There weren't any Colombians on the core creative team. There was a Mexican American producer, and two of the writers were Cuban and Puerto Rican (and very much American)--so it comes off as more broadly Latin than specifically Colombian. This was really apparent in the use of food to me. I am Mexican (Nahua, specifically) and not Colombian, and even I was asking, "where is the food?!" Julieta is supposed to be able to heal people with food with just the most basic and superficial surface level foods?! Only having buñuelos and arepas?! Really?! Bandeja Paisa is the national dish (I think unofficially), and I imagine could REALLY get folks back to 100%!
I really enjoyed Encanto, and it flourished in ways Coco didn't, as Coco flourished in ways that Encanto didn't. I think part of it is that Mexico has a really high representation in the US and the world stage. There are a lot more of Mexican Americans (myself included) than other Latin populations in the US. I think the other thing about Encanto is that it was originally supposed to be set in Brazil and that it was switched at some point. Among Latin people, Colombia is seen like such a joke, which is so sad, which is why I was really, really rooting for this movie. I feel like they were too scared to alienate non-Latin viewers in ways they weren't with Coco. I am just so glad the whole voice cast is Colombian, that was wonderful. I am really happy that this movie exists.