I don't know how to put this the right way, but sometimes I feel like my MIL is a better Mom to me than my Mom. My Mom was really young when she had me, so by the time I got older it almost seemed like she was more of a sister than a mom. Half the time I call her now she is to preoccupied with this guy to talk to me. She met the guy a couple years ago...he is a loser and no good for her. She started a landscaping business with him about 2-3 years ago. He is good for the business, but he has moved into her house and completely taken over it. She doesn't sleep in her own bedroom anymore because he has claimed it as his area, she smokes in the house and in the car (neither of us have ever smoked). He has a son who is in preschool and he is really good to him (his one good quality). He just drives me crazy!! It kills me that I call my Mom to try to talk about the baby or my appointments and it seems like she is always to busy for me. This weekend my SIL called my MIL 4 times on Saturday alone and she sat and talked to her each time.
My Mom thinks she can only stay for a week after the baby is born. I knew that it is prime time season for the landscaping business, but I don't understand why the guy can't handle it for a little longer. Luckily my IL own a furniture store, so my MIL can take off as much time as she wants.
Sorry to unload all of this on you guys, but it has just been driving me crazy for awhile...maybe its all the hormones running through me.