Drowning in pop century hotel.

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Well-Known Member
I hope no one gets blamed on this one... drownings are almost always "accidents" . Children/people drown in crowded bodies of water and empty bodies of water ..noticed and un-noticed..
Personally I think disney does a good job at their resort pools with the lifeguards and other pool people on duty. I have only seen one "safety" issue once at the BC in Stormalong Bay. A whirlpool effect is created when you enter the water coming off the slide and it sucks you under and we insisted we be allowed to stand there for dgs because he had a hard time coming back up to the surface on the first slide down...that was against the rules..no one is suppose to be in the path of slider entering the water (safety) which in theory sounds like a good rule. However in practice the little ones and even strong swimmers can get caught under by the undertow created by the splash and moving water from the slide..so we insisted we had to be in the water when DGS went down slide, that sitting on the edge was not good enough..Pretty much dgs got to do the slide a couple of times and then I said enough, you aren't a strong enough swimmer for this one lets go to the sand beach and play.
Prayers, positive thoughts and compassionon for this boy and his family and friends.
OK well for starters, this didn't happen yesterday but TWO days ago. Second, like I already stated, this was a accident from him diving into the water.. nothing to do w/ a heart attack. Finally, the news isn't going to take your post since you don't even know yourself if it's true or not yourself. However, (IMO) stop looking for attention by posting info that may or may not be true and then saying don't take my info.

This thread is just getting out of line now.

Kobe!!, my post was for those, like myself, who are saddened by what has happened. It was not meant to attract anyone's attention. I rarely ever post on this site, nor do I want any attention for this.

I see, constantly, in the threads on this site about how people jump down other's throats for what they post. Like Kramerica, I just wanted to give what little information I might have... emphasizing that it might be relevant, but I wasn't sure.

I have been a member of this site for almost four years, and only have 21 posts to my credit, because I don't like to be one of those who gets walked all over, just for saying something. You have just verified why I don't like to post.

I am deleting my previous post, so as not to attract any further attention to myself, as your response has completely taken away from its intention.

As I said before, please keep this boy's family in your prayers. I will say nothing further.


Well-Known Member
Multiple Media outlets are quoting the Orange county sheriffs office as saying that the 13-year-old boy involved in the incident has passed away.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Multiple Media outlets are quoting the Orange county sheriffs office as saying that the 13-year-old boy involved in the incident has passed away.
Haven't been able to find updated news regarding this, but I will believe you since you are in the Orlando area.. So sad such a young boy had to lose his life...

Nevermind, DaveStuart just posted a link...


New Member
My daughter just turned 13. I cannot imagine this family's pain nor that this tragedy happened at such a happy place and time in their life. Prayers for peace and comfort.


Well-Known Member
Very very sad. Accidents happen. If what's been said is true, that he dove into a shallow pool, there really isn't anyone to blame. It's just a terrible accident... Though also a sad cautionary tale about why people need to follow the "no diving" signs to the T at pools. I was a life guard for many years, and I can't tell you how many kids (and adults) I yelled at for diving into shallow water. You can drown anywhere. Thoughts and prayers to that poor family.


Well-Known Member
Very sad to hear this... its unbearable to imagine what kind of pain his family must be going through. My thoughts and prayers are with the family and friends.

I would love to give some input on the issue but feel its not the right time or the topic to do so.

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Very sad news indeed. :(

With hindsight, I've done some pretty dangerous things when I was thirteen. Then again, a boy of that age needs to take some risks, needs to explore. Such is growing up. Despite the risks, it is also true that life is most fully lived when you enjoy it by embracing it and occasionally diving in head first.

I can't confirm this with 100% certainty, but a friend of mine had a 13-year-old male family member who was found in a swimming pool in Orlando yesterday and has been in the hospital. I am guessing it is the same child. I will not give my friend's name, nor the family's names or any information I have on his condition... other than the fact that it was determined that the cause was a heart attack. Nothing could have been done to prevent this.

The quips of "bad parenting" or complaints of a lack of lifeguards do not apply. This, unfortunately, was a cause of nature.

Please keep this boy's family in your prayers.
Thanks for sharing that with us! Much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
So incredibly sorry to hear that. My prayers go out to his family. We should all be immortal until the age of 21.

And on vacation, too. How horrific. I can't even imagine.
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