EE Update Feature


New Member
It's strange. There are other rides I enjoy far more than Everest at WDW and I don't ride them nearly as much. I guess it's just 'new' and exciting. Actually, if we could just walk around the village without being in line, I probably wouldn't have gone on as much.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
mkt said:
I lost count at around 60 times...

And DS and I were with him for probably one of the ones after he lost count! Our 17th, Rob's gazillionth! :lol:

And thanks to Rob having friends in all the right places, we didn't have to wait in the posted 70-minute stand by queue! :sohappy:

DS and I rode one last time and then :cry: we came home... So we're at 18 each and holding...


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
EpcotServo said:
I think I'm around 50. (like others I lost count around 20.And I've been on alot more since then.)
in all fairness though, you work there :p
Enderikari said:
Corrus... that may just be the most incorrect thing I have ever seen you post on these boards... If there was any member of the Disney family who was driving the company to Bankruptcy, it was Walt. Roy was the one who provided the funding and developed the relationships with the banks in order to get the loans needed. Maybe not the creativity that you are used to, but creativity nonetheless. At what point did Roy, without his brother, almost lead the company into bankruptcy? Was it when he built Walt Disney World Resort almost entirely without loans? Was it when he had the foresight to lay the groundwork to repurchase the Tempo Bay Resort and the Polynesian Resort from U.S. Steel? Or was it when he came out of a semi-retirement to finish Walt Disney World? Perhaps when he cancelled the Mineral King Ski Resort because the idea was far too farfetched? Cal Arts?
Just because he had nothing to do with imagineering (and why would he, it caused the single largest rift between him and his brother) doesn't mean he wasn't creative, just not by your definition.

geez for once I agree with the guy.


Well-Known Member
mkt said:
in all fairness though, you work there :p
Well, I don't work there. I'm just in an EE Family. :lol: I was there the day they announced it, the day they started work on it, the day they were putting on the crest of the big drop, the day they started putting the rockwork on, one of the first days of trains cycling, and now I'm there for all the previews. I just love it when a great ride comes together!:D I'm going to try and get a night ride (Hopefully) on Monday. Night's the best!


Well-Known Member
Well, I went to AK tonight to get in some night rides. I got on 3 times at about 6:40, 6:50 (front row), and 7:05. As great as the ride is during the day, it is even better at night. The mountain, the village and the waterfalls all look great at night and the view on the lift is incredible. On the ride the Yeti Mural looks great with the entire area illuminated by candlelight. The entire ride is different at night, and the best part is how much better you see the Yeti himself and the entire room (cave) he is in. I urge everyone to try and ride Everest at night.


New Member
Good news from today: the ride went the whole day (8am-7pm) without breaking down once. The yeti was in his normal show mode and although the steam effect on the train wasn't working (it is being fixed I have heard,) the ride ran smoothly all day.

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