Embarrassing Parent Stories


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Original Poster
Does anybody have any embarrassing WDW parent stories from the past or present?

For example: Disney used to have a program for renting strollers where upon return of the stroller you would receive a Disney dollar. My father, (who we can describe as "adorably" frugal), would approach people as they were leaving the park, give them a Disney dollar and then we would use their stroller for the rest of the day. It was a running joke in my family about what family name we would be for the day...but it EMBARASSED :cry: the heck out of me and I remember it to this day (i'm 24 now). Also, I suppose we were ripping off Disney, which I also feel bad about. :(

Also, my father accidentally threw up on someone during Body Wars...and the person thought it was a special effect. So. Embarrassed. :ROFLOL:

Go to town on this one peeps.


We were on the sky buckets, and my Mom's sunglasses fell into someone's food. And the guy ran pretty much underneath us the whole way yelling. Needless to say we hung out for awhile inside, because Mom was afraid that he would be outside waiting for us.
I was MORTIFIED, but it became a family joke whenever we rode.

Fastforward about 10 years, and my Mom does it AGAIN at Bush Gardens in Wiiliamsburg. Same thing about the guy following us, and we joked that it was the same guy!!!


New Member
Not really funny embarrassing parent moments, but lots of horrifying embarrassing ones. I don't refer to this person as my mother anymore, but basically she would pick fights for no reason all of the time and get ed if a parent wanted to put their child in front of us during a parade so they could see. She would cuss people out. She would flip out on CMs if they told her we couldn't take food into an attraction. People she fought with would tell her that they felt bad for me because I had a mother like that, and she would exclaim, "She's not my daughter!" She would drink before we went and even one time tried using an all-ready used day pass to get into the then MGM Studios thinking it might work.

Yeah, my first 3 Disney vacations unfortunately don't have many good memories thanks to her. Luckily though I still was and am in love with it and I'm moving to Orlando next year! :)


Well-Known Member
On our last trip to the world, while dining in China, a small maybe 3 or 4 yr. old child stood up in his high chair and vomitted like a fire hose. Everybody at their table jumped up and crashed into the tables arround them trying to escape the vomit launch, including our table. Then other tables started fleeing and people were yelling, kids crying, waiters running for cover. If it wasn't for the smell I would have thought it some kind of dinner theater. Anyways, the entire table left the restaurant minus grandma and a vomit covered kid who was crying a fountain. Poor kid, family was so mortified that they left him behind and had us doing the :lookaroun:lookaroun:lookaroun.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
My family as a whole only went to DL together, and I was too young to really remember either parent being embarrassing. One story I've been told (again, don't remember it myself) was apparently, on line for Space Mountain, I asked to sit next to my uncle. Then I asked him if he was scared and he said "yeah, sure, a little bit." I then asked my dad if he were afraid, and he said "no, I'm OK." Thinking a little bit, I let go of my uncle's hand, grabbed my dad's and basically, in much less-colorful language, told my chicken s*** uncle to take a flying leap, I was riding this with my dad. :)

Now that I'm a dad, I CAN'T WAIT to be the embarrassing-stories dad, doing things that will mortify my daughter but she'll look back on fondly, MUCH later. :ROFLOL:


Active Member
I'll never forget being in the MK in 1982 (9yrs old) having lunch with my family and my Mom (who still is extrememly clumsy) was having trouble opening a ketchup packet. She must have squeezed it as she was opening it because the entire package sqirted out all over the top of my head...if that wasn't horrifying in it's self, my older sister and cousins were hysterically laughing, causing a scene. Enraged, I tried to kick my sister in the shin as hard as I could from under the table and in doing so managed to tip my chair and myself over backwards....:eek:


Active Member
Does it count if I am the embarrassing parent????

Alright, I will tell the story this time instead of one of my kids or my husband. I guess if they can be embarrassed by it maybe you will get a chuckle out of it.... We moved to Florida in 2004 and had arrived a week before our belongings we due to be delivered. I decided we should all go to Disney instead of sleeping on the floor. No belongings means no beds and no TV. No TV meant we had no idea Hurricane Charley was due later that day. Anyway we stayed at the Carribean Beach Resort. We arrived early in the AM and went straight to Magic Kingdom after checking in. I was, as you can imagine, extremely excited to see people leaving the park as we were entering utterly alone. We had a couple of hours of bliss with no wait in lines what so ever. After a bit my husband and my kids were questioning why the park was empty. I on the other hand thought it was just our lucky day. LOL. Not. Finally I asked someone why people leaving. We were inormed that the parks were closing early due to the hurricane coming. I was stunned. They informed us that it was a major hurricane and was heading straight for Disney. So much for my lucky day. We had driven to Disney so we left and went to a local grocery store in order to get some supplies to bring back to our hotel. We hunkered down and watched the news (finally) and of course as a parent I got really nervous of what I had brought upon my family with my want of a bed. As the hurricane hit and the winds howled we occasionally looked out our window to keep up on the happenings. Well, I peeked out during the height of the storm and what to my wondering eyes should appear???? No not St Nick....a fish!!! Yes I said a fish. We were on the first floor and there on the sidewalk in front of our window was a fish slithering along the walkway. Now how in the world could a fish 'walk' or be where the was no water besides the rain seeping into the ground. I tottally freaked out and thought of the lake behind the hotel (the closest large body of water) and wondered how a fish got from the lake to the front walk. And the fish was a HUGE catfish and as far as I had known they are on the BOTTOM of the lake. I imagined a MONSTER tornado swooping across and draining the lake and picking the fish of the bottom and throwing them around (honestly, like I said, I freaked). I screamed 'TORNADO' to my family and dragged them all into the bathtub!!!! Yes!!!! All four of us hunkered in the bathtub for about 20 minutes before I would let anyone move. My husband finally had had enough and went to look out. Of course there was no tornado AND no fish. The hurricane continued and all was well except for my family thinking I needed a shrink. They thought I had really lost it. But I swore there really WAS a fish. Of course I have never lived this down and the hundreds of visits since never happen without a tease to watch out for the walking fish. Well foolish family I have.....There really is such a thing as a 'walking catfish' that scurries along through puddles when it rains. HMMPH!!! I am not crazy contrary to popular belief...I think anyway. All I can say is Disney is a World of imagination and dreams.....HMMMMM....:shrug::ROFLOL::veryconfu:hammer:


Well-Known Member
WOW....:lookaroun I am think my family is really normal! :p

Okay, we went for our first Christmas visit, our oldest daughter was a sophmore in high school and in love for the first time. Her boyfriend was of course home in Indy and we "forced" her to leave town for 7 whole days over the Holidays....mean, I know. :rolleyes:. We were in MK, Christmas night, watching the parade from the front porch of Pecos Bill and she wanted to borrow her dad's cell phone to call home and talk to her boyfriend. This was WAY before (1995) calling plans that allowed for long distance calls that didn't cost a ton extra so we said no, of course. She basically threw a fit, crying and causing a scene, so much so that we all walked away from her and pretended not to know her. She followed :lookaroun and continued to cry, telling us very loudly she wanted to go home, not just back to the hotel but home to Indy. What a scene, I know people were watching her display and thinking what a spoiled brat she was and it did cross my mind too. I was very sad, thinking what a good day it had been and then wham, all of a sudden we were met with the wrath of a teenager who took us off our game. We stuck to our guns, no phone call to home the entire trip but it was very difficult. Funny thing is this, we would have let her use the phone if she had asked in a respectful way. Anyway, we all lived to laugh about it later ( she is now a responsible 26 year old with a much better appreciation of her parents!) and the boyfriend was history after prom later that school year....he left her at prom and went home because he was sick :drevil:, so we had to go get her, what a mess that kid was! Sorry to anyone one of you who may have been around us, I garuntee if you witnessed her display you would not forget it, ever!
My family is the definition of embarrassing. Every time we go my parents or grandparents do something that makes me want to go adopt another family. My dad is the one who I will desert if he does something and I have done it so many times. Anyway i have so many stories which one? Oh okay so my dad is what you would call a dork, when he enters the park he becomes a five year old. Thats all right but then he thinks he can get away with things that five year olds do. Like for one instance, my brother and little cousin were in the stroller and my dad was pushing it. He decides to do a little jump and miscalculated how much power it would take him to do the jump and ended up flipping the stroller and falling on his behind. Now its about 9:05 am and there are tons of people and cms and it was after the death of guest. Next thing i know im surrounded by 10 cm's asking if we needed an ambulance or first aid and my dad turning beet red and trying to save his pride. As for the rest of my family, they went MIA until everyone calmed down and went away. To this day we make sure to tell him not to do a jump while pushing the stroller.


My Mom accidentlly walked into the mens room at the Crystal Palace once. As she was pushing the door open to go inside, Ron Howard (Richie Cunningham) was pulling the door to exit! I was like 8 at the time, I didn't know who it was...

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
WOW!! I guess I'm either lucky to have not had any thing happen like these, or there's a really big one comin when I least expect it. :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun :lookaroun


New Member
So many to choose from but the one that really sticks in my head occured about 8 years ago. During Flower and Garden my family (mom, dad, my son and my sister) were at EPCOT walking the pathway where the roses are. These roses were absolutely gorgeous and we were enjoying the variations and beauty as well as the aroma big time. Well, my mother is a huge rose lover and my sister had pointed out this particular rose and was asking my mother if she knew the name of it. Well, the smart butt that I love being and enjoyment I get torturing my sister (even in adulthood I get my chances) I asked her if the rose was aromatic. Well, she leaned over the railing to smell the rose....well, I kept telling her ''a little closer....little closer....you are almost there....a little closer....'' WELL...hehehe....next thing everyone sees are feet straight in the air...legs a flaring and my sister screaming and hanging onto the railing fighting the gravity that is forcing her to ''come on over'' and land on this poor rose that she was only wanting to ''smell''. Well, the only person that wasn't laughing (too hysterically that is) was my mother...she quickly grabs my sister's legs, pulling her back to safety. The next thing I know I am running for dear life cause my sister then has the desire to kill me. I don't know why? I was just giving her the directions.....a little closer....just a little closer. :)


At California Grill a few years ago, we had a great table overlooking Seven Seas Lagoon. We also had a waiter whose mannerisms indicated that he might have been a homosexual. Well, my mom was looking at the lake, saw one of the boats on the water and shouted, "There goes the ferry!" just as our waiter walked by. He gave my mom a horrible glare. Needless to say, my dad and I were horribly embarrassed...and still tease her to this day about it.


We usually have at least three or four embarassing moments each trip, but thankfully they happen in the privacy of our family and not in public!

Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
My first trip to Disney World, on the Haunted Mansion where you stand in the stretching room, lights are dim and then the lights go out...We were jammed in there tight like they do .... you know into the dead center of the room....and I lost track of my husband and finally grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Lights back on....Uh Oh...not my husband...Quickly turned toward the open doors to the doombuggies, found MY husband ahead of me and didn't look back. Was embarrassing at the time, but laughed about it later...:lookaroun


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
My first trip to Disney World, on the Haunted Mansion where you stand in the stretching room, lights are dim and then the lights go out...We were jammed in there tight like they do .... you know into the dead center of the room....and I lost track of my husband and finally grabbed his hand and squeezed it. Lights back on....Uh Oh...not my husband...Quickly turned toward the open doors to the doombuggies, found MY husband ahead of me and didn't look back. Was embarrassing at the time, but laughed about it later...:lookaroun


You're a good sport for telling that one! :wave:


New Member
At California Grill a few years ago, we had a great table overlooking Seven Seas Lagoon. We also had a waiter whose mannerisms indicated that he might have been a homosexual. Well, my mom was looking at the lake, saw one of the boats on the water and shouted, "There goes the ferry!" just as our waiter walked by. He gave my mom a horrible glare. Needless to say, my dad and I were horribly embarrassed...and still tease her to this day about it.

:ROFLOL::ROFLOL:I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!! Good thing you weren't there durring gay days!!


New Member
This wasn't one of my parents, but A parent at Downtown Disney last month.

I'm walking along by myself, carrying a water bottle in my hand. Suddenly, something is pulling on the water bottle. I look down to see this 8 or 9 year old boy pulling with all his force on my water bottle. Puzzled I say "excuse me, this is my water bottle." The mother turns (she's right there) and looks at me to say "he's just a kid, you don't have to yell at him, geez!" at me. Because clearly I was the one in the wrong for walking around freely with a water bottle, taunting children with it. What else was I supposed to say? :shrug:


New Member
Back in September, it was the last day of our vacation and we had gone to eat at Tony's and my Aunt told our waiter tomorrow was my birthday (September 2nd). So the waiter made everyone sing Happy Birthday. I was so embarresed because of my Aunt.


Active Member
Ok, so not an embarassing parent story but it involves a parent. My dad is the non lovey-dovey type, so to speak. He prefers to show his affection in other ways. But when we're at Disney it's one of the few times he's all excited and loves to be with his family so as a kid (and still now as an adult) I tend to hold his hand sometimes.

Well we're walking to an attraction and I think he's beside me so I grab the hand of the person next to me and lean against them and go "Isn't this the best daddy!" well I look up at him and it's definitely not my father. :eek: I turned beet red, mumbled "I'm sorry sir", and looked around desperately for my family. And what do I see? My mother and father not three feet behind me laughing hysterically. I was so embarassed.

And yet a few years later I did the same thing again! I guess the lesson here is to look at someone before you touch them. :hammer:

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