Well-Known Member
As for Alice In Wonderland being shut down, I have to wonder what they'll come up with quickly. From the wording in the statements from Disneyland, it sounds like there will be some temporary fix slapped on in a few weeks, while a more permanent change to the entire vine structure is designed and approved that will require a longer downtime and full rebuild.
It's such a unique and clever thing to see those caterpillar cars pop out of the side of the building and then snake down that vine. I hope they don't lose that kinetic element by hiding it behind bueracrat-approved railings and protection. I can't think of any other indoor/outdoor dark ride besides Alice, except for maybe the outdoor loading area at Disneyland's Pooh ride. But still, Alice's outdoor section of vine track is unprecedented in Disney theme park dark rides, isn't it?
Having dealt with a lot of Cal-OSHA code recently, it seems that the issue is a fall from over 4ft. According to some codes, any person on a structure that could potentially fall 4 or more feet needs fall protection. This could either be a tie off point with a harness and lanyard or handrails. Keep in mind though that if hand rails are added (either permanently or scaffold) they would need midrails and toe boards.