isn't what you hoped for, you'll be closer to understanding what your friend *is* into. Don't sweat it. It's Disney's job to entertain, not yours!


Well-Known Member
I didn't go until I was 17 and we went with my dance team for nationals. ( I was one of those annoying cheerleaders that you all aways talk about, they get on my nerves now too!) Anyway, my roommate was a disney expert and she helped me find the best things to do in the short amount of time that we had in the parks and I feel like her enthusiasm rubbed off on me, or maybe it was as you said I got sprinkled with pixie dust!!! But It was love at first sight. When you come around that corner on the ferry and see the castle for the first time in real life you just melt!!!!


Well-Known Member
Chances are they'll love it.

Why my Boyfriend and I went last in 2005 he hadn't been since he was 16, and he was a bit sceptical on how good it was as he didn't really enjoy himself the first time round. Turned out he loved it, but only cause he had me as a personall tour guide


Well-Known Member
Took my DBF for his 1st time in May. It was a big deal for our relationship because I'd told him since we first met that it could go no further until he'd been. :king:
He's a big kid so I knew he'd have a great time. The 1st day 1/2 he was really trying to play "macho", it was so funny. But I didn't push and by day 3, he couldn't help it and the "macho" was long gone. Our last day, at HIS request, we even went and toured DVC. :lol:

This pic sums it up for me:



New Member
me and my family always try to take someone new every year,and do new stuff that we havnt done either,it makes the holiday more fun and special.
and everytime they have loved it.

we're takin my cousin for her 1st time this year,she says all she wants to see is tink fly from the castle at the beginning of wishes,she has no idea whats going to hit her when she gets there.:lol: :D

man i cant wait.

38 days left i think.wooooooooooooooooo:sohappy:


Active Member
I have been with several, and each time was quite special for everyone.

My suggestion is this: Don't be that person who has to point out everything. Example - lets say you have seen a movie, and you decide to go again with someone else. You start point out everything to that person, "ooo, look at that" or "watch this scene!". You kinda ruin the event for the other person.

That is not to say you can't point out a few things. But let them discover it for themselves, and then let them tell you what they see. Who knows, they may see something you have never noticed before!!!


New Member
My first time in WDW was when I was 20 in 2000. I am heading into my eigth trip this year 8.

DW was always a big Disney fan but I really did not understand it until I went down for the first time. I don't think you can prep a newbie for the vastness of the world. I was convinced before I went for the first time that you could walk from MK to Epcot like you would be able to at a Six Flags type park. No matter how many times people told me about a bus, I still though I could walk because they were just being lazy.

We are taking my mom with us this year who has never been. I just have to make sure no to try to force her to try to do everything with us. I think the one thing that can probably ruin someone's first experience is if a Disney vet plays vacation commando.



Hey we're going at the same time! Our trip is late Sept. 08....Anywhoo, this will be my boyfriend's first time also. I'm definetly afraid that he won't love it like I did growing up.


Don't be that person who has to point out everything.

I'm going to have to duct tape my mouth shut. I'm not the kind of person that ruins movies for people but when it comes to Disney I have so many stories from growing up there that I get alittle excited and I just have to tell my bf


Well-Known Member
Two years ago I went with a friend who was 30 and never been there before or anywhere actually. He really liked it. He was amazed at how clean and the service was. He is going back with us next month.

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