Does anyone else think this is funny?


Active Member
I agree that this lady should not have been honking her horn, and I know that some people on the scooters are rude and not careful about running over others. BUT.....I have to say that after a trip to Disney last year with my 80 year old grandmother (who really DOES need a scooter....she is not "fat" or "lazy"), I was SHOCKED at the rudeness of other guests. I really feel for disabled people is very difficult getting around Disney with a scooter for soooo many reasons I can't even list them now. It was very frustrating for us and especially my grandmother. Keep in mind that when you are walking it is easy to change your speed and direction to get around people and objects....but it is not so easy on a scooter. There were times when I actually had to stop traffic like a cop just so we could cross a pathway...and this was after saying excuse me multiple times. Would it really hurt some people to give the right away to someone in a scooter once in awhile? And as far as getting hit by a scooter (or a stroller for that matter), some cases the driver might not have been paying attention. But I can't tell you how many times people just STOPPED in front of us to look at their map or something....have some common sense people! You dont just come to an abrupt halt on a walkway without considering the fact someone might be behind you. And people would intentionally jump in front of her, just assuming she would hit the brakes I guess. I could go on and on with examples of the rudeness we encountered, but I just don't have the time. Thank your lucky stars that you have healthy legs and can walk! As far as people getting scooters when they do not really need them, I agree.....I think you should have to show your handicap parking thing you get from your doctor (my grandmother has one she takes with her).


Next trip I'm bringing multiple air horns.
Better still, renting a scooter and 2 double strollers and connecting them together with bungie cords for a 6 foot wide ride. Maybe stick crutches out of the strollers. anything to be more annoying.
Anyone for bumper cars?


Well-Known Member
I guess it was sort of funny, but the horn was so annoying. Looks like this thread is heading in the direction of "People who use EVC's but don't need them" debate. Those get really ugly.
It looks to me like she's following someone else the whole time also in a motorized wheelchair and both probably have the great idea her honking away at that horn will keep them together as some kind of juggernaut that'll get them out all that much sooner...


New Member
Guess she didn't know that people in wheelchairs get on the busses first before everyone else, no matter how long everyone one else has been waiting. Thats the only thing that gets me upset at Disney.

Actually, there's a good reason for that... Much easier to strap down a wheelchair without people under foot. or to transfer in or out of one.

Blackie Pueblo

Active Member
Oh I've been hit a couple times by people like this. Like cause they are in a scooter they have the right of way. But maybe they do....when you see them coming get out of the way... "It's common courtesy!!"

It would have been hilarious if a bunch of people just stopped and made a wall where she couldn't move at all.



Well-Known Member
Oh I've been hit a couple times by people like this. Like cause they are in a scooter they have the right of way. But maybe they do....when you see them coming get out of the way... "It's common courtesy!!"


One problem in this instance, blackie, (still love your avatar.) is the person was trying to navigate down main street during an en-mass exiting from the park. And end of day exit... ususally encounters a TON of traffic from all the parade and Wishes watchers getting bottle-necked on main street and the front turnstiles. So getting out of the way for the scooter was not appropriate in this instance. If it was mid-day and she (or is it a he?) was trying to get out, then yes... please yell at the other guests to get their rears out of a cart's path.


Well-Known Member
Heres what I say Disney does...disable the horns in all scooters, and slap a sensor on the front that causes the scooter to do an E-stop if it comes within 1 foot of anyones ankles, that would make my day. ;)

This man should be president!:sohappy:


Active Member
I think as soon as she took her hand off the horn switch I would of put my hand on there and beeped it a few times and been like "see now isn't that the most annoying sound ever?"
I have anger management issue this week dumb finals!:brick:


New Member
I think we need to jack one of these scooters up. Put on some big mud tires, weld on a roll bar maybe put a cattle rack up front. Dual air-horns four-wheel drive. Make a reality show and see how many people this lady can take out. Ratings would be through the roof!!


New Member
Yes everyone on these boards know that if you lay on your electric wheelchair horn the hoard of people in front of you will split like the Red Sea. :brick:

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