DL vs WDW characters


Le Meh
Premium Member
abian said:
To tell the truth, the CM friends of mine from WDW are the people who has the superiority mentality. They are so mad at Universal's staff making joke on Disney or DL'cm making joke on WDW. I was like, comn on, WDW got "everything" from Disney Company and still so defensive?
For real?


When it comes to the two parks, since I have only been to one (WDW) I have to say that I am extremely excited to go to DL in August. I want to compare and see the differences in things, and I think it is good that there are some things that are exclusive to each park. I am sure WDW has some that DL doesn't.


Well-Known Member
tirian said:
I have noticed that DL CMs are generally more obnoxious onstage than WDW's, but you have to realize that the majority of them are working for nearly minimum wage in California's inflated market! DL currently has an extremely high turnover rate for CMs.

As for DL vs. WDW, I've observed that my fellow WDW CMs are usually willing to accept the two DL-style parks as different versions of the same thing, while CMs from DL are much more determined to establish DL's supposed superiority. Before the "Remember" fireworks show at DL, I watched a DL CM get into an argument with a Guest who harmlessly mentioned that she preferred "Wishes" at the MK. (Again, this was before the 50th anniversary presentation.) Talk about bad show!

Now,...I can sooo see that happening.

I missed "Fantasmic" on both trips to DL. I inquired a CM to ask them why it wasn't showing on any of the 3 days I was there. I was told it was in "seasonal scheduling". I told the CM that I never would have thought that because MGM shows it every night. My reply was "Well THIS one is much better and it's worth coming back this weekend to see,....do you like those boats at the end the MGM version?...I think they are so stupid"

I talk to CM's allot. So, I probably put myself in a "high percentage" risk group of guests. Yes,...even at WDW I have had dozens of discussions with CM's about how much they hated Eisner,... and that's fine with me.

I just never expected to see a "nasty" rivalry between DL and WDW.

And just for the record, I only started "picking" on the DL CM's and the DL Monorail on the last night of my trip. I just had noticed so much of it that I decided to have "fun" with it in the final hours. ( and yes, I must admit that I did find it entertaining at the end.)

Just for fun,...on my next trip I was thinking I might make a custom T shirt that says in big letters:

4 Theme Parks
2 Water Parks
16 resorts
150 resteraunts
= 42 square miles of WDW Magic!

I would need to count up everything to get the numbers right,....but if I wore that shirt, those DL CM's would surely lynch me before the day was over.



Well-Known Member
Just for fun,...on my next trip I was thinking I might make a custom T shirt that says in big letters:

4 Theme Parks
2 Water Parks
16 resorts
150 resteraunts
= 42 square miles of WDW Magic!

I would need to count up everything to get the numbers right,....but if I wore that shirt, those DL CM's would surely lynch me before the day was over.


Eh, that would be funny for a moment, but eventually seem immature. :lookaroun

Do it! :D

I, too, have heard a couple of WDW CMs make jokes about DLR, especially regarding DCA, but the comments rarely sound vicious. Many CMs willingly acknowledge that DL has a superior PotC and Tiki Room. Also, since everyone is an individual, any CM could make any comment about the two resorts and it wouldn't actually gauge what everyone else thinks. But overall, I find the DL CMs to be much more defensive and willing to trash WDW onstage.

Simply reading the boards at a DL-centric web site would prove exactly what I'm talking about. DL's faithful seem to thrive off criticizing the MK (which is arguably more immersive than the California equivilent, even if it doesn't have as many attractions); and they ignore Epcot, the Studios, and AK. No matter what, DL always has to be on top. WDW fans, on the other hand, are usually more willing to accept both resorts as two different experiences.


Well-Known Member
Yes,...even at WDW I have had dozens of discussions with CM's about how much they hated Eisner,... and that's fine with me.

WDW's parks cast was very outspoken regarding Eisner! Perhaps they felt insulated by being on a different coast.

I have noticed that the management teams at WDW are generally more relaxed than DL's; perhaps it's the distance from CA or simply the cultural differences between fast-paced Anaheim and laid-back Florida. Either way, until Matt took the reigns at DL, WDW operated significantly better than DL (at least for a decade, anyway). Why? Because most of the execs in Florida truly like the resort.

I'm thrilled to see the TLC the Original received for its 50th anniversary, but I think that the majority of Team Disney Anaheim needs to be replaced with management that actually follows its new leader and enjoys the parks, instead of acting like they just have a "job" and the parks are "bothersome." TDA folks rarely step inside DL and most come from other companies; in Florida, the management regularly visit the parks and most have climbed up the corporate ladder at WDW. There are two distinctly different corporate cultures in California and Florida, yet Matt is trying to remedy this at DL. I hope he succeeds.


Active Member
My wife once had a woman snidely tell her that she'd never take her kids to WDW, because she grew up in California and only wants them to ever experience the original, and not an "inferior copy". I feel bad for her kids.

(although, overall, this lady got on everyone's nerves on a variety of subjects... just one of those people, ya know?)


Well-Known Member

That's the attitude I'm talking about. The majority of WDW die-hard fans appreciate DL as the Original; the majority of DL die-hards thumb their noses at everyone else.

...Then there are those who exalt Tokyo Disneyland as reigning over all the others, and conveniently ignore that the entertainment is only spectacular because the Japanese entertainment CMs don't have unions monitoring their safety and health. The park has additional financiers, too. But we won't discuss that here. :)


Well-Known Member
Getting back on the subjest at hand, I should mention that most of DL's Characters are Equity. Esp. face. While WDWs' Equity are mostly in shows, DLs'
are also park characters. The CM difference is something to be debated about through centuries. Keep in mind, the casting centers maybe have the same guidelines, but that's it. While working over there to help with events to be left un-named, the cast memebers weren't that friendly to me at first. But, once they saw I had a love for what I do, they came to like me. There's CM's like that at both Resorts. But remember, it's harded to spot the bad eggs at a place which employes 55000 over 12000.



Well-Known Member
Here's a big Reason...DL has a MUCH bigger draw for tallent with Hollywood down the road. There are so many actors, and they are very good. I'm not bad mouthing WDW, but it would take so many more CMs to play the roles then what we currently have.


Well-Known Member
That and the fact that Entertainment there has made it very nearly mandatory for Face characters to be Equity, while we find it a cheaper solution to hire from open casting.



Well-Known Member
Cliff said:
No,..I'm not expecting prices to be different. Yes, I love DL and I DO like it better than Magic Kingdom. In fact, I wear DL shirts all the time in WDW,..but I never once had any WDW castmember say anything "snide" about DL.

Perhaps you've never had a CM say anything snide at Walt Disney World because you haven't pulled the stunt you pulled on the Disneyland Monorail. You said you did the following, which you felt elicited a "snide" comment from the Monorail CM...

On my last night, I started messing with CM's out there. I got off their monorail and said (loud enough to be heard) "Gosh,..this thing is tiny and doesn't really go anywhere" Two CM's looked at me funny and I said WDW's is much bigger and is actualy a "real" transportation system....I can even stand up straight in the ones in Florida". One said back to me "Yeah, Florida gets eeeeverything."

That kind of speaks for itself, don't you think?

Personally, I've given up on WDW. I cancelled my plans to visit for a week in November '06 to see Everest, laugh at the Magic Kingdom, and revisit my old favorite Epcot attractions. I still go to Disneyland, because it's 15 minutes from my house and it's clearly the best theme park in Southern California. No city in America has a better "local theme park" than Disneyland.

But I gave up on WDW, and tolerate Disneyland in small doses now, because I have had the mind-blowing experience of visiting Tokyo Disney Resort last year. You can compare and contrast the differences, strengths and weaknesses between WDW and Disneyland all you want, but it's really just comparing two oranges with slightly different skin. Tokyo Disney Resort has taken the concept of a Disney themed environment and taken it to such an entirely new level that it's almost not even the same thing anymore. WDW and Disneyland are a seasonal Six Flags park in the midwest compared to Tokyo.

The courtesy, the graciousness, the showmanship, the cleanliness, the care and the innate sense of hospitality that is shown every visitor to Tokyo Disney Resort totally blows WDW and Disneyland out of the water. I simply can't justify spending the money to shlep out to muggy Orlando and dodge rain storms and fat people in rented ECV's, when that money could be put to my return trip to Japan and Tokyo Disney Resort five months from now.

Tokyo Disney Resort makes all of our silly little arguments between Disneyland and WDW moot. It is clearly a vastly superior property offering vastly superior levels of service and showmanship. :eek:


Well-Known Member
TP2000 said:
Perhaps you've never had a CM say anything snide at Walt Disney World because you haven't pulled the stunt you pulled on the Disneyland Monorail. You said you did the following, which you felt elicited a "snide" comment from the Monorail CM...

On my last night, I started messing with CM's out there. I got off their monorail and said (loud enough to be heard) "Gosh,..this thing is tiny and doesn't really go anywhere" Two CM's looked at me funny and I said WDW's is much bigger and is actualy a "real" transportation system....I can even stand up straight in the ones in Florida". One said back to me "Yeah, Florida gets eeeeverything."

That kind of speaks for itself, don't you think?

Personally, I've given up on WDW. I cancelled my plans to visit for a week in November '06 to see Everest, laugh at the Magic Kingdom, and revisit my old favorite Epcot attractions. I still go to Disneyland, because it's 15 minutes from my house and it's clearly the best theme park in Southern California. No city in America has a better "local theme park" than Disneyland.

But I gave up on WDW, and tolerate Disneyland in small doses now, because I have had the mind-blowing experience of visiting Tokyo Disney Resort last year. You can compare and contrast the differences, strengths and weaknesses between WDW and Disneyland all you want, but it's really just comparing two oranges with slightly different skin. Tokyo Disney Resort has taken the concept of a Disney themed environment and taken it to such an entirely new level that it's almost not even the same thing anymore. WDW and Disneyland are a seasonal Six Flags park in the midwest compared to Tokyo.

The courtesy, the graciousness, the showmanship, the cleanliness, the care and the innate sense of hospitality that is shown every visitor to Tokyo Disney Resort totally blows WDW and Disneyland out of the water. I simply can't justify spending the money to shlep out to muggy Orlando and dodge rain storms and fat people in rented ECV's, when that money could be put to my return trip to Japan and Tokyo Disney Resort five months from now.

Tokyo Disney Resort makes all of our silly little arguments between Disneyland and WDW moot. It is clearly a vastly superior property offering vastly superior levels of service and showmanship. :eek:

Wow,...that's great to hear about Disney Tokyo. I'm glad they have their act together....but since most of us will never make it over there to experience the stupendously spectacular, "mind blowing" levels of service and showmanship that you have experienced,...I guess we can only discuss the parks that are here in the states.

I will take your word for it though.

Actually, I talked to a WDW CM ("Bill, the Pirate"???) about how much better the original PotC is at DL. He agreed by saying something like "Argg mate,..that be true.." He was the coolest!,..he stayed in "pirate" character the entire time we talked (about 20 min.) He went on and on about the scene differences,...he knew the DL ride very well,...but never once saying anything rude. ( I gave him a big thank you and told guest relations how great he was)

My point is,..I love DL...I like it better than MK anyday. When you walk down mainstreet,..you can almost "feel" Walt walking behind you. All I heard in both trips was WDW bashing. In my countless trips to WDW, I never hear WDW castmembers trashing DL. ( I don't get the sense that WDW is trying to "compete" with DL,...but I DO get the impression that DL wants to compete with WDW. )

Again, I only made the DL Monorail comment "after" hearing all the trash talk for 3 days. At the end, when I decided to "fight back" (so to speak) it was like putting a FAT worm on a fish hook,..I got a big bite 5 seconds after I tossed it in the water!

That's all I'm trying to say dude.

If anybody is going to DL soon,..try it out for yourself. Pick a CM and ask something very simple like "Excuse me,..is this castle shorter than the one in Florida?"....and see what happens.


Wow,..you got me all "excited" with all your "mind-blowing" Tokyo Disney "superior service" talk.....whew! (very stimulating)


Well-Known Member
Cliff said:
Wow,...that's great to hear about Disney Tokyo. I'm glad they have their act together....but since most of us will never make it over there to experience the stupendously spectacular, "mind blowing" levels of service and showmanship that you have experienced,...I guess we can only discuss the parks that are here in the states.

Well, it got me to cancel my WDW trip. In fact, the group I went with are all Disneyland fans, and a couple of them were planning on going to WDW too. We cancelled the trip. Instead, we are returning to Japan in early '07, and we plan another three days at Tokyo Disney Resort as part of the itinerary.

I use to think the same thing about Tokyo as you do; "I hear so many good things, but it's so far away, and I've heard it's so expensive. There's just no way I'll ever get to go to Japan and see it for myself." After my first trip to Japan, I'm here to tell you.... HOGWASH! :D

The plane ticket, American Airlines Flagship Service nonstop LAX to Tokyo, was 600 bucks per person. We stayed in a glorious 3 star hotel in downtown Tokyo that offered the equivalent of 4 star service in America, and it was 180 dollars per night per room. Some folks bunked with a friend, and cut that cost to 90 bucks per night. Sure, you can stay at the Tokyo Ritz-Carlton at 450 dollars per night, just like you could stay at the Laguna Beach Ritz-Carlton for the same price 30 minutes down the coast from Anaheim during your trip to Disneyland. But Tokyo was surprisingly affordable, after planning for a very expensive city. I actually came home with 300 bucks of my "daily pin money" that I didn't spend because it wasn't any more expensive than LA or Boston or New York.

Here's a hotel we're considering staying in. It's located in the Ginza district, it's very stylish, but it's only around 200 bucks per night. For any big city in America or Europe, that's reasonable. http://www.gardenhotels.co.jp/eng/ginza/index.html

And the Resort, well that was amazing! With the exchange rate, things seemed to be a bit cheaper than Disneyland, especially restaurants because there is NO TIPPING IN JAPAN. We ate at the Blue Bayou one night, and it was an almost identical copy of the Anaheim Blue Bayou. Except at this one the service was like something at a Four Seasons Hotel. Our waitress was the most gracious young lady I've ever seen, she was gorgeous and looked like a Japanese Barbie Doll in a perfectly tailored blue silk gown, and the meal was superb! I had a 3 course prime rib dinner, with a shared desert and after dinner coffee, and the total tab for me was 20 bucks! Out the door of the Blue Bayou after a meal far superior to anything I've had in-park at Disneyland or WDW, and it was 20 bucks! There is no tipping in Japan, whatsoever, and you get this flawless, gracious service and you don't ever leave a tip!

I bought Tokyo Disneyland computer mouse pads for friends back home as souvenirs, and they were nicely packaged in sealed, Tokyo branded envelopes. The price for each one was $7.00. SEVEN BUCKS! The Tokyo hostess who sold them to me gave me a carefully folded "gift bag" for each of the half dozen mouse pads I bought, so I could put them each in an individual bag when I gave them as gifts. Then she wrapped the items in tissue, put the whole deal in a larger bag, and carefully taped the bag up on the top for travel. At the end of the transaction, I was presented my change on a small silver tray with a smile and a small bow. But the big finish was when she gave me the bag and completed the purchase; I was offered a huge smile, presented the final product to me with both hands while she smiled, thanked me for business and wished me a good afternoon (In perfect English), and bowed deeply. :sohappy: Uh.... wow! And every transaction was like that, from spendy sweatshirts to a 50 cent postcard.

As a point of reference, Disneyland mouse pads are selling at the Emporium on Main Street in Anaheim for...... $10.50 a piece! They aren't individually packaged. They are just piled up out in the open, with price tags stuck to the back, and flopped on a shelf for you to pick through. And when you buy them the Disneyland CM certainly isn't going to give you a separate "gift bag" for each mouse pad. She'll just stuff 'em in a bag, hand you the receipt, and casually say "Thanks alot!", as if that's really something special in 2006 when most entry-level service employees in the real world would barely grunt at you in recognition.

I get that type of casual, overpriced, shoulder shrugging experience at Disneyland and I think.... I want to go back to Tokyo! :eek:

And I will. And after the exchange rate, and with no tipping or gratuities offered to anyone, it will all work out to just about the same price as a comparable trip to WDW. And if I can do it, there's no reason anyone else can't. The one hiccup would be the extra fare of getting to Tokyo from the East Coast. There's over a dozen non-stop flights a day leaving from LAX to Tokyo. I don't know what you would have to do to get there from the East Coast.

But really, unless you live on a farm in Saskatchewan and use chickens in trade as your main source of currency, a trip to Tokyo is no more expensive than a trip to New York or London or Paris or Los Angeles. Go to Tokyo and see Tokyo Disney Resort! But be forewarned, it will absolutely ruin you for the lowered, slobby standards of American Disney Parks in the early 21st Century!


New Member
Pics please???

Ok so silly as this sounds since you are all in an DL vs. WDW battle, can someone who has had a chance to take a pic of the White Witch and Jack Sparrow at DL please post it on here or send me a link so I can see??? I am a huge character fan and love to see the new costumes and such!! Also, are they doing anything in the parks with the Cars characters and if so does anyone have pics?!?? Thanks! :D


New Member
I guess interms of DL Cast Members having a bad attitude or an attitude that they are the best.... I'll judge for myself as I will be going there in mid-August. I can say that when I worked for WDW and met CMs that were visiting from DL... they seemed almost in awe of the place and how massive it was (is). A lot of them even asked about transfers and if the pay was any better than DL. I have to admit I was shocked at how little they get paid out there:eek: .

In terms of the characters talking in costumes while on set.... don't kid yourselves. While it may have been more blatant at DL I can assure that WDW fur characters talk while on set as well. Not all of them mind you but there are a few that do and really don't care who hears them. When I was "friends" with the characters, from time to time, I would do character greeting and one girl in particular would talk and talk and talk. Even some of the face characters would make comments that were sooooooo out of character.

Like I said I will have to wait and see for myself what it is like but I would compare it to maybe a "big sister" being the only child for a long time and then along comes the baby that steals the show. Consider it jealousy more than anything:)

Disney Oracle

New Member
I was just at DL in May and go to WDW several times per year and have to say I found the CMs to be just as great in both places. I'm sure I encountered some who were "less than magical", but stuff like doesn't usually stay with me and just have a happy buzz about the whole experience. :)

AAAAnd getting slightly closer to the original topic (characters), one thing I did notice different at DL was the lack of characters. One place I really noticed it was in Town Square - DL had maybe one or two characters there where WDW has about a dozen nearly all the time. I saw none in Adventureland, where WDW usually has Aladdin, Jasmine (Aladdin's Oasis was closed when I was at DL), Rafiki, Timon and the Peter Pan characters. Woody and Jessie were out in Frontierland like at WDW. Winnie, Tigger and Eeyore were out in Critter Country, but they are usually in Fantasyland at WDW. I did see the Princesses in front of the castle and I have to give DL the upper hand here, cause that beat the Toontown Hall of Fame. Also, Belle is in her yellow dress, which is just more "princess-y" than the blue one she usually wears at WDW.

I saw no characters in Toontown (I'm sure Mickey and Minnie were at their houses, but I didn't seek them out), whereas WDW has the Hall of Fame. Didn't see any characters in Tomorrowland, but I don't usually see them there in WDW, either. Both places have an Ariel meet-n-greet, so that's a tie.

There were very few characters out at DCA and they were ones I usually see somewhere at WDW.

Now, WDW does have the advantage in having 4 parks instead of 2 to have characters out, so there'll never be a fair comparison, but, in my experience, the character ratio is lower at DL.




Well-Known Member
Plutoboy said:
I have to admit I was shocked at how little they get paid out there:eek: .

Really? The lowest wage Disneyland currently offers is $8.20 an hour for seasonal help. That's for Attractions and Custodial. Positions in harder to fill roles in Foods or 3rd shift work begin higher than $8.20. I had heard WDW is starting out people at $6.75 or something, because Florida has a much lower minimum wage than California.

The lower wages in WDW probably go farther than the higher wages of Disneyland though. Southern California, and OC in particular, is one of the most expensive places in America. Just the cost of housing is staggering, where the smallest one bedroom condo is $425,000, and a small two bedroom starter home is north of $675,000. A Million dollar home in OC is really just a nicely landscaped 3 bedroom with a two car garage, and maybe a small pool.

The standard of living is much lower in central Florida, but the dollar goes much further there compared to SoCal.

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