Don't Mess With WDW!!!


New Member
People that make comments like that are jealous. They either can't afford to go or they they were deprived growing up of learning how to go away and have fun on a trip.

I didn't go to Disney, let alone FL until I was in my senior year of high school. I'm 31 now and was 17 at the time. This trip was also my parents first trip to Disney, they were in their 50s. We all loved it.


Well-Known Member
It's so lovely to know I am in the company of like minded people!

I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! :kiss:

We get comments all the time like:

you really need to go somewhere else holiday, there are others places you know

so how long until you go on the fun fair rides?

I could go on but you all know what I mean, heck if any of the WDW excs are reading....... GET US LOT TO FRONT THE NEXT ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I always get a little defensive when threads like this pop up (which they do very frequently).

Obviously, for any of us to have even found this board, we have a certain interest in WDW. Otherwise, we wouldn't come here to talk about it. I think it is very easy for people like us to lose sight of how Disney and WDW is seen by most people.

It is not at all uncommon to come across someone who is uninformed about WDW or who just doesn't get it. As people who have a great deal of knowledge on the subject, it is up to us to respond in an appropriate manner. Don't get offended. Offer doubters another point of view. Maybe you'll pique their interest. Maybe not. If not, that's just fewer people in line.

Most people I know are not WDW fans. My entire family has been (most more than once) and it would be an effort for me to drag them all back. They don't even begin to understand my fascination with WDW and that's okay. There's plenty of things that interest them that don't interest me at all.


New Member
I don't give a fetid pair of dingoes kidneys when I get grief from people when it comes to my enjoyment of Disney World. I'm supposed to only be interested in holidays that involve football, mindless copulation, fighting and large amounts of alcohol. If that's normal I'm happy to be weird :D


Well-Known Member
Ok, 1st things 1st.

Crazy Girly Hi! :wave: Haven't seen you in while. When in Jan are you going. We will be there Jan 4th to th 11.

2nd, my friends have mostly given up and accpeted it as part of us. Now that many of my friends are also parents of preschoolers they are coming to me for advice. Finally my talents are appericated. (I have a master degree in social work, but no one wants my advice on that, do you blame them thought?) :lol:

3rd, most people who are down on vactions to WDW have normally taken a one day trip to MK, never stayed on prop and never saw how much other stuff there is to do there. If they have been longer they stayed off prop to save $ and it was such a pain the the butt they didn't want to go back.

4th, I was talking to a friend about what else we should do in Southern Cal (we are thinking about going in May) and my friend was like "skip DL, it is the same as Disney World anyway and you have done it so many times...." To be honest our whole point of going to Cal is to see DL, but we want to see other parts of CAL while we are there. Of course she was like drive up to wine country and see the redwoods. Hello, we have 2 kids under the age of 5 years old. Not going all that way for wine country. Heck, DH and I don't even drink wine! (and my friend knows all this! :hammer: )

4th. About Walt and racism. I remember seeing a DVD on him recenlty (produced by his family.) where this was mentioned. One of his loyal empolyee and friend, (who happened to be black.) Said something along the lines of "You can say he was a racist, but you didn't know him. I did and would never say that."


New Member
Original Poster
DisneyPhD said:
Ok, 1st things 1st.

Crazy Girly Hi! :wave: Haven't seen you in while. When in Jan are you going. We will be there Jan 4th to th 11.

2nd, my friends have mostly given up and accpeted it as part of us. Now that many of my friends are also parents of preschoolers they are coming to me for advice. Finally my talents are appericated. (I have a master degree in social work, but no one wants my advice on that, do you blame them thought?) :lol:

3rd, most people who are down on vactions to WDW have normally taken a one day trip to MK, never stayed on prop and never saw how much other stuff there is to do there. If they have been longer they stayed off prop to save $ and it was such a pain the the butt they didn't want to go back.

4th, I was talking to a friend about what else we should do in Southern Cal (we are thinking about going in May) and my friend was like "skip DL, it is the same as Disney World anyway and you have done it so many times...." To be honest our whole point of going to Cal is to see DL, but we want to see other parts of CAL while we are there. Of course she was like drive up to wine country and see the redwoods. Hello, we have 2 kids under the age of 5 years old. Not going all that way for wine country. Heck, DH and I don't even drink wine! (and my friend knows all this! :hammer: )

4th. About Walt and racism. I remember seeing a DVD on him recenlty (produced by his family.) where this was mentioned. One of his loyal empolyee and friend, (who happened to be black.) Said something along the lines of "You can say he was a racist, but you didn't know him. I did and would never say that."
Hey PhD!!! I haven't seen you around much either... but did see the pics of those two beautiful girls from your last trip!!! They are cuties!!! How are you liking this weather? I HATE it. January can't come fast enough for me. I know anything down there will be better than anything up here at that time of year. And we will be down there January 3rd - 7th staying at Pop, so I guess we will be there together! Small world!


Well-Known Member
crazygirley said:
Hey PhD!!! I haven't seen you around much either... but did see the pics of those two beautiful girls from your last trip!!! They are cuties!!! How are you liking this weather? I HATE it. January can't come fast enough for me. I know anything down there will be better than anything up here at that time of year. And we will be down there January 3rd - 7th staying at Pop, so I guess we will be there together! Small world!

That is so cool!!!! We will be there at the same time (but we are like 15 miles apart now and never meet. However I was at the zoo that day!)
I need a picture of you so I am spot you in a crowd. We will be at SSR (our 1st time there.)

Only reason I am looking forward to Jan is for WDW, the weather now is just fine with me. :lol:

I will post some pictures of the girls in halloween costumes soon. :)


New Member
Original Poster
DisneyPhD said:
That is so cool!!!! We will be there at the same time (but we are like 15 miles apart now and never meet. However I was at the zoo that day!)
I need a picture of you so I am spot you in a crowd. We will be at SSR (our 1st time there.)

Only reason I am looking forward to Jan is for WDW, the weather now is just fine with me. :lol:

I will post some pictures of the girls in halloween costumes soon. :)
Yeah... it was a shame I didn't make it to the zoo thing. I regret it now :( . Oh well, maybe we'll spot eachother somewhere in the World. I know what you look like from your pics in your album. Don't know if you look the same, but your cute kids would give you away :lol: !!! This is me...


Maybe we will run into eachother!!!


TchaikovskyVCID said:
If they've gone once and decided that they want to do other things as well then thats not below the belt thats called expanding your horizons. While I love Disney World, when i get home from a trip i don't sit there daydreaming about how soon I can start planning my next trip there. There are many other places to see in this world, Disney World just happens to be one of the greatest must-sees. But what about Europe, the Far East, Australia, India, North Africa, South America, the Caribbean (if anyone says you can see the caribbean in POTC they're getting shot), and Polynesia. It's not where you go that makes a trip magical, It's what you do when you're there. I took a trip to Italy, France and Spain this past July with my orchestra and (I know I'm gonna get shot here for saying this) It was the best trip I've ever had. Disney World didn't even come close. Why? Because on that trip I gained a new outlook on life, I made friends that I'll have for the rest of my life, I played concerts in some of the most reputable halls in the world, the Queen of England came to see one of our concerts. Don't be afraid to see other parts of the ...planet. Disney World will always be there when you get back. And don't scorn people for encouraging you to broaden your horizons.

I tried to broaden my horizons but then they closed it.


Well-Known Member
crazygirley said:
Yeah... it was a shame I didn't make it to the zoo thing. I regret it now :( . Oh well, maybe we'll spot eachother somewhere in the World. I know what you look like from your pics in your album. Don't know if you look the same, but your cute kids would give you away :lol: !!! This is me...


Maybe we will run into eachother!!!

Ok, I will have a look out for you.

I will post some new ones for halloween, the kids have grown so much (and I have lost some weight! :p ) :sohappy:

Here is a link to my photo album. We look moslty the same, but I can really tell how much weight I have lost recently. :sohappy:

Funny thing last May we went to Vero and I had been chatting on line with a women at Dis (can I say that here? :lookaroun )on the DVC board. We emailed pictures of our families so we would know what we look like. Well the very 1st moring we were there we were setting in the restuarant and who was right next to us? They were. We both even reconized each other! It was pretty funny. Of course Vero Beach is MUCH MUCH smalle then WDW, but it was funny.


New Member
Original Poster
DisneyPhD said:
Ok, I will have a look out for you.

I will post some new ones for halloween, the kids have grown so much (and I have lost some weight! :p ) :sohappy:

Funny thing last May we went to Vero and I had been chatting on line with a women at Dis (can I say that here? :lookaroun )on the DVC board. We emailed pictures of our families so we would know what we look like. Well the very 1st moring we were there we were setting in the restuarant and who was right next to us? They were. We both even reconized each other! It was pretty funny. Of course Vero Beach is MUCH MUCH smalle then WDW, but it was funny.
LOL... small world!!! But it would be funny if I saw you and your family walking and pushing strollers towards me.


New Member
Ughhhh...My husband and i constantly get bothered by these comments all the time from his family (especially when we decided to get married there last year). This year when we went (just got back on monday!!) we heard "well at least you can go now because you have kids?!?!" arggg....nobody seems to understand the magic it all holds...


Well-Known Member
Ignorance for WDW only leads to shorter lines ahead of me. :D

A typical conversation between me and someone at school:

"You're going to Disney AGAIN?!"

"Uh...yeah. Why not?"

"It's boring!"

"Since when did free food become boring?"


"Or the best shopping experience anywhere?"


"How about world-class hotels, awesome water parks, phenomenal theme parks, golf courses, speedways..."

"OK! OK!" :D


Active Member
dandaman said:
Ignorance for WDW only leads to shorter lines ahead of me. :D

A typical conversation between me and someone at school:

"You're going to Disney AGAIN?!"

"Uh...yeah. Why not?"

"It's boring!"

"Since when did free food become boring?"


"Or the best shopping experience anywhere?"


"How about world-class hotels, awesome water parks, phenomenal theme parks, golf courses, speedways..."

"OK! OK!" :D

My friends have all but given up on me...
They don't bother asking or arguing because:
A. They know an argument that involes disney, I will win
B. Nothing will change my mind
C. It's not a good thing to get me mad...:lookaroun


Active Member
This just reminded me: I may have gotten into an argument with a teacher yesterday concerning Disney.:lookaroun

Well, what do you expect, I can let him keep giving out incorrect facts, poluting the education system. At least it didn't get violent...:lookaroun


Well-Known Member
I hate it when people are ignorant of the parks. They just can't see that they truly are amongst the greatest places on the whole damn planet because they can appeal to all ages and actually suceed in telling a story in three dimensions(Same with Universal and some of Paramount's Kings Island) instead of just mindless cheap thrills like you find at Six Flags or a carnival. Granted, I really like some of the spinners at Cattle Congress, but still...

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