Ever done anything stupid to spoil part of WDW for you?


Well-Known Member
Then I say thank you for all that you do!!! I wish I could have found out who the person was that turned it in to tell them thank you so much. do not know how much I appreciate it.

You are great to do that...I'd love to see the admiration on their face when they get it back!

The woman who lost the wedding ring started crying with joy and gave me a big hug... I almost did a double-take to make sure I hadn't accidentally proposed to her. :lookaroun :lol:


Active Member
This past February my new husband and I were on our honeymoon and I ruined about a day due to losing my wallet. We were on the bus back to Coronado from the contemporary when I looked in my bag and noticed my wallet was missing. I was hoping I had just left it in the room on accident but after going back to the room and finding nothing I was all nervous. I was calling around seeing if anyone found it but nothing. We were all worried about how I was going to get home without my license since I couldnt board a plane without ID and we had no credit cards on us so we were unable to rent a car to drive back. After calling around and no one having seen it I was unable to sleep that night. THe next day we decided to go look ourselves when I got a call from the Contemporary telling me they found it. What a relief. And we were both surprised to find not a penny was missing. Gotta love Disney!

This is the reason, I leave my license and bank card locked up in the safe in my room. I am paranoid about losing it and not being able to get back home. I carry some cash and if I need to charge anything, I charge it to my room key and pay cash at check out so I don't have a big bill on my bank card. I carry bare minimum to the park to prevent losing anything important. Really all you need is your key to the world card.


New Member
I personally have never done anything stupid, but I can not say the same for my dumb a** ex! We had just arrived at disney, it was the start of our 10 day trip with our son. Well needless to say this guy is chatting away on the phone outside the resort while he thinks our son and I are still asleep. Well, lets just put it this way, I found out some very interesting information, like the fact that he was cheating on me, for a long time!!! So, while I was hurt, ok devestated! I was strong and held it together so I could give my son an excellent vacation! Now that it is just me and my DS, our trips are more magical then ever!

Good for you, kiddo! It's horrible what your ex did, but at least you and your DS survived.

My ex ruined one of the best parades I ever saw by complaining the whole time about the crowds. We were watching the Millenium parade in EPCOT, and I was absolutely enthralled until the griping got to me. I should have stayed and sent him back to the hotel. Sheesh.


Okay I've got a couple of stories that are just amusing (not all at WDW but all in the general area)

1) I'm sure many posters are familiar with the Mummy ride at Universal which is kinda split into two sections a story half and a coaster half. Also any contact lens wearer could tell you that your eyes can get dry really quickly when indoors in FL due to the ac. So...I'm on the ride and we're in the middle of the coaster section and I manage to remove one of my contact lenses and keep hold of it until we've exited the ride.

2) We're sat in a restaurant and the waitress brings over the check and she's written her name on it "Chelsea". Now, my li'l sis is a huge fan of Chelsea F.C. so decided (along with Dad) to write the club's song on the check. We pay and my Dad goes off to the toilet and we wait for him by the exit. The waitress comes over to us and is all "Did you write this? I love football (yes she did actually say football rather than soccer). They're my favorite team, my dad named me after them." Large quantities of laughter ensued (in a nice way).

3) Okay, so this one is slightly on the evil side... It's April 1 and my parents let my sis and I head into MGM on our own with cellphone in tow while they relax by the pool. We come out of WWTBAM onto Mickey Avenue and send them a text saying sis has broken her leg and we're in an ambulance on the way to the ER (as an April Fool). A couple of minutes later we get a somewhat panicked call asking if she's okay and we burst into laughter. Apparently my dad realised straight away but my mum wouldn't believe him. (I should point out that I'm known within the family for coming up with extreme but somewhat believable pranks on April Fool's Day)

4) My sister once sat in WoD store cuddling one of those huge Eeyore's (which was bigger than her at the time) refusing to move until he was purchased. We also lost her in WoL (it's an amusing story of everyone walking around a circle in the same direction)

5) A year to the day after WWTBAM opened I went on (as a15yo Brit) and won 16K (I got booed off for not knowing something about Coca-Cola). Anyway...fast-forward to our last trip before it closed and my sister decides that she wants to be in the hotseat once just to even the score a little and that we will watch every performance until she gets on. So it's the first show of the day and we're playing along and I'm telling her the answers if I know them and the first persons doing ok-ish and I get a question wrong (which usually means you've got zero chance of being the 2nd player) but my sis gets it right and I keep playing along anyway. Up comes this question about variety meats and no-one in the audience seems to have a clue and we all just hit any answer that takes our fancy. The contestant gets it wrong and as luck would have it so did my sister BUT I got it right. So the top 10 players list comes up and (who knows how) I end up at the top. I'm sat there wishing it wasn't me but we'd agreed I'd go down if it did happen. They flashed the camera at my sis and she looked mad as anything. I did do better though. Got to 32K. Ended up going to every single show that day and bless her, she still didn't get to go on. And to the host who said my sis wouldn't care about it not being her if I won the cruise - she soooooooo would have.


Well-Known Member
On one of our first family trips to Disney World (I was 13 or 14 at the time), I blew out my legs early in the morning running to Space Mountain when the ropes dropped.

We were waiting at the entrance to Tommorrow Land at opening. We were one of the first people there. A large crowd had gathered. Then we looked over the pond to the right and noticed that people were also lining up by that counter service place. This gave them a slight lead over us earlier birds (those villans!) Everyone noticed them and it was just the spark our crowd needed/didn't need.

Despite the advice from the CM, when the rope dropped it was a sprint. At least two people took a tumble and rolled onto the ground around me. I watched one guy actually leap over a falling lady. I was running as fast as I could. So fast that I ended up just in front of the people that had lined up on the right. I had done it. First in line for Space Mountain. Unfortunately, my family was no where in sight. My mother, father, and sister had been left in my dust and I got out of line and made my way to the back of the line where they had landed.

I limped my way through the rest of the Magic Kingdom that day and was sore for a couple of days their after.

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