Well-Known Member
Taking any bets for charity that Disney won't follow through with Dinosaur to Indy.
I'm going delayed - not cancelled. I just REALLY hope they don't go the EPCOT spine route where they start demo and then pause it. That would be a travesty. Having partial Tropical Americas (Encanto plus Carousel) and half-Dino would be fine for awhile. (And, frankly, would probably allow an easier fan transition.)
I'm a bit torn. I personally could care less about Encanto, but I know it's very popular and could be woven into DAK with the right story. Indy I don't care as much about the IP, but it sounds like it could be a really great upgrade. I just hate losing all references to dinosaurs in the park. I kinda wish they would leave the Boneyard and Restaurant-asaurus (rethemed to now be located in South America) as a little tribute. But, I know that ship has sailed.