Does this bother you?


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by BenS
(by the Mission: Space building, in guest previews at the time)
"This is where that ride about Communications used to be."
"But the big ball it was in is over there"
"Yeah, people liked the ball so they kept it, moved it over there and put a roller coaster inside"

That's the best one I've heard in a while!


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
That's the best one I've heard in a while!

This is sort of similar to me laughing because someone just bought a new computer and think it's the latest and greatest when really they are running a processor with a limited front side bus, or smirking because someone thinks they are on a highspeed broadband connection when they are really limited by a poor performance upstream proxy. Another classic is how people setup 802.11b NAT boxes but forget to implement their hex WEP keys and change the default SSIDs - not to mention forgetting to filter out unwanted source traffic on open UDP and TCP ports. Yet I hear people say they are 'safe' because they installed Norton or McAffee's firewall, even when they are running and open DHCP server with trusted subnets and DMZ forwarding.

My point with the above paragraph is to illustrate that we all have our areas expertise. When the tables are turned, it's not much fun. A lot of people in my field just go NUTS when they hear anyone else talking about computers in ANY capacity, because so often, people just don't have a clue. But who cares?

Most computer users could care LESS about this stuff, they just want to sit down, get online, and enjoy themselves. It's the same scenario.

I also think people tend to WAY overexaggerate things that were said in Disney parks to get a response here. I know some guests are very confused, but some of the things I am reading here just sound like they were thought up to sound 'extra' dumb.

As I read this thread, I continute asking myself the same question over and over. Why does it matter if people are talking loud about things that are incorrect? Walk into any Best Buy computer aisle and you will hear the same thing.

The more I am reading here, the more dumbfounded I am getting!! Does it really matter how much people know? My wifes parents are at Disney right now for the first time, they don't know ANYTHING about the parks, admit they are lost the whole way, and they are having a great time. Knowing their personalities, if someone came up, interrupted their conversation and started correcting them, they would not enjoy the parks.

Why not just let people be? Even if they are LOUD and wrong? :confused:


Originally posted by strobe
Most computer users could care LESS about this stuff, they just want to sit down, get online, and enjoy themselves. It's the same scenario.
Yes, but these people are pretending they know about something. It's like I always say, "It's ok to not know something, just don't pretend you do."


New Member
Originally posted by strobe
I also think people tend to WAY overexaggerate things that were said in Disney parks to get a response here.


What are you doing in my brain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


the threads about horrible CM's comes to mind....


New Member
Originally posted by BenS
Yes, but these people are pretending they know about something. It's like I always say, "It's ok to not know something, just don't pretend you do."

Oh - but they do!! Announce that you are having computer troubles in a room of people and watch how many experts there are! :D Either that or listen to someone trying to purchase a new computer "I heard Celerons are bad, I don't want that" (the most wide spread myth of them all). I'm just saying, it wouldn't be right for me (nor would I want to) interject myself into that conversation, nor would I want want to do it on someone's vacation.

People drive and aren't automotive experts
People go online and aren't computer experts
People go to Disney and aren't Disney experts

In any of the above, a lot of misinformation exchange happens. You always have the crack mechanic, or the neighbor who's a computer expert, or in this case the average Joe who knows it "all" about Disney -- when they really aren't and really don't.

I'm just saying, who cares. They paid for their ticket, and if they want to talk about incorrect facts, even loudly, what's the difference? It's really no different than someone talking loudly about other topics, and I don't think there is any reason to get so worked up about it. I think we have ALL spoken about things that we really don't know about - just look at politics :lookaroun.

So in my estimation - we are ALL guilty at one point or another. :p


Like I said before, I would hate to correct someone and then be told I'm wrong.

this just reminds me of the other day when I was helping someone with their math work and they were talking about how long it takes for a plane to reach it's destination. I, being the wise aker that I am, told him flat out not to worry because the plane will never reach it's destination and then went into a huge explanation of why. His friend was in the room and preceded to tell him that I was full of crap.

It just goes to show that sometimes people are right, even when you think they're wrong.

ok, so really it doesn't, but I just think that was a cool story.


New Member


this world is full of people who don't have facts straight or correct.

i worked at McDonald's for 3 years. trust me. i've seen some big oens. including a woman asking me if we sold Big Mac's at our store. it's required by all McD's in the USA to sell Big Mac's.

but that's not here nor there.

we all feel a kinship to WDW and i'm sure no one truely enjoys seeing someone spouting thigns like "Magic Kingdom has midgets working this ride or that"or whatever. and i'm sure a lot of people are compelled to to stop these "idiots".

i for one don't mind helping another person. i'm one of those "random acts of kindness" people and help anyone i feel i should. if someone's discussing, loud enough for me to hear, that they think ToT is appropriate for their child and i see otherwise i'll give them some advice. but if they start a cussing contest with me (not a good thing to do but i try to keep my cool ;)) then well...i'm sorry what more you want me to do? let you take a 3 year old or attempt to take a three year old on a ride they're not ready for and could get hurt?

as for ebing "Big headed". whatever. if you think of me as that already, just because of my views, then so be it. i don't have time in my day to worry about if you like me or not.


New Member
Originally posted by HMGhost13


this world is full of people who don't have facts straight or correct.

i worked at McDonald's for 3 years. trust me.

:veryconfu I think I missed something... Didn't quite get the point of your post.


New Member
Originally posted by strobe
:veryconfu I think I missed something... Didn't quite get the point of your post.

sorry i ramble.

gist of it is: there are "moronic" people all over the place. let the people choose how they want to handle them. just because someone is "correcting" something someone else said, there's no need to be calling people big-headed. that in itself is big-headed.


Account Suspended
Originally posted by BenS
Yes, but these people are pretending they know about something. It's like I always say, "It's ok to not know something, just don't pretend you do."

"pretend" implies that they REALIZE they don't know and that they are just making it up. My challenge to you is how do you KNOW that's the case? Maybe they sincerely believe that what they're saying is accurate. It's like my Star Trek example. I had no idea that I didn't have my facts correct. And the facts that I did have wrong obviously weren't critical enough to leave me confused about the story or prevent me from enjoying it.

And just as a sidenote, I've read PLENTY of incorrect information on these boards from people who DO present themselves as Disney experts.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by strobe
I know some guests are very confused, but some of the things I am reading here just sound like they were thought up to sound 'extra' dumb.
Calling forum members liars? How arrogant! How know-it-all!:lol:
I really hate when people think that they know something about Disney and it's wrong. Then when you try to tell them the truth, the don't believe you.

Some people are just weird like that.


New Member
Originally posted by no2apprentice
Calling forum members liars? How arrogant! How know-it-all!:lol:

:eek: :lol: I wouldn't say liars, just a few people utilizing their artistic license from time to time. :D


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by strobe
The more I am reading here, the more dumbfounded I am getting!!

Then stop reading this thread if it bothers you so much.

You're apparently a much better person than us since you never laugh at things other people say or do...We must be a bunch of horrible people since we're discussing on a message board about dumb things people say at Disney. I bet the people we're talking about know exactly who they are and they're reading this right now and crying...:hammer:


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
Then stop reading this thread if it bothers you so much.

You're apparently a much better person than us since you never laugh at things other people say or do...We must be a bunch of horrible people since we're discussing on a message board about dumb things people say at Disney. I bet the people we're talking about know exactly who they are and they're reading this right now and crying...:hammer:

First of all - who is we? I don't see too many people here that agree with you, yet your using the term 'we' like I'm all by myself.

Your the only one being combative, the rest of us are joking around, I said I was dumbfounded - not appalled :brick:.

As far as me not reading, the same goes for the reverse, if you don't like my replies - stop reading the thread. It seems that you are in the minority here, because your the only one issuing flaming attacks. Personally, I find the thread humorous, and I'm only stating my opinion in a logical way - you on the other hand are attacking - so just take a breath and lighten up a little! You shouldn't take the boards so seriously :wave:

If you disagree fine - we agree to disagree. I'm enjoying myself, you should be too - that's why it's called a DISCUSSION board. I never even mentioned your name specifically, so I have no idea why you are so angry.


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Original Poster
"flaming attacks"???
Whatever, I'm just defending my posts on the thread that I started.
"We" would be myself and the other people that posted stories about things they overheard people saying at Disney.


Active Member
I tend to just let people go on about their "knowledge". Although I know the real information, I don't get any joy about shooting people down and correcting them in front of their friends and family.

However, I did get caught giggling once (I tend to laugh a lot anyway) at a guys story to his group after hearing him go on and on. The guy turned and asked why I thought what he said was so funny. I was a little shocked that I got caught, but I replied, "Space mountain at WDW has never gone upside down and is not 55 miles per hour, the haunted mansion at DL does not have a huge drop in it and big thunder mountain is not carved out of a real mountain that existed before the park was built."

...I couldn't resist :animwink:


New Member
Originally posted by agdbeanie
I bet the people we're talking about know exactly who they are and they're reading this right now and crying...:hammer:


just when you think tolerance is making its way into some people's vocabularies....

Get over yourself. You interrupted someone's conversation and "corrected" the "idiot." Its blatently clear how you see some people, and its now blatently clear that not everyone(thankfully) sees things the same way by many of our responses.

There aren't any merit badges for beating a dead horse. We get the picture; not knowing everything is a big negative to you. But is it really necessary to keep making these type of comments over and over again?

There's entirely too much narcissism coming from your direction.


New Member
it does get pretty annoying and every now and then i have to turn to the people and corret their stupidness, its fine not to know stuff but dont on and on about things you are pretending to know but dont, its annoying

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