Drinks around the world

Sunny D

New Member
Hi everyone! I know this has been posted before, but I can't find the original post I am thinking of (it was about a year ago). Anyway, I was wondering what some of your favorite drinks around the world showcase are?

We are leaving in four days (yay!) and I am interested in trying some new things on my journey around the world!



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the tips! I was going to post a topic like this soon since I'll be celebrating my 21st by drinking around the world. Any other tips (like how to make it all the way) would be greatly apreciated!
be careful , and know your limits. id only do one shot a day, otherwise your body isnt use to the alchol, and u will get sick. my cousin tried the drinking around the world game. she got soooo sick we had to carry her back to the room. we told her not to do it, or at least know your limits but. good luck
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Well-Known Member
A Margarita in Mexico almost took me down.. I guzzled it because everyone was rushing me to go ride Maelstrom. NOT a good idea! Not only did I have major brainfreeze but I was toasted waiting in line. :lookaroun
I also liked the Grand Marnier slushie.
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Well-Known Member
Should be banned, drink encourages loutish behaviour, poor health and is the liquid of the devil.

Ah man, beat me to it. Oh well here goes.

Why would you ever consume alcohol and why ever do it at such a family place like WDW? I certainly hope my rooms not next to yours and if it is, I will tape your door and call security everytime you come out. Drunk heathens! Now pass the bong!!!:lookaroun
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Well-Known Member
Ok...not that I've done this several times or anything :lookaroun but here's my reccomendations.

First the basic rules...start in Mexico, end in Canada. This comes from experience because if you END in Mexico and decide to cap off with a tequila or Margarita you will be introducing yourself to the finest trash cans (please hope it's not "Push") planters and lagoons up close :hurl:

Besides, the biggest test is if you can finish the tour by watching the Canadian 360 movie without falling over, puking or peeing your pants. If you can do that...Good on ya!!!! :sohappy:

If you decide to do a purely beer tour my favorties are:

Mexico Dos Equis Lager
Norway Ringnes (I heard they stopped serving this so my 2nd choice would be Carlsberg)
China Tsing Tao
The Outpost (if you consider this part of the tour) Michelob
Germany Becks (try a 33oz if you're brave)
Italy Moretti
USA Sam Adams
Japan Kirin Ichiban Draught
Morocco Casa
France Kronenbourg
UK GUINNESS!!! :slurp:
Canada Labatt's

NOW...If you're doing traditional drinks other than beer i recommend:

Mexico Tequila (for the brave) Lime Margarita for the not as brave (but green looks pretty if it comes back up) :animwink::hurl:
Norway The Kristianstad
China Plum Wine
Outpost Frozen Lemonade?...Ok, just skip this one and move on
Germany I like the sweet white wine though i can't recall the name
Italy The Italian Margarita
USA skip it...never found anything here
Japan Sake
Morocco ask for a berber whisky :lol::animwink: (you'll get a mint tea but it's traditional and hey, your liver could use a break right about now besides it's a good palatte cleanser before you head to France for some wine)
France I won't presume to tell you which wine to have because they are generally all good, my favorite is the Willm Pinot Blanc but I like a fruity white wine so get whatever your tastebuds are feeling (if they're feeling anything at all)
UK GUINNESS!!!! Oh wait...this is not the beer tour...OK then, the Smooth Mint Drop
Canada the Caesar unless you're about to hurl, then something less icky like the martini

Have fun!!!! :wave:

You made me laugh. Here's you're next challenge: Drinking around the world during the Food and Wine Festival!!! Let's hear that list :eek:
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New Member
the frozen margaritas in mexico are yummy yummy!! there's the traditional flavor and then there's another....mango i think!! whatever it is, they're good stuff!! :)
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Thanks for the tips! I was going to post a topic like this soon since I'll be celebrating my 21st by drinking around the world. Any other tips (like how to make it all the way) would be greatly apreciated!

  • Consider this an all day thing start around noon, just after lunch and end in the evening
  • Make sure everyone has a park map...I know you're walking in a circle but you'd be surprised how quickly you can lose someone.
  • Personally I recommend a washroom reconnaissance mission a day or two prior...it would be nice to know if you have a 3.5 minute walk to the next potty when you have 7 drinks dancing around your bladder
  • Take a camera and enjoy each pavilion
  • DON'T Rush the drinking...pacing yourself is the only way to make it to Canada (it's like the underground railroad for alcoholics)
  • Eat along the way but nothing heavy or sweet...salty always works well for me so I get a pretzel in germany and some Fish & chips in the UK
  • Don't drink while standing or walking...I know you think you can do 2 things at once but, trust me...you can't. so sit...take some pics...enjoy the entertainment (either at the pavilion or just the people walking by giving you knowing/dirty looks)
  • I can't stress enough DO NOT END IN MEXICO!!!! Just when you think you can do it you down a Tequila or a Margarita and boom :hurl: Kodak colours all over your Tigger T shirt
  • Seriously, try to do the Canada movie...first you gotta figure out how to get there which can be a trick in itself, then you get to see how freakin' hysterically funny Canada is...want to see something really funny...go again the next day and ask yourself "Why did I LOVE this movie so much yesterday"
  • After the movie, take a picture of whoever hurled or peed their pants (it's 17 minutes, baby, it's bound to happen)
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New Member
Ahhh...one of my fav topics, beer around the world/or known as wine around the world during the Food and wine Festival. A tip for the brave who want to venture upon this trek... pace yourself, no chugging to impress your friends, you will end up hurling. Start in Mexico, for those who do not like beer, such as myself, have a light lunch at san angel in with one or two of the margaritas on the rocks, but watch, when you stand up you will notice a slight buzz....next I like to move on to Norway, grab a good viking coffee, nothing says loving like some caffene and liquor, moving on to china, plum wine is a must, very sweet and delicious, this may be a good time to mention to bring some tums/Zantac with you. GERMANY...AHHHH, one must get a beer, the darker the ale, the better the time (Spatan tastes good only if drunk). The italian margarita is fair, nothing too great to mention in US, unless you want a sam adams...ugh. Japan also has the same plum wine, by this time, more sweet and delicious then the first. I think by this point I use morrocco to pick up a light snack since I cannot remember ever having an alcoholic beverage here. Next would be france... lots of wine to choose from, have your pick... England try a harp and Canada Lebatt Blue. By the time you reach Mexico again, we venture inside the temple once more, grab dinner at san angel in, laugh the entire time, and cap the night off with another margarita...Note to self, plan a late start for the following day!! :hurl::hurl::hurl:
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Well-Known Member
Mexico - Frozen Margarita
China - Peach Schnapps Tea Slushy
Germany - Beer or wine
Italy - wine
Japan - Sake
France - Grey Goose Lemonaide Slushy
UK - Glowtini

I didn't list anything from Norway, American Adventure, Morocco or Canada because I try to at least stay vertical while at EPCOT and skipping these countries forces me to pace myself. :p

We did "Drinks Around the World" twice on our trip in April and although I've seen Illuminations tions of time, I can certainly say the fireworks were most entertaining those nights!
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New Member
at the drink stand outside Morocco, we had a lovely drink...I can't remember the name, but it tasted much like a pina colada (and ingredients listed sounded like a pina colada with the addition of almond flavoring) It was wonderful...
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New Member
So there is plum wine in China AND Japan? Someone above said the one in Japan is better....anyone else have an opinion?

I also saw on a menu that Morocco has Sangria....anyone have that before?
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So there is plum wine in China AND Japan? Someone above said the one in Japan is better....anyone else have an opinion?

I also saw on a menu that Morocco has Sangria....anyone have that before?

I agree that the plum wine is better in Japan but then I've always been drunker in Japan :shrug:

I haven't had the Sangria but a friend did and she found it quite sweet which doesn't work well for me if I'm doing a marathon drinking tour
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Well-Known Member
I don't know what it's called, but in France you can get a glass of champagne with pomegranite liquer(sp?) in it. It's very good, but now I want to try the Grey Goose lemonade.
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