does anyone get this alot?


New Member
I know how you all feel!!

Hello All! I know those "I cannot believe you are going to Disneyworld again" type people , they are everywhere.

I am not sure if this relates but my own wife just dropped the bombshell that we will now not return to WDW until at least 2007 since we were just there in December 2004. I fear that she does not love WDW as much as I do and that even a 2007 trip may not happen. I've only been to WDW once in the last 7 years. it could be awhile, even tried bribing her with a stay at AKL , didn't seem to work.

Oh well, a website like this helps us get through to our next trip to the "Best vacation destination on earth"


Well-Known Member
Maritimer said:
Hello All! I know those "I cannot believe you are going to Disneyworld again" type people , they are everywhere.

I am not sure if this relates but my own wife just dropped the bombshell that we will now not return to WDW until at least 2007 since we were just there in December 2004. I fear that she does not love WDW as much as I do and that even a 2007 trip may not happen. I've only been to WDW once in the last 7 years. it could be awhile, even tried bribing her with a stay at AKL , didn't seem to work.

That sucks, but you know, there are people who only get one trip their entire life, if any at all (and it's the ones who never get to go that are grumpy all the time!). I say treat every trip like it could be your last!


New Member
i used to get that all the time, but not spiteful comments, people just couldn't grasp the concept of going so many times and loving it. but now, my firends have embrace who i am. one of them actually made a tally of how many wdw related items i had in school (40+) and when i say something about it, they just go "gosh we love you, you disney freak!"


Well-Known Member
barnum42 said:
I get it a lot too - I live in a country where men seem to measure how manly they are based upon how much alcohol they can consume, how rabidly they follow their football (soccer team) how many drunken fights they get into, how many notches they claim are on their bedpost and how hot a curry they can consume. Visiting The Mouse does not give one a high ranking in these stakes :lol:

So, you are not alone, further proof will be from how many times I have seen similar threads on here in the last couple of years. :wave: :D

Barnum42, you are all man to me, (or mouse depending on how you look at it. :lol: , either way that means you are a good guy to me. :kiss: )


Premium Member
I used to get that from my collegues at work and I just started saying, oh you are going skiing in Colorado again? Is there anything new to do there? It was a little childish of me,but they don't make the comments anymore. the way I see it what does it matter if you go to Disney ten times a year or camping ten times a year. People always go back to places where they have a good time.


Well-Known Member
It's a question that no-one asks anymore as I've been to WDW every other year (since 1990), and lately it's been every year (since 2001). Visit WDW once and you tend to get hooked but unless you go you'll never understand the magic.

Funnily enough though, the only people who understand are my work buddies. 18 hairy firefighters hooked on Disney, it's a strange world. I suppose it helps if you follow Peter Pan's advice and never grow up, I'm just a big kid at heart.

Eddie :)


New Member
I always get: "Your going to Disney again.? Why don't you go somewhere else.?"
Take note....these are from mostly people that NEVER been to WDW or haven't been sine the 70's. They just don't get bothers me at times. :confused:
Check this out........
Three months ago when planning for my next trip (COMING UP APRIL 20TH), people at work got the word I was planning this trip and they were all like "Your going again?". I told them unfortunatly it will be my last trip to WDW. They couldn't believe it. That was until I told them I was going to Hawaii in Feb 2006 instead......They all were like: "Wow, cool.!!"....That is until I told them my next planned WDW trip will come sometime in fall 2006.....Then I got the "Your a loser" look again from a few of them.
I think they are all just jealous myself. I use my $$ for vacations, and they like to spend their $$ on stupid things like gambling. :hammer:
To each their own....but I'm coming back baby..2 weeks from tomorrow.!! :sohappy:


New Member
I tried to get my Fiancee to agree to go to DisneyLAND for our honeymoon next week (even had the room and tickets planned out). she said we always go to disney WORLD and disneyland just wouldn't be romantic. she just doesn't understand they are not the same :mad: . I tried to point out all the romantic opportunities but she still disagreed. so we compromized..canada for 4 days then disney world for two.

oh and to make things worse, i tried to tell my zone partner and friend about it. he said, they are all the same too. :eek: He went to the tokyo disneyland when he was in the marines.

gotta pick your fights i guess... :brick:


New Member
I hear the "disney complaints" all the time mostly from my coworkers, and I shrug them off just as often. I believe that people that didn't grow up around the Disney parks just don't feel the Disney magic. I used to live near DL so I used to go every year it was a tradition that I was raised with, and now since I live near WDW I believe it is my duty to take my kids there as often as I can. Sure sometimes I have been three times in a month, but (that is on a good month) usually it is once a month. If that is what makes you happy in life who else's business is it?


New Member
CaliSurfer182 said:
I hear the "disney complaints" all the time mostly from my coworkers, and I shrug them off just as often. I believe that people that didn't grow up around the Disney parks just don't feel the Disney magic. I used to live near DL so I used to go every year it was a tradition that I was raised with, and now since I live near WDW I believe it is my duty to take my kids there as often as I can. Sure sometimes I have been three times in a month, but (that is on a good month) usually it is once a month. If that is what makes you happy in life who else's business is it?

exactly, I grew up in florida (until I was 13) and we went every spring. once i moved to Dc and memphis, i never made it back but missed it. i finally made it back to florida when i was 17 but by that time i guess my parents thought we were to old to continue that tradition. long story short since 2000 my fiancee and I have gone to at least 2 parks a year. even got my sister her and her husband involved.


New Member
I get this same thing all the time...even though we go other places too, people seem to focus on the fact that we are going back to WDW AGAIN. I have tried to explain that there is always something new to see & that there is magic around every corner, but some people just don't get it. I had one co-worker say to me "We went & we just weren't impressed." I would like to know what does impress her then......I don't care really because my husband & I get it & love the way we feel when we are at WDW so we don't care what everyone else thinks. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah I always get that, and they say go somewhere you have never been. I try and do that every year as well. Like this year I went to New Orleans.


New Member
Also get it all the time. When we were planning our honeymoon in WDW, another couple was planning theirs in Italy. We went for 9 days all inclusive, They were gone for 14 days four of which was on airtravel. Jetlag, they lost another day to adjust. At first comparison it seemed they were spending less than us, but as I said ours was ALL inclusive, meal plan, extras, recreation. All of that plus any meals not eaten on board the cruise boat were extra for them, they spent way more than we did, and in reality got a lot less. Sure they can say they went to Italy, but all they did was sight see. They couldn't shop too much, because of the plane ride home. We drove for four hours and brought back everything we wanted.


New Member
I feel your pain too. I'm constantly explaining to people that,
NO, I don't get bored with that place.
NO, I don't HAVE to go to the parks to have a good time.
NO, its not just for our son.
YES, I just went...I go every chance I can get!
YES, I know what it costs, to me you can't put a pricetag on happiness or the tons of priceless memories I have and continue to make.
YES, There are others like me out is a place we gather. :wave:


Well-Known Member
My wife and I have decided to go to WDW every other year, no sooner, so that we may get a more well-rounded experience by visiting other places. Life is short, after all. I know we'd be doing ourselves a disservice by not seeing more of this planet!

Funny thing is, on every non-Disney vacation I've been on, I've often said to myself, "Man, this is cool, but I'd rather be at Disney."


Well-Known Member
My DH and I heard tons of that when we said we were going to WDW for our Honeymoon (and the fact that we could stay there 10 days in a row was beyond comprehension in some minds) now we just grin and ignore the comments because we know that our vacations are so much better than those people that make the rude comments :) LOL



New Member
My Hubby was one of those folks who had never been as a child, and when we went early in our marriage to Epcot he absolutely HATED it--he thought it was cheesy and that the technology was horribly outdated. We brought the offspring to Downtown Disney in an attempt to win him over a few years later, and he still hated it. I have a picture of him sitting there with the glummest face in the world.

Well, last spring, we scored free tickets to Disney (long, cool story) and did all the parks with our kids and he is completely hooked. On our non-Disney days, he would be looking for ways to put a little Disney magic into our days--one day we simply rode the monorail for an hour. Now he can't wait to go back, and no longer mocks me for always going with my sister. I think it may take people who didn't go as Children a little longer to appreciate it. or maybe they need to go with their own kids to feel the magic, I don't know!


New Member
Yes, I get that from my brother who is not a "fun" person and thinks that it is just for those who have kids. PLEASE! WDW has so much more for families and singles. You just have to let in the fun in your life!
We also get it from others about our Disney style at home and buying Disney stuff for our girls. We try to keep the Disney magic at home as well and they do not get that.
But we get tons of response when someone wants to go to Disney....."go ask Cindy and she has all the information you will need to plan it". I also get " you should start a business planning Disney vacations".
Now we will see how everyone reacts when we retire to Orlando and I decide to work at WDW for FUN! That is a secret for now cause I can just imagine the responses we will get.

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