Doctors LIE!!

The Mom

Premium Member
I don't want to blithely say that you'll outgrow it, but that was certainly true in my case. I guess when they start doing lots of REALLY painful things to you, the needles aren't so bad! ;) (especially when they're loaded with Morphine, Demerol, etc. :D )


(according to my husband, this was the jist of most of my last post-op an out-patient! ;) )


New Member
My mom says the same thing.... she goes to the dentist to have them clean, and she asks for a shot first! :eek:
When I had bracets or brackets whatever thay are called, I had some teeth removed and they gave me shots that I never felt! :)
Whenever I had blood tests as a girl, I could watch the doctor insert the needle and observe my blood filling up the syringe and I was very cool about it... Almost two years ago, when I had a blood test again, I could barely watch! :mad:
You´ll get over it Angel! :animwink: Don´t worry!
And I wish I could donate blood! I am A+ and many people need that blood type, but I had hepatitis when I was 9 and can´t donate blood again.... it feels awful when you know you are healthy and have something that could save someone´s life and can´t give it... :(


New Member
Original Poster
It was a nurse at the student clinic thing.. It doesn't hurt really today but it left a small bruise.

Needles are EVIL!!!! I am so glad that I didn't decide to go pre med. lol.

hmm.. the only shots I've ever had of "pixie dust" type stuff was when I had to get a cavity filled once ... I need to get my wisdom teeth out but I'm scared to death of dentists as well LOL.


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by Angelique
It was a nurse at the student clinic thing.. It doesn't hurt really today but it left a small bruise.

Needles are EVIL!!!! I am so glad that I didn't decide to go pre med. lol.

hmm.. the only shots I've ever had of "pixie dust" type stuff was when I had to get a cavity filled once ... I need to get my wisdom teeth out but I'm scared to death of dentists as well LOL.

The last time I got a flu shot, the nurse said: "Oooh, I like arms like yours, it's like a ham hock." :lookaroun

My wife said I should take it as a compliment, but I didn't see it that way.:(


A few months ago I injured my knee. In addition to tearing most of the ligaments, I also injured the nerve that runs down your leg to your foot. The doctors wanted to get an idea of exactly where the nerve damage occured, so they sent me to get a nerve conductivity test. This basically involved sticking six inch needles in various parts of my body ... from my back to my foot ... then running electricity through them. Believe me, it's as much fun as it sounds.

The moral of this story is: while shots may hurt, there is always something they can do to you that's worse.


New Member
Original Poster
*nods* I bet there is....

I hope doctors never find anything majorly wrong with them.. I'm bad enough at taking medication in pill form. (like I'll never take my headache meds (florinol) until I absolutely have to!


Trophy Husband
Originally posted by goofyguy
A few months ago I injured my knee. In addition to tearing most of the ligaments, I also injured the nerve that runs down your leg to your foot. The doctors wanted to get an idea of exactly where the nerve damage occured, so they sent me to get a nerve conductivity test. This basically involved sticking six inch needles in various parts of my body ... from my back to my foot ... then running electricity through them. Believe me, it's as much fun as it sounds.

The moral of this story is: while shots may hurt, there is always something they can do to you that's worse.


No offense but . . . yechhhhhh:hurl:

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
OK--I've got to get in my 2 cents' worth.

I understand that blood work is not pleasant, and everyone has his phobias.

However, I am a regular blood donor. I have O negative, CMV negative blood that is usually used for transfusions for newborns. Needless to say, I get a call from the blood bank as soon as I am eligible.

I got my 9 gallon pin last time: that is 72 donations.

I will tell you what I told my 5 year old who was needing his shots for school.

Pinch a tiny bit of skin with your fingernail. Does that hurt enough to scream and yell? That's what the needle feels like. It is unpleasant, but certainly not unbearable.

Attitude is everything.....


Originally posted by AliciaLuvzDizne
the problem with me is... no one can find my veins
iv's always get put in the top of my hand which is the ickyest feeling ever when you move your hand around EEEW
and yeah
the tape hurts worst

That's where mine go! Top of the hand. Right in that sticking-up Old Lady vein.


Originally posted by Angelique
It was a nurse at the student clinic thing.. It doesn't hurt really today but it left a small bruise.

Needles are EVIL!!!! I am so glad that I didn't decide to go pre med. lol.

hmm.. the only shots I've ever had of "pixie dust" type stuff was when I had to get a cavity filled once ... I need to get my wisdom teeth out but I'm scared to death of dentists as well LOL.

If you NEED them out, better to do it sooner than later- or you could end up with MORE fun down the line.


And cavity pixie dust is not NEARLY as fun as wisdom tooth extraction pixie dust (assuming you go under). Try it, you'll like it :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
I'm REALLY sensitive to pain so I think they are going to HAVE to put me under. I just dont' know when it's going to get done cause of school.. so probally during christmas :(.
Yes, being under is probably the best bet. I've had two wisdom teeth out and the second I was awake for. I didn't really have any pain but the sound and smell was enough for anyone with a queasy stomach to bolt. My wife heard the drill out in the waiting room but that wasn't the sounds that bothered me. To paraphrase Monty Python (I think) "and this little fellow we call the gouger". But remember wisdom teeth being cut out is far better than having to have your jaw resectioned because of an abcess and infection. And remember you'll gt a perscription for percodin/vicodin, but most people only need 1/2 and then switch back to tylenol/advil.

Last count:
10 baby teeth extracted
1 baby tooth "shaved" down a third
4 permanent bicuspids extracted
2 wisdom teeh extracted
1 upper jaw widened with palletal divider
Orthodontic appliance(s) in mouth 1981-1988

Comment from dentist on last trip: "you've had a relapse in your orthodontics. would you like to talk about having some more done?" I politely told him no without resorting to either an f-bomb or giving him the finger.


New Member
Originally posted by EnSkywalker
Yes, being under is probably the best bet. I've had two wisdom teeth out and the second I was awake for. I didn't really have any pain but the sound and smell was enough for anyone with a queasy stomach to bolt. My wife heard the drill out in the waiting room but that wasn't the sounds that bothered me. To paraphrase Monty Python (I think) "and this little fellow we call the gouger". But remember wisdom teeth being cut out is far better than having to have your jaw resectioned because of an abcess and infection. And remember you'll gt a perscription for percodin/vicodin, but most people only need 1/2 and then switch back to tylenol/advil.

Last count:
10 baby teeth extracted
1 baby tooth "shaved" down a third
4 permanent bicuspids extracted
2 wisdom teeh extracted
1 upper jaw widened with palletal divider
Orthodontic appliance(s) in mouth 1981-1988

Comment from dentist on last trip: "you've had a relapse in your orthodontics. would you like to talk about having some more done?" I politely told him no without resorting to either an f-bomb or giving him the finger.

Wow! :eek: I bet you own a very nice porcelain set of teeth!
Seriously.... any teeth left? How old are you? (if you don´t mind telling...) :animwink:


All teeth are different. One of my wisdoms had erupted and I am sure he popped that out in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't know, because I was sound asleep-- my other one was below the gum and I didn't feel like sitting through it, although that was an easy one too. I have assisted on too many extractions, and I think sometimes it is better NOT to know what is going on!!!! :dazzle:

The hardest part was the diatary restriction, in all honesty.

Now where is DisneyDentist when we need him? :lol:


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Erika
All teeth are different. One of my wisdoms had erupted and I am sure he popped that out in a matter of seconds. I wouldn't know, because I was sound asleep-- my other one was below the gum and I didn't feel like sitting through it, although that was an easy one too. I have assisted on too many extractions, and I think sometimes it is better NOT to know what is going on!!!! :dazzle:

The hardest part was the diatary restriction, in all honesty.

Now where is DisneyDentist when we need him? :lol:

What are the dietary restrictions.. LOL


New Member
Giving blood does hurt, but barely!! The only thing that I can remember that really hurt when I was giving blood one time was that i lifted my arm and flexed my bicep... now that was PAINFUL!!!!!!!! Next time I'll just get comfortable BEFORE they insert the needle.


Originally posted by Angelique

What are the dietary restrictions.. LOL

Well, if you go under, you have to fast beforehand. blah.

Afterwards, nothing through a straw, no chips, nothing with seeds, nothing that can hurt the socket(s) or delay healing. Pretty much liquids and soft things. I drank Slim Fast the first couple of days. It tasted a lot better than I thought it would!


New Member
Original Poster
Originally posted by Erika

Well, if you go under, you have to fast beforehand. blah.

Afterwards, nothing through a straw, no chips, nothing with seeds, nothing that can hurt the socket(s) or delay healing. Pretty much liquids and soft things. I drank Slim Fast the first couple of days. It tasted a lot better than I thought it would!

so basically soft shake type things?

*sighs* that's not THAT bad I suppose..... but I'm wondering about the no straw thing lol


Originally posted by Angelique

so basically soft shake type things?

*sighs* that's not THAT bad I suppose..... but I'm wondering about the no straw thing lol

Straws (and smoking) can cause dry sockets, which are EXTREMELY painful. So no ______________! You want that blood clot to stay where it belongs.

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