Dream Squad in the Magic Kingdom Today


New Member
Original Poster
I dont know if this was posted before or not so here goes..


The Dream Squad members were out and running around the Magic Kingdom today. They were wearing sholder bags with the dream squad logo on it. I was asking them how they chose who to give prizes to. This is what one of them told me....

They will each be contacted by radio and told go to a random location in the park and to open envelope number whatever at a givin time. Once they get to the location they will get out the numbered envelope read the envelope and look for a random person that fits what the envelope says.

Below is the example the Squad member used to describe it to me.

So If the Dream Squad member was in tomorrowland they might be called to go to Big Thunder and give out envelope #4 in 10 min. Once they get there the envelope might say look for the first guest with a goofy hat on and award him/her the prize.

I am glad that it is totaly random and that the Dream squad will use the tunnels to get around to prevent a crowd from following them around.

Again this is what they told me. So please dont shoot the messenger. They are probably still working the kinks out.

Epcotrob :wave:


Active Member
That is cool. I would like to be one of those Dream Squads. I would like to see the people's faces when you give them the prize.


New Member
Yeah, they've been out and about for almost a week now, visiting planned locations and preparing for everything. The salaried leader with them had a HUGE binder too... would have loved to take a peak at it...


New Member
Dream squad:veryconfu ? Is this part of a new promotion going on at WD? It sounds cool. I will be there next summer:) , hope they still have it:( .

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Dream squad:veryconfu ? Is this part of a new promotion going on at WD? It sounds cool. I will be there next summer:) , hope they still have it:( .
It is a part of the year of a million dreams promotion that starts in October of this year and runs for 15 months. Prizes will range from pins to a DVC membership or a trip to every Disney park in the world.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
If someone came up to me saying they were from the Dream Squad and told me I had won free ANYTHING at WDW I would probably think I was getting punk'd! :lol:


Active Member
I'm taking all my hats with me on my October trip! :lol:

I'd just love to see the Dream Squad in action while I'm there. While it doesn't HAVE to be me (though it would be nice), it would be really great to see something magical happen for someone. I'd get a warm, fuzzy feeling from that.


Well-Known Member
This all soinds cool. You think they's give out a prize to the first teen with a pal mickey, cuz if thats the case Ima start bringing mine again.


New Member
The Dream Squad was checking out Animal kingdom this past weekend as well. Epcotrob, I knew it was going to be random, but if what you described (with the envelopes and such) is how they plan to do most of these things then I find that pretty cool because that truly is random.

On top of all the special things the Dream Squad will be doing, specific areas in the parks are coming up with their own things as well. Here at the Safaris for example---While I won't say what specifically---we're about to start doing a few new magical moments (we've been testing them out over the past week or so) that I know are going to make some select guests each day very happy. I for one am pretty excited about October 1st.


New Member
Daughter is on Dream Squad

My daughter is on the Dream Squad for Epcot, and her boyfriend is on the Dream Squad for the Studios. They had training last week and have been out in the parks this week just sort of getting used to mingling and being seen.

Unfortunately, because I'm related to a CM I'm not eligible for any of the prizes! :(


Account Suspended
But if they're looking for someone who fits a description.. how is it random?

I mean, if it is "person who is walking down pathway.." makes sense, but not "person who is wearing tinkerbell shirt" because i'd never win a prize, because i'd never wear tinkerbell.


Active Member
Why was the Dream Squad out if the Year of a Million Dreams Celebration hasnt' started yet? Won't it start October 1st, the day after the Happiest Celebration on Earth ends, or has it started already since you can mail in to enter now?

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