Do people think you're strange for loving Disney so much?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Firstly I know there's nothing wrong with enjoying and loving something, I'm not looking for acceptance. I also don't constantly talk about Disney to others, most of my colleagues only know I love Disney because of my annual trips. However I do find that some people find it odd that as a guy in his early 40's with no kids, that I go to Disney World every year with my wife and enjoy it and know so much about it (albeit not as much as others on here). I know we're all fans and there's nothing wrong with that, but do you think on the whole that people think we're a bit strange :shrug:


Active Member
Based upon your ability to make a LONG annual air trek ($$$) to WDW shows your strong fan feelings toward the Mouse! :sohappy:
I have a couple of friends that love it the way my family does, but Yes, some people think we are crazy. One of my friend's exact words are, "I just don't get it". My husband and I have kids, but we will go without them occasionally just to have fun by ourselves. People really don't understand that. :lol: For the most part our friends enjoy going to WDW with their families, but that is where it ends. It is just another amusement park to them. We love Disney for more than just the amusement parks, we love all things Disney and we truly feel the magic. Some people just aren't going to understand that.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I have a couple of friends that love it the way my family does, but Yes, some people think we are crazy. One of my friend's exact words are, "I just don't get it". My husband and I have kids, but we will go without them occasionally just to have fun by ourselves. People really don't understand that. :lol: For the most part our friends enjoy going to WDW with their families, but that is where it ends. It is just another amusement park to them. We love Disney for more than just the amusement parks, we love all things Disney and we truly feel the magic. Some people just aren't going to understand that.

Very well put. I find those who don't 'get it' are those who haven't been, those who have tend to give you a knowing smile.


Active Member
Very well put. I find those who don't 'get it' are those who haven't been, those who have tend to give you a knowing smile.

My little sister (14) lectured me for an hour last night about how Six Flags New England is "just as good" as Walt Disney World. She's too old to be mystified by Princesses but not quite old enough to appreciate the theming, engineering, and art of something like PotC.



In the Parks
Very well put. I find those who don't 'get it' are those who haven't been, those who have tend to give you a knowing smile.

It also has to do with what people grew up with Disney. I grew up with Disney and so did my family, so we're all big disney fanatics. Some people wont ever get it, not really a bad thing. Its not for everyone.


Well-Known Member
People DO react a little irritated when we tell them we were 11 days at WDW and next time it will be even more.
Most Europeans, including most Germans, don't have a clue of what WDW really ist. "Isn't that for kids only?" is the most common prejudice.
But we couldn't care less.


Active Member
Nah, you just have to shrug those people off. Besides it means more Disney for all of us lovers! I've found that the clients I have that don't understand my love for Disney always turn to me when they are getting ready to plan a trip for the first time. Some people get it and some people won't and never will.
Most of the people in my life don't "get it" and I usually ignore them but I must admit that it is a bit irritating at times. Two of my family members in the "don't get it" category haven't even been and that I can't understand. How can you criticize something you've never experienced? Now, if you go and don't like it then I understand, but knocking it before you even try it? Ridiculous!

And Disney is far from just being a kids place! It is what you make of it!

I don't think that my friends and family who "don't get it" think I'm strange. Honestly, I wouldn't really care if they did! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Whenever I talk to my sister about WDW (which is basically every other day) she looks at me like I´m a freak. But hey! she pretty much worships Britney Spears, so that makes her as much a freak as I am :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Yes, I have a friend who just doesn't understand how we can keep going back to Disney World. She keeps saying there are other places to see and go. Yes, we do go to other places, but Disney is always special and we just like to keep going back. Our grown children are like us and keep going back to Disney.
Whenever I talk to my sister about WDW (which is basically every other day) she looks at me like I´m a freak. But hey! she pretty much worships Britney Spears, so that makes her as much a freak as I am :shrug:

UGH! Britney Spears? :hurl: Yeah, she shouldn't say ANYTHING to you about Disney!

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
Maybe this will make you feel better if I tell you my story.

I'm a married man, 30 years old, we have a little infant but we last went to Disney before he was born or even conceived. The first time it was just my wife and I. The second time (6 months later) we tagged along with my parents who go there often.

I stick out in a crowd. I'm 6'2" 275lbs. and look like I could be a linebacker in the NFL. I'm a teddy bear in reality, but the truth is I'm one of those guys who likes his "men to be men". I'd be a typical "man's man" if you met me.

However, nothing touches me like Disney. It always has had a special place in my heart from day one. I remember distinctively my first trip in 1991 and I loved Small World, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Country Bears and believe it or not I loved the Carousel of Progress. I was 10 and a half.

But you know, there is nothing wimpy about loving Disney, or appreciating Disney. You have to be a real prude to not recognize the beauty of it and if I'm in a room full of people who are mocking me about Disney World (it has happened countless times) I never budge from my belief and openly tell my colleagues that I truly feel sorry for them with that opinion. They should go there, and instead of mocking the park they should wonder why a grown man has gone there without children and adored it.

So just so you know, the next time you're being mocked, remember there is a grown man on these boards (among others) who feels the same way as you do and can probably beat up the people who are poking at you :D


New Member
I have been going since I was 18months and now I am 32 and been 16 times. I am a fanatic about Disney and everytime I go I have to hear your going again. Why do you go to Disney world so much How can you go so much. In Dec I took my fiance' then for her first time and she kept saying she did not understand why I loved it so much. 4 months after her 1st trip to Disney, we were married there at the Grand Floridian and are palnning our next trip.


Active Member
I hear "you're going there again" from people who go to the beach every year! I want to tell them that after day 2 on the beach I would be bored to tears.. and if you don't "get" Disney..keep it to yourself - I don't get the beach and never say anything.. its called manners.. ahhh feel much better now - been holding that in for years!..:)

The Empress Lilly

Well-Known Member
Do people think you're strange for loving Disney so much?

Yes. Therefore, I am a bit reluctant to share my love around. I will only bore my closest relatives with my stories about Disney.

Heck, I get teary-eyed when talking about the fireworks. I can get quite upset when talking about a dissapeared fountain in Adventureland. No way I'll let this happen in public or at work. :animwink:


Active Member
I've been to WDW and Disneyland both as a kid and as a parent. In fact, my wife and I had our honeymoon at WDW in 1997 and loved every second of it.
You're right that it's not just another amusement park but someplace special that lets you release stress and just enjoy yourself.
Every time I've been, I feel so much more alive and carefree. To me, going to Disney is kind of like Christmas. You're so excited about the days you're there and so sad when it's over.

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