Obviously both costumes would be impractical for real astronauts, but looking back with modern eyes it's ironic how the male cast member space suit covers him from head to toe while the female version goes off the rails with that mini-skirt.
Perhaps this is one of the reasons why I love early photos of DL - it's the imperfections that I'm drawn to. The photo of Roy in the Peoplemover cab was part of the promotion for new Tomorrowland in 1967, which was supposed to be a more accurate representation of the future than the previous version, yet no one batted an eye at those ridiculous space suits, not to mention their sexist design.
Ticket stubs apparently from the 60s. If anyone wonders if DL has always been expensive consider that $0.50 in 1960 is roughly equivilent to $4.00 in 2016 buying power.
Last year I spent New Years at Disneyland, and this was the first picture I took (in the daylight anyway) of 2016...So I thought it was fitting to post it today. A New Year with an old friend, is what I think when I look at it.