Doesn't Going to WDW Multiple Times in a Year Desensitize You to the Fun and Magic?


Well-Known Member
I moved to Orlando once.

But I was forced to go home to boring Kentucky

Stupid college. Who needs a career? :lol:

Seriously I would love to do another college program but I'm already really behind in school from my first one. :hammer:


Naturally Grumpy
Different Strokes

Clearly, from this little sampling, you can see that both answers are correct (for some).

I would guess that for most people, once every year or two will keep the "special" magic. For any vacation, if it was good, you wish it would last a little (or a lot) longer...but that is what fuels the anticipation for next time.

I know some folks that wouldn't consider going to Disney period! Think it just a place for kids (and I don't waste my time trying to convince them otherwise)

Others like myself can be content and enjoy visiting as often as possible. As some Orlando residents have said, you approach the parks differently, possibly going to one event, show or ride, or even just soaking up the ambiance.


Well-Known Member
Another good thing about being local, and/or visiting often is the special events that occur throughout the year. For example, Epcot wraps up the the Flower and Garden Festival on 6/6, and that has been running since 4/16. During the festival, they had many different events running, including a concert series and a lecture series. In the fall, Epcot has the Food and Wine festival which is very neat. You can sample food, wine, and beer from all over the world. The also have wine and food seminars, along with a concert series. In December, Epcot has the Holidays around the World event, which includes regional holiday stuff and the Candlelight Processional, which is very neat. With these different events, Epcot really transforms itself thoughout the year.


Well-Known Member
those transformations at epcot are part of what I really miss. Looking back, there are some things that I didn't do when I had the time that I wish I had. Now it's kinda too late, because I'm not always there for the special events. Like all I saw of Holidays around the World was the Candlelight Processional. Now I wish I had seen more of the country's different christmas displays. I remember a shop that had some really neat nativity scenes for sale. I think it was around Italy.


Well-Known Member
i am one of those people that loves to visit WDW every couple of years. it's nice to see if somethings have changed as well as revisiting things that you love to do. i look at my next trip to WDW, whenever that will be, to catch the attractions i had missed the previous time or those that i really want to do again. also for me, in the past few years i've gone, i traveled with different people each time. this last trip was with my finace and it was a great experience because he had never been (ever!). i love the anticipation of when the next visit will be and what i'll be doing and seeing. :D :sohappy:


New Member
I never got bored. There were times when I went only for Beauty and the Beast at MGM or firework at EPCOT

I had a Universal annual pass when I was in Orlando. On my fifth visit to Universal, I was already bored. I wasn't thrilled anymore when I rode Hulk or other coasters.

I guess I'm more a "show" person than a "coaster" person even though I like roaller coasters. But after a while, all the coasters became the same.

I think the shows in Disney are really good. I was never bored watching Reflections of Earth (the firework) at EPCOT over and over.


Original Poster
When you all are going multiples times in a year, do you ever go by yourself? If so, how is that experience? What do you do?


Well-Known Member
I almost always go it alone...:lookaroun

I look to theme parks, especially the Disney parks, as a form of escapism. I have a pretty stressfull job in the hotel industry, so I go to the parks to relex, escape reality for a few hours, and recharge my batteries.

It is nice to go alone, as you can do what you want, when you want, and you don't have to compromise your plans, or listen to someone whine on having to walk so much, or about the heat, or whatever else. Also, since some of the rides now have single-rider lines, you have that benifit also.


Well-Known Member
By the way Speck...

Missed you this past Monday!

I know you were at MGM...cause Rob had to leave me to catch up with you!:rolleyes:

*another perk of frequent visits...harrassing the vendors at Epcot*



Well-Known Member
Originally posted by BwanaBob
By the way Speck...

Missed you this past Monday!

I know you were at MGM...cause Rob had to leave me to catch up with you!:rolleyes:

*another perk of frequent visits...harrassing the vendors at Epcot*


I was actually at Epcot earlier in the day, saw everyones favorite vendor, had a few Moosehead lights, and went to the studios.

It was so hot, I went on JII just to cool off:D


Well-Known Member
On my College Program, I went at least 3 times a week to various Disney places (parks, WaterParks, DTD) in order to unwind. However, having ridden every attraction (literally, including Playhouse Disney) I still went as often as I could, if just to relax and do some really amazing people watching.

When you have the oppurtunity to go to Disney for a vacation, don't rush it. If you don't get to ride Peter Pan, big deal. Ride the attractions that you have to ride, and walk in between them.

That's how you do Disney, whether its once a decade or every other day. Every day is a new experience with the assorted people that cross its turnstiles.
When "Blast" was on at the American Gardens Theatre a few years ago we were staying at The Boardwalk I went to see it every day and bought the C.D. So I didn`t get tired of it !
By the way does anyone know what is on at the Gardens Theatre this summer from July onwards as I can`t seem to find any information??


Active Member
Unfortunately I can't go to WDW every week-end, at the best it will be once or twice a year. BUt I think I'd never get bored of it. I already go to Disneyland Resort Paris almost twice a month (when I'm not working there and going everyday) and it is much smaller.

I think I would go to WDW every week-end, not necessarily for a park, but to catch a movie, try a restaurant, cool down at a waterpark, renting a boat, try parasailing, scuba diving etc... there's just sooo much to do there (you can almost do everything)!!!!!!

That said, I almost never go alone to the Resort. I prefer being with some Disney fans, a good friend or my girlfriend.

One Lil Spark

EPCOT Center Defender
Growing up so close to the Magic is my single most favoritest thing from my childhood. My parents took the family to stay one long weekend a month on property. By the time I was 5 years old I could recite every single word from JII without messing up once.

I miss not being able to head over once a month or so. Part of my massive knowledge and love for WDW comes from frequent visits. When I walk around the parks I feel like an elitest among tourists. I feel like I hold enough knowledge to spread magic to others who don't know maybe as much as I do.

I went to WDW for spring break and I will return suprisingly for fall break too. Twice in one year is a pretty good # of times to go considering before my trip this past April I hadn't been in 16 months.

WDW is my home and my refuge from reality. I think that the more I'd go, the more I'd love it!!


Active Member
I personally think I could visit WDW every week, unfortunately I've never had the opportunity! I try and get to visit WDW every year, however, my parents only like to visit every couple of years now, but I do persist! After this year I'm going to have to wait until 2006! :(


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Enderikari
When you have the oppurtunity to go to Disney for a vacation, don't rush it. If you don't get to ride Peter Pan, big deal. Ride the attractions that you have to ride, and walk in between them.

I think the general feeling vacations have is that when they are spending thousands of dollars to go to Disney, it's better to see as much as possible. Especially in families with kids, where the kids get tired in the afternoon, they try to see as much as possible before that inevitable afternoon nap :)

And then there is me...non-stop every day from 8 am to 10 and 11 pm :)


If I could I would go every week but being 1,250 miles away makes that impossible. In 10 days we will be there for the third time in the last 12 months and we are more excited than we were the first time we went. We extended this trip to 10 days because we wanted to go to Universal but still need to get my WDW fix. It has a lot to do with the personality I am a like a little kid in WDW. We are driving down and will arrive early in the morning and will be at one of the parks when they open and won't check in at the Pop Century till after we leave the parks at closing. Going often make it so much better we are in no rush and just enjoy everything more


Account Suspended
Well here's the thing with me:

I grew up in Fla., lived there for 17 years, 13 of which I was an only child/grandchild. And where do you think I wanted all of the relatives to take me for vacation? Of course!!!! So I got to go a lot as a child. Then, I went for my first honeymoon, with my first wife, and we stayed at The Poly. I remember still how much I enjoyed the trip there. Then, I went 17 years before I visited the parks again. Long story short, life happened. Here's the neat part. I took my new wife there for our honeymoon. And yes, before you all ask, she did know that I had last been there on a honeymoon, with a previous wife. Thing is, she didn't mind, cause she had never been to WDW. So it was a total blast to see her reaction to everything. She loves the place. She cried when she saw the entrance sign with Mickey on it.

Second chapter, is we got to take my daughter from a previous marraige there for her first trip just over a year ago, on a family reunion thing. Again, it was very special for me, getting to see her reactions to everything. And it was just as special being back there just a year later, with her.

Last chapter is I am trying to plan a surprise anniversary trip for my Wife and I in December, (shhhhh, don't tell her). And not having been there in over a year, I can't wait to goo and surprise her with the trip. What I learned when I went back after 17 years, is how much I missed the place. I really think it's in the eye of the beholder. Some of us out here can't get enough of Disney. I act like a kid all of the time, as my wife constantly reminds me. And now Dad tells me that he and my uncle are going to try and open up a business (hotel/bar kinda thing), in Tampa. And you can be sure I have already reserved a spot on their "staff" for myself and my Wife.

In the end, I can tell you that there's nothing more special than seeing loved ones eyes light up the first time they walk down Main Street USA. (especially my daughter). So I will enjoy each trip/visit there, no matter how many times a week, month, or year they are. Enjoy life and live each day like it's your last, I now say.

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