Dress Code


Original Poster
My mom told me -and i seem to remember from some behind the scenes program or other- that when Disney (both CA and FL) parks first opened there was a pretty stringent dress code for both men and women? Is that true? Do they still have one? What is it? Are guests asked to leave? (i'm a shorts/t-shirt kinda guy so it doesn't really affect me- apparently- i was just wondering out of curiosity) Anybody know?:veryconfu


New Member
hehehe I know this is bad, but judging from some of things I saw people wearing when I was there........there should be a dress code!!! :lol:

Dawn S

New Member
I'm not 100% sure of it, but I've heard that a lot, too. What I heard, is that at the time the park opened, they were trying to avoid having a ton of "hippie" types hanging out there & that the dress code reflected that. If there is one now, I'm sure it's common sense stuff like, "wear a shirt" or something stupid. There probably was a dress code in place at some point. I've heard about it from too many people to not believe it existed.


New Member
The only real dress code I know is that everyone must shoes and shirts at all times. Even little kids. Security is usually pretty strict about that if they see it. And no one is allowed to wear clothing with objectionable pictures or sayings on it. They have to turn it inside out or the park will give them a shirt to wear instead. Same goes for visible tatoos that are objectionable. They have to be covered up. We had a guy once at the train who had a huge tatoo of a naked lady with her legs spread wide open and he was pretty upset when he had get a long sleeve shirt to cover it. Just thought I would share what I know.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
when DL opened back in 55, and WDW in 71, there were Dress Codes in place. I don't know much about the WDW one, but I recall that in DL they wouldn't let male guests with long hair into the parks. This changed in the 60's because.. it was the 60's


Well-Known Member
I don't ever remember a dress code for Guests. Beyond normal decency laws (they can't enforce much other than that). But they had extremely tight guidelines for cast members.


no sideburns.
hair can't touch your collar.
no jewelry except a wedding ring.
no colored hair.
no facial hair (or stubble)
no visible tattoos.


must wear bra
earthtone make-up.
one ring on each hand
one ring in each ear.
no unatural hair colors.
no necklaces.
1/4 length fingernails, polished in nuetral colors.
nude nylons.
no more than a 1 inch heel.
no visible tattoos.

most of these are pretty much still standard. They didn't want the cast to detract from the attractions. They wanted the cast members to look timeless.

Badger Brent

Active Member
We were coming off of Kali River ride and we were soaked! My 9yr son took off his drenched tank top while we waited in line for the Tarzan show. As the line started moving, a CM politely asked that my son put his tank top back before we went any further. We kind of laughed and told our son to put his wet top back on. I had not thought anything of it until I read this post. After seeing some of the outfits that some women are wearing these days, they might have to enforce this policy a little more. Not that I mind, no...... not at all!:D


Well-Known Member
Unfortunetly, Disney has gotten a little lax with thier dress code policy... I have seen some kids (!) with shirts that I would say is objectionable... (have foul language on them), and they were let into the parks...

Shirts (buttoned up) and shoes are required at all times... however, a lot of cast members won't bother to ask the guest to put them back on...

One policy I'm not quite sure about, is for women... (and I'm probably going to get a bit of flack for this... lol), but some girls/women will come into the parks very scantily clad... wearing next to nothing... super short shorts, and a string top... personally... I think they need to cover that up... Disney is a Family park, and there's no need for that to be shown.


Disney's Favorite Scumbag™
Premium Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
some women will come into the parks very scantily clad... wearing next to nothing... super short shorts, and a string top...

and WHAT, pray tell, is wrong with that????


The Mom

Premium Member
I remember the daughter of an aquaintance being told to put a shirt over her bikini top before she would be allowed in. However, as soon as she got in, she took it (the shirt) off...then complained when a guy in line was staring at her "assests!" :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oh.... and sorta on the same topic... but totally different... lol...

The other day I saw a tour bus... and it has one of those graphic advertisements wrapped around it... anyways... it was a commercial bus... for some beer... Miller Lite perhaps... anyways, in big huge bold print... "SEARCHING FOR THE BEST HOOTERS"

I saw that bus a few times throughout the day... if I were a parent of a little kid, I'd be covering thier eyes... I wish Disney had escorted that bus either off property, or had them park it someplace...

The Mom

Premium Member
Originally posted by Fantasia Boi
One policy I'm not quite sure about, is for women... (and I'm probably going to get a bit of flack for this... lol), but some girls/women will come into the parks very scantily clad... wearing next to nothing... super short shorts, and a string top... personally... I think they need to cover that up... Disney is a Family park, and there's no need for that to be shown. [/B]

Especially since so few of them are "buff!" :eek:


Well-Known Member
Dam..if they re-instated a dress code at WDW I (or any of my friends..male or female) would not be allowed back on property...hehe...

...but ya know what? The only people who seem to complain about the way we dress are people who cant seem to "pull off" our look (for various reasons)...so i pass it off as jealousy ;)


New Member
We were in DW in April and were waiting for the parade at MK and their was a guest and a small child who had no shirts on and a cast member asked them to put their shirts back on or they would be asked to leave. The guests were too happy but neither was the cast member who had to look at the sweaty hairy chested man!!
At the Disney Store we have a strict policy on how we look on stage and the MOD does stick to it. If you are wearing something you shouldn't they will tell you. Hey- if you don't like the rules you shouldn't be in Disney or working for Disney!! Personally I love both!!!!


Original Poster
maybe i should have named this "scariest thing you've seen at disney" but i think there was already a thread about that!!:lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
my dad was telling me in the early 60s at disneyland-when he was in the navy going to disneyland security was stopping some guys that had really long hair and wouldnt let them in the park- i guess that quickly changed being 90% of men had long hair during that decade


Active Member
I knew about the t-shirts, but I have always seen girls walking around in jean shorts and bikini tops... and why the heck not? Vacation, Florida, Sun... Get a tan?

Do they make you wear shirts and shoes at the water parks?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by kaos
I knew about the t-shirts, but I have always seen girls walking around in jean shorts and bikini tops... and why the heck not? Vacation, Florida, Sun... Get a tan?

The reasoning why some folks would want that covered up a bit more is that Walt Disney World is a Family park... some might not find it appropriate...


New Member
Originally posted by kaos
I knew about the t-shirts, but I have always seen girls walking around in jean shorts and bikini tops... and why the heck not? Vacation, Florida, Sun... Get a tan?

Do they make you wear shirts and shoes at the water parks?

Well OK Why not get a tan....... AT the Waterpark. thats what they are for. If you do not object to young ladies wearing shorts and bikini tops then you won't object to 50 and 60 year olds wearing the same thing....RIGHT! And yes, I have seen it Regularly in the Theme Parks. Shirts and shoes are to be worn at all times in the Disney Theme parks per the guide books. The policy is just not being inforced. Also, There are some things that need to be covered up during the day, if you get my meaning. There is a time and place for everything. Just my two cents.

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