Epcot pics today Aug 9th


New Member
I think I will make it my mission to photograph Pumbas when I'm at EPCOT next week (if he's still there). We could create a Pumbas-watch thread on the forums, and he could be like our own little forum mascot. It would be sweet/cute.

Yes, a lot of people would like to see what Pumbas looks like.
Please also see what language he speaks if you get to talk to him.
Sometimes I have trouble understanding his phrases.

I once had dinner in London at an Indian restaurant with 4 different accents of English going on at the same time:

American - me
English- guy from London
Indian- the waiter
Scottish- guy from Scotland

The only one I had trouble always understanding was the Scot.
Maybe it's just me.

Have fun. Find Pumbas for us.


Well-Known Member
Great pics! The park looks amazing and they are still working on it. Also I love your signature!!! But no one on this site would steal and post on Micechat....oh wait yes they would!


Active Member
With the O' Canada show closed to open up the new film, will it open up before August 16th, or sometime before the 24th when I leave?

Jungle Skipper

New Member
Th Egyptian Goose

Hi guys...

About the Egyptian Goose. I have a friend who works the boat transportation on the MK and resorts area. He told me a few years ago, a pair of Egyptian Geese did in factfly away from the AK.

He said they took up residency at the boat dock at the Polynesian. Accoridng to him, Disney had tried several times to catch them and return them but were unsuccessful. Eventaully they decided to let them stay.

They have had offspring, some of which have been spotted at Epcot and the Contemporary.

Just thought I'd throw that info out there.



Well-Known Member
Hi guys...

About the Egyptian Goose. I have a friend who works the boat transportation on the MK and resorts area. He told me a few years ago, a pair of Egyptian Geese did in factfly away from the AK.

He said they took up residency at the boat dock at the Polynesian. Accoridng to him, Disney had tried several times to catch them and return them but were unsuccessful. Eventaully they decided to let them stay.

They have had offspring, some of which have been spotted at Epcot and the Contemporary.

Just thought I'd throw that info out there.


Well my friend, although Pumbas might give the impression that he's slow and cumbersome on these forums, in duck form, he is quite nimble and elusive!


I will add to the thanks for the pics.

I am sure you have been asked this a million times merf but do you work at WDW or just a passholder that lives in the area?


New Member
Hi guys...

About the Egyptian Goose. I have a friend who works the boat transportation on the MK and resorts area. He told me a few years ago, a pair of Egyptian Geese did in factfly away from the AK.

He said they took up residency at the boat dock at the Polynesian. Accoridng to him, Disney had tried several times to catch them and return them but were unsuccessful. Eventaully they decided to let them stay.

They have had offspring, some of which have been spotted at Epcot and the Contemporary.

Just thought I'd throw that info out there.


Ha! It's funny how a lot are staying in the World. They must like it just as much as we do.:lol:


New Member
Son, thats one heck of a paint job. That tarp has been up for almost 2 years. Good to see it coming down. Looks like Donalds been cheatin on Daisy. Keepin the chicks seperated! Good thinking!


New Member
The Egyptian Geese hang around at the Swan and Dolphin and at the MGM ferry, as well. One of the ferry workers informed us that one of the geese had been named Jenny, I believe. The goose would crane it's neck and vocalize toward him whenever he'd call her. It's the little things that add to the magic!


Beautiful pictures Merf....so beautiful...I want to touch them....to hold them....to...:lookaroun ...steal them

ha..ha..just kidding of course (copy-paste, copy-paste, copy-paste)

Hey everyone! Come check out the beautiful pics on my site!!! LOL

Thanks Merf! :D


Well-Known Member
No that is Disney. The countrues have next to nothing to do with Epcot except Morocco. But that is all Disney and with how long it is taking, I am guessing that it is Disney painters.

Uh... no that's not true - what would you say about Japan? Mitsukoshi runs their store.

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