I think that in any large scale institution, from healthcare to education to private companies to politics and so on, you will always run up against some basic human tendencies. I.e.:
- The memory of "The Golden Days". Whether it's looking back at the past with rose colored glasses and forgetting all the bad stuff; or the phenomenon of "I knew the band when they just played clubs, not stadiums! They've sold out man!!" thinking.
- The human tendency to notice the negative way more than the positive. I've read this is tied to our survival instinct. Way better to notice the one suspicious snake or unsanitary pile of dung nearby or discomforting rustling in the bushes than the exponentially larger number or things that are going pretty well. We have a bit of a laser focus for the negative.
- Armchair quarterbacking, without taking into account the myriad of complex circumstances that go into running a company and how there are always pros and cons, gains and losses that come with any decision. And that pining for a scenario with all pros and no cons - a fantasy dream park that provides days of uninterrupted vacation bliss with every amenity imaginable but also has no lines and also costs very little - simply can't happen. No one is being mean or a jerk in not making it happen, those things are literally not possible.
That said. I like to think of myself as fairly reasonable and forgiving on all of the above fronts. But even I am pretty disappointed with Disney as of late. I spent months and months of the pandemic trapped inside, alone with a new baby, watching Disney vloggers and just dreaming of the day when things were finally back to normal. But now that the world has finally reopened, I've put Disney on hold for a few years until my little one is older. They could have provided a small sense of normalcy to people who were desperate for it. Or they could have reopened with some changes. But the endless holding pattern, the months of no announcements as things have gotten worse in the parks, the fact that the only announcements about new things moving forward have been cuts, like Magical Express - I mean honestly, that's a flashback to what I was doing before, sitting on the living room floor waiting for Coumo's (before he fell from grace) daily thoughts on whether we were all going to die or live as hermits forever, knowing that there would be no definitive new information for months until a vaccine came out anyways.
I get that it's understandable, given the seismic change of the last year and a half. They're a company, not a group of deities, and prone to falling into disorder and confusion and sometimes even poor execution just like everyone else. But like I said, at this point I think they need at least a couple of years to emerge from the rubble of 2020 and rebuild properly. And I get that this is incredibly frustrating for fans.