Does anyone know....

A little note on flus and sickness. Generally when you get sick you actually caught that bug 5-10 days before. It takes time for the virus/bacteria to replicate and symptoms to show. People always think, Well, this guy just sneezed on this morning and now I am sick. Doesn't usually work that way, it could, but usually with standard sickness it needs incubation time.

I completely agree here...unless it's food poisoning or a bacteria, viruses do usually take a while to produce symptoms. Now, on that note, this flu season is gonna be a real doozy. Wash those hands, carry germx....It does make a difference with the number of people you come in contact with. Disney is international and people come from everywhere bringing some things we aren't quite used to. Not just international but the large number of people you come in contact with in general as well. Disney is a petri dish when you really get to thinking about it, all the door knobs and ride handle bars.... lol:eek:


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention, I have an uncle, who for his career, ended up traveling around the world multiple times, for months out of the year, to many many different countries (lucky so and so).

Anyway, his number one travel tip, and number two is far, far behind, is:

Wash your hands thoroughly every chance you get.

That's it.


New Member
Tap water, bottled water, spring water, it's all the same. That's why we Canadians drink beer, wine or Crown Royal. Except for Mystic - he's from Toronto, out west we don't consider that part of Canada.:animwink:


Well-Known Member
Myth #1 - Somone had the stomach flu

There is no such thing as stomach flu. Lets repeat that again. There is no such thing as stomach flu.

The influenza virus does not cause stomach problems (OK, so maybe very in young children it can, but very very very rarely in adults) It causes coughs, fever, fatigue, and body aches.

If you have any sort of "stomach problems" - cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, etc - it is not caused by influenza. It is caused by any number of parasites / bacteria that you can be 90% sure were either food borne, or ingested in some other manner. There can be fever, chills, aches, etc associated with this as well.

Gastroenteritis can cause flu like symptoms in addition to the lovely stomach problems, but influenza does not cause stomach problems.

So, TamiFlu, the flu shot, avoiding people sneezing on you, etc. is not going to help your stomach problems. Stomach "bugs" are spread by close contact - not aerosolized.

Basic sanitation - wash your hands before eating. With soap please, and really wash them, not just get them wet. Don't put things in your mouth. Don't eat food off the ground. Try not to kiss strangers in the queue. Thats what going to keep your stomach happy.

here is the CDC page on Gastroentoritis

Now some people do indeed have sensitive stomachs. Certain minerals can indeed cause cramping, bloating, and other nastyness in some people. Florida water may indeed cause stomach problems in some people. The water is safe as far as virus are concerned, but may still cause problems

One other thing to consider though. If you use the drinking fountain, that could indeed be a source of contaimination. If the person before you licked all over it, and then you do the same, well ... there you go.




Myth #1 - Somone had the stomach flu

There is no such thing as stomach flu. Lets repeat that again. There is no such thing as stomach flu.

The influenza virus does not cause stomach problems (OK, so maybe very in young children it can, but very very very rarely in adults) It causes coughs, fever, fatigue, and body aches.

If you have any sort of "stomach problems" - cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, etc - it is not caused by influenza. It is caused by any number of parasites / bacteria that you can be 90% sure were either food borne, or ingested in some other manner. There can be fever, chills, aches, etc associated with this as well.

Gastroenteritis can cause flu like symptoms in addition to the lovely stomach problems, but influenza does not cause stomach problems.

So, TamiFlu, the flu shot, avoiding people sneezing on you, etc. is not going to help your stomach problems. Stomach "bugs" are spread by close contact - not aerosolized.

Basic sanitation - wash your hands before eating. With soap please, and really wash them, not just get them wet. Don't put things in your mouth. Don't eat food off the ground. Try not to kiss strangers in the queue. Thats what going to keep your stomach happy.

here is the CDC page on Gastroentoritis

Now some people do indeed have sensitive stomachs. Certain minerals can indeed cause cramping, bloating, and other nastyness in some people. Florida water may indeed cause stomach problems in some people. The water is safe as far as virus are concerned, but may still cause problems

One other thing to consider though. If you use the drinking fountain, that could indeed be a source of contaimination. If the person before you licked all over it, and then you do the same, well ... there you go.


Using soap and warm water. If you remember to continue to rub your hands together for about 20 seconds, the equivilent of the Happy Birthday song 1.5 times, and then rinse with warm water. The next part is key:

Do not turn off the faucet with you freshly washed hands! It defeats the purpose. If you can use a paper towel, if not, then use your elbow.

Mstr Gra-c

Active Member
Myth #1 - Somone had the stomach flu

There is no such thing as stomach flu. Lets repeat that again. There is no such thing as stomach flu.

The influenza virus does not cause stomach problems (OK, so maybe very in young children it can, but very very very rarely in adults) It causes coughs, fever, fatigue, and body aches.

If you have any sort of "stomach problems" - cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, etc - it is not caused by influenza. It is caused by any number of parasites / bacteria that you can be 90% sure were either food borne, or ingested in some other manner. There can be fever, chills, aches, etc associated with this as well.

Gastroenteritis can cause flu like symptoms in addition to the lovely stomach problems, but influenza does not cause stomach problems.

So, TamiFlu, the flu shot, avoiding people sneezing on you, etc. is not going to help your stomach problems. Stomach "bugs" are spread by close contact - not aerosolized.

Basic sanitation - wash your hands before eating. With soap please, and really wash them, not just get them wet. Don't put things in your mouth. Don't eat food off the ground. Try not to kiss strangers in the queue. Thats what going to keep your stomach happy.

here is the CDC page on Gastroentoritis

Now some people do indeed have sensitive stomachs. Certain minerals can indeed cause cramping, bloating, and other nastyness in some people. Florida water may indeed cause stomach problems in some people. The water is safe as far as virus are concerned, but may still cause problems

One other thing to consider though. If you use the drinking fountain, that could indeed be a source of contaimination. If the person before you licked all over it, and then you do the same, well ... there you go.


In Oct. my wife and I went to WDW for our honeymoon. I spent two days in bed with stomach issues. I generally have a cast iron gut, so food, heat etc... doesn't really apply to me generally. The only thing I could think would be one of two things. Water - yes, diferences in mineral content from region to region can cause stomach issues for some. Also Morroco - we ate at morroco and throughout our meal a small drip of water was dripping on me from the ceiling. (Hot day + Air condition + Tile ceiling = condensation) Im pretty sure it got into my food and possibly could have been carrying some bacterial baddies.
A CM also told me that her and her husband moved from Minnesota a while back and they would get stomach ailments almost every month for the first year of living down there. She said it was due to different bacteria being able to thrive in different climates. I'm from Michigan so it makes sense...but *pinch of salt* all over that.


New Member
The water in Florida is extremely different than Virginia Beach. We have more of a chlorine taste where Florida has a high mineral, sulfur taste. The first time I tasted the water years ago, I got sick within seconds. We bring our on bottled water to Florida. All who say it is just tap is right. It just depends on where it was bottled. We do not eat high fat foods and are careful with the heat. I would not rule out the difference in the water from where a person is from and what it is like in florida.


New Member
I personally love the taste of WDW Florida water better than ours in Illinois,thats one of the things I look forward to.The good tasting water makes the fountain Coke the best anywhere.:slurp: 14 days till WDW!:sohappy:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Im playing safe Im packing my old NBC suit and respirator.



Well-Known Member
If it is a zebra dome, yes.:D

I am a bit bummed that I can't make out with random strangers while waiting for Splash Mountain though.:cry:

Notice I said try not to.

I mean, you only human right? Sometimes it's a long line and there is nothing else to do - stomach ailments be dammed. :D



New Member
This coming for a germaphobe - We always drive to WDW because 1. I am scared to fly but 2. germs are everywhere in the plane - one person sneezes and there is no escape! :) I always bring tons of water bottles and juice boxes for the kids. I never let the kids drink anything that is not sealed in a bottle. So it's either what I bring and/or milk/chocolate milk.

The one year we stayed extra long (winter time) and we ran out of juice my DH said lets get the refillable cup for the kids (and one for us too) to get juice from the drink area at the resort. That was day 7, day 8 the sickness began. It began with the kids vomitting then went to us. We were sick on our 20 hour drive home. We have never done the refill mug again (1st & last time) and have never been sick any other time at WDW. Mind you my kids have been mildly sick 3 times in their 8 years and had never vomitted until that trip or since. We are a very healthy bunch but not if we do the refillable drink station.

So maybe your family got sick from the refillable drink station??

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