Epcot yesterday - Tour Groups as far as the eye can see


New Member
that's ridiculous! the problem is that had you let the 'jersey' come out, you probably would have been the one ejected from the park. we ran into a similar situation at ak 2 weeks ago. My wife and daughter (3) got out of the 'it's hard to be a bug' line so my daughter could use the restroom. The plan was for us (me and my 2 sons) to meet the 2 of them at the exit after the show. As we attmepted to get to them, we had to maneuver through an entire tour group (it may have been 2 or 3) camped out in the middle of the park walkway (between the 'bug' exit and dinoland u.s.a.). Of course none of them want to move, especially not for a dad with a 2 & 7 year old in tow. When i got to my wife she informed me that the tour group literally shoved their way into the already tight space they were inhabiting. She had enough when a teenage boy in the group decided to beging shoving my wife and 3 year old daughter to get them to move! My wife said that she wasted no time informing him (in language he would understand-she used 'naval' speak) that if he touched our daughter one more time that he'd have bigger issues than trying to move them. Shortly after, she said an adult member of the group pulled the boy to the side and had some choice words for him. I understand 'stuff' happens but, come on! are you really gonna 'man-up' to move a 3 year old girl?

As awful as these two experiences are I'm both relieved and angered that my family and I aren't the only ones that experience this. Every time we have mentioned this to either a cast member or another guest we have been looked at condescendingly as if we are the ones being rude by not being accommodating of the tour groups.

You are absolutely right that if I had done something about it in line I would have been the one thrown out of the park. Ridiculous that our country has gotten so politically correct that we are the ones who have to put up with the rude and troublesome antics of international tour groups. I have never been to Brazil where these groups come from so I do not know much about their culture but for them to come here and not think twice about pushing a woman or child just so they can get where they want is absolutely disgusting. Americans traveling internationally are expected to respect the people of that country so why shouldn't it be the same for people visiting the U.S???


I agree with the general feelings of upsetness here. I mean, paying 80 bucks a person is tough enough to handle. Its even worse when you are surrounded by groups of loud and (and in some of these cases) obnoxious groups. I'm not really sure what Disney can possibly do about this, but I would think that they would have enough common sense not to allow groups of that magnitude to come in the busy summer time...


New Member

Yeah, and they're so great at that.

Especially the teens!

I completely agree with you that there are Americans that act in the same manner in other countries as these groups do. However, there is a difference between American college students going to Cancun on spring break and acting inappropriately in a setting that during that time is nothing but college students as compared to these tour groups coming to WDW and acting inappropriately in a FAMILY atmosphere. Although I haven't been to Brazil I have traveled internationally and I just feel as if in general other countries are by far less willing to put up with this type of behavior as we Americans are, in many cases, forced to put up with here. I'm sure many will disagree with me but this is just my personal opinion based on numerous bad experiences I've witnessed.


Well-Known Member
As others have said the taking of all the Fast Passes is definitely one of my biggest problems with the groups in general when we go every July.

But wait there's more... I have no problem with international tour groups but when they are rude, disrespectful, and even dirty it is hard to put up with them. For example:
1. Throwing of gum at the back of the heads of my family and other non tour group visitors while waiting in line at several rides.
2. Using the floor instead of toilets in restrooms. More than once my mom and grandmother have witnessed this in ladies rooms throughout the parks and have complained about it to cast members.
3. But the one that tops it all for me was while waiting in line for the Tower of Terror there was some sort of delay that caused us to wait longer than expected. We had the pleasure of being the first people directly in front of a large group that for no reason began to shove my mother in the back to get the line moving as the others in the group cheered. It took everything I had to not let the Jersey in me come out and cause a scene.

I know complaining about it here won't change anything about the antics of the groups but I had to vent. Sorry. Anyway, the groups are aggravating but I love WDW too much to let it ruin my time there.

Do what id do, Just tell them to stop being a____________s and grow the ---- (Fill in the blank) Up.


Active Member
This is why we don't go to WDW in July. I remember being stuck in the Test Track queue behind a group and in front of one and the yelling, laughing, singing, climbing was insane. They were running back and forth throughout the line, even slamming into us by accident a couple of times not to mention the spike in ride times. The kids were always really nice though.


I completely agree with you that there are Americans that act in the same manner in other countries as these groups do. However, there is a difference between American college students going to Cancun on spring break and acting inappropriately in a setting that during that time is nothing but college students as compared to these tour groups coming to WDW and acting inappropriately in a FAMILY atmosphere.

All of the bad experiences I've had with tour groups in WDW have been with American groups. Just saying.


Well-Known Member
If you really hate the tour groups, don't come in January. these groups are small. 15-30. In January, many are 50-100 people.

Oh ditto that! We went this past jan , which we have been before at that time , HOLY CRAP is all I can say about the tour groups!!! And loud!!! We were waiting in line to get on a bus , and we had already waited a good 15-20min, well when it was our turn to get on there were at least two groups on that bus who were singing extreamly loud, yeah we could of had a seat but we went on th next bus and stood....It was so much quieter! I have no problem with people having fun, but there are just .......UHHHHH!


Well-Known Member
Same here. I think there is a lot of closet racists on this message board:lookaroun

:eek: ummm ... no.

These kids are rude and obnoxious. I had an experience very similar to one's mentioned by several others on this thread. The ONLY time I've ever actually been intentionally shoved around - and I mean shoved HARD - at a Disney park was by one of these kids - a kid definitely old enough to know better and much larger than me. Seems they like to shove women and children which makes them even worse.

Maybe if enough people take the time to go directly to guest relations and complain of being "assaulted" on Disney property, something will be done to correct the problem.


New Member
i was there the last 5 days, insane how many tour groups at all parks. was lucky enough not to get caught behind them in many lines. all the do is yell the whole time and dont care at all if they cut you off -__-


Active Member
I just came back from Disney and when I went to Animal Kingdom, they were EVERYWHERE. I also saw some around Soarin'. They took all the fast passes. I had to ride Soarin' before the park closed.

Like my sister says,if you see a flag...RUN.
Another reason why Brazil seems like a good choice if they ever decide to put in a new country in WS. With Olympics and World Cup, the pros are just piling up. Not to mention no South American representation.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Another reason why Brazil seems like a good choice if they ever decide to put in a new country in WS. With Olympics and World Cup, the pros are just piling up. Not to mention no South American representation.

I just don't think a boat ride attraction dodging drug cartel mobsters would make for a very Disneyesque attraction.
Around 1990, my mom took my sister and I down to WDW in the summer. I was about 8, my sister 6. I have very vivid memories of these tour groups. Some good some bad. The worst was when a mother from one of these tour groups pushed my sister out of the way, then yelled at her in spanish, all so she could get her picture with Pluto. Guess she couldnt wait the 5 min it would have took for us to see him. :mad:
When I took my little girl Oct '10, we luckly only ran into one tour group with nothing to report. I was just glad we got in line befor them, and not after. There had to be at least 30 ppl! And it was for Toy Story Mania!
Someone mentioned the Brits, dont get me started on them!!! :p
LOL Just Kidding!
We had a chance to talk to a lot of WONDERFUL people waiting in line and we loved asking where they were from. Canada, Ireland, Scotland, England, and we even found a family that lived in the same county in PA as we do!
Reading all of these stories just breaks my heart. Its a shame that people regardless of where they are from cant treat people with respect. I know if I went to another country, while being proud to be an American :sohappy:, I would respect the country Im in and its people.

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