DL vs WDW characters


Well-Known Member
martaraepa said:
Ok so silly as this sounds since you are all in an DL vs. WDW battle, can someone who has had a chance to take a pic of the White Witch and Jack Sparrow at DL please post it on here or send me a link so I can see??? I am a huge character fan and love to see the new costumes and such!! Also, are they doing anything in the parks with the Cars characters and if so does anyone have pics?!?? Thanks! :D

Here's a link to a guy who is semi-famous in SoCal for taking pictures CONSTANTLY at Disneyland/DCA and other SoCal theme parks. His name is "Darkbeer" and you'll find his pics on several prominent Disneyland fan websites. There is a picture of him on the front page of this link with the White Witch at Disneyland. Hunt around on his site for the latest picture updates of Pirates at Disneyland, and you'll find dozens and dozens of pics of Characters, Jack Sparrow, White Witch, etc. at Disneyland.

The Cars pre-parade starts at DCA next week, before Block Party Bash. Darkbeer will surely be the first person to post those pics.



Well-Known Member
We went to DL in June and found the characters more intent on personal agendas than meet and greets with the kids. We tried to meet Buzz and he was more interested in flirting with the teenage girls than the children trying to get his autograph. It took my wife making a loud comment about complaining to city hall before the Crowd CM made any effort of organizing Buzz. He actually moved my child to the front of the line because of what my wife said.

I do agree about Goofy's Kitchen characters. We had each character spend at least 15 to 20 minutes with us, and they would play games and dance with my kids. Much better than any WDW meal I've had. But this is a crowd issue as the restaurant was not crowded when we were there.

Also we met Mickey in Toontown. Waited 55 minutes, and he just signed autographs, posed for pictures, and that was it. Didn't make any type of intiative to give hugs, handshakes etc... We had to ask him to get him to do anything with the kids. Very disappointing.


Getting back on the subjest at hand, I should mention that most of DL's Characters are Equity. Esp. face. While WDWs' Equity are mostly in shows, DLs'
are also park characters. The CM difference is something to be debated about through centuries. Keep in mind, the casting centers maybe have the same guidelines, but that's it. While working over there to help with events to be left un-named, the cast memebers weren't that friendly to me at first. But, once they saw I had a love for what I do, they came to like me. There's CM's like that at both Resorts. But remember, it's harded to spot the bad eggs at a place which employes 55000 over 12000.


Sorry to bring up an old thread, but Disneyland Resort doesn't work with Equity all that much. DLR works with AGVA for much of the professional talent in ent. which includes live microphoned performers, singers, actors, and specialty performers (acrobats, etc.)
The DLR parade performers, face characters, and 'fuzzies' are NOT under Equity.
Also, the majority of them come from the areas around Anaheim and SoCal. The 'they all come from Hollywood' reasoning is not exactly true. A few come from the industry to get some temporary work, but most use Disney as a starting off point, and then go on to pursue work in the actual 'Industy' up in LA/Hollywood. (for those that want to pursue acting professionally).

So, DLR overall does not work much with Equity, if not at all. Equity works with WDW. And our characters, fuzzy and face, are not under Equity. We have far less restrictions on performers over at DLR.


This year I have been lucky enough to goto WDW (last nov), DL this past May, and going back to WDW next month.

For us and we are east coasters. Disneyland/Ca Adventure blew WDW out of the water.

Its seems alot of WDW people that have never been to DL love to come on this board and others and bash it. Since this is about Chars i start there..

1. We got 50-60+ photos of Chars from all over the parks, no hassles, no people inside talking, there was also not the WDW lines people with the screaming kids as DL seemed to have enough toons around to make everyone happy.

2. In toon town Mickeys House, WDW Mickey was as not very lively and we seemed like we at Mc Donalds, Next, next, next.zzzzzzz at DL the cast members smiled, Mickey was well Mickey and fun.

DL and CA Parades Awesome, WDW was good also but DL was simply better. Night time fireworks yes WDW might have bigger bangs but DL has the better show (it can make you cry every time you see it)

The food at the hotels at DL especially the Grand Cail (Napa Rose) is fantastic we at at Spago while out there...Napa was BETTER then Wolfgang.

We know WDW say ...well in FL we have MGM. MK. EPCOT, and AK.....DL Has ALMOST all the best rides + rides Florida does not have (Indiana jones is GREAT! Much better then Dino!)

Everyone at times can have a bad experence whether it be WDW or DL...Some people that come here and read this stuff treat it like the bible at times.. Like its blasphme to speak out...Its best to take most this with a grain of salt. If you have a chance to goto WDW/DL inthe same year do it ...only then can you really compare:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
A lot of them even asked about transfers and if the pay was any better than DL. I have to admit I was shocked at how little they get paid out there:eek: .

I know. It's sad.

It's also odd to see this thread resurrected...

...after re-reading my previous posts, I realized that I was fairly blunt. If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies. :eek:

Frank Stallone

New Member
I've never understood the Disneyland/WDW argument. They are both great theme parks, just on opposite coasts.

Disneyland is nice, but about the size of my back yard. Why did Walt want WDW built? So that a guest wouldn't have to leave his park and be across the street from an IHOP (or Denny's, as it probably was back then).

Disneyland is a classic community theme park, whereas Disneyworld is a vacation destination. They each have their advantages (Disneyland is the original, WDW has much more to offer), as well as their disadvantages (Disneyland, as previously mentioned, isn't much bigger than Everest, whereas Disneyworld has the overcrowding issues due to being the vacation capital of the world).

As far as TokyoDisney. Well, if WDW had the illegal sources of money that Tokyo has, then I'm sure WDW would be on Tokyo's level. I'd rather WDW not be as corrupt.
But in this case it isn't an argument about which park is better, it's more an argument of which place the characters interact better...

For lack of a more "magical" term...


New Member
I've never understood the Disneyland/WDW argument. They are both great theme parks, just on opposite coasts.

Disneyland is nice, but about the size of my back yard. Why did Walt want WDW built? So that a guest wouldn't have to leave his park and be across the street from an IHOP (or Denny's, as it probably was back then).

Disneyland is a classic community theme park, whereas Disneyworld is a vacation destination. They each have their advantages (Disneyland is the original, WDW has much more to offer), as well as their disadvantages (Disneyland, as previously mentioned, isn't much bigger than Everest, whereas Disneyworld has the overcrowding issues due to being the vacation capital of the world).

As far as TokyoDisney. Well, if WDW had the illegal sources of money that Tokyo has, then I'm sure WDW would be on Tokyo's level. I'd rather WDW not be as corrupt.

I bet you anything DL is bigger then your backyard and anyway we are talking about characters not parks. WDW doesn't compare to DL as far as characters


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you've never had a CM say anything snide at Walt Disney World because you haven't pulled the stunt you pulled on the Disneyland Monorail. You said you did the following, which you felt elicited a "snide" comment from the Monorail CM...

On my last night, I started messing with CM's out there. I got off their monorail and said (loud enough to be heard) "Gosh,..this thing is tiny and doesn't really go anywhere" Two CM's looked at me funny and I said WDW's is much bigger and is actualy a "real" transportation system....I can even stand up straight in the ones in Florida". One said back to me "Yeah, Florida gets eeeeverything."

That kind of speaks for itself, don't you think?

Personally, I've given up on WDW. I cancelled my plans to visit for a week in November '06 to see Everest, laugh at the Magic Kingdom, and revisit my old favorite Epcot attractions. I still go to Disneyland, because it's 15 minutes from my house and it's clearly the best theme park in Southern California. No city in America has a better "local theme park" than Disneyland.

But I gave up on WDW, and tolerate Disneyland in small doses now, because I have had the mind-blowing experience of visiting Tokyo Disney Resort last year. You can compare and contrast the differences, strengths and weaknesses between WDW and Disneyland all you want, but it's really just comparing two oranges with slightly different skin. Tokyo Disney Resort has taken the concept of a Disney themed environment and taken it to such an entirely new level that it's almost not even the same thing anymore. WDW and Disneyland are a seasonal Six Flags park in the midwest compared to Tokyo.

The courtesy, the graciousness, the showmanship, the cleanliness, the care and the innate sense of hospitality that is shown every visitor to Tokyo Disney Resort totally blows WDW and Disneyland out of the water. I simply can't justify spending the money to shlep out to muggy Orlando and dodge rain storms and fat people in rented ECV's, when that money could be put to my return trip to Japan and Tokyo Disney Resort five months from now.

Tokyo Disney Resort makes all of our silly little arguments between Disneyland and WDW moot. It is clearly a vastly superior property offering vastly superior levels of service and showmanship. :eek:
This makes sense. If there's anything the Japanese culture excells at, it's service, cleanliness, and showmanship. We could learn alot from them.

Frank Stallone

New Member
I bet you anything DL is bigger then your backyard and anyway we are talking about characters not parks. WDW doesn't compare to DL as far as characters

Hopefully you're the only one that took that literally. :brick:

As far as the actual topic of the thread, I don't really pay much attention to the characters. Though I have heard on many occasions from guests that they prefer WDW's organization of the queues for characters.

I do agree that Disneyland's face characters are probably more "attractive" than the ones in WDW, considering the amount of hopeful actors and actresses in the Anaheim/Los Angeles area that have to find a way to pay their rent.

Plus, Disneyland has only two parks, which means less demand for face characters, whereas Disneyworld has more parks, plus all of the character meals.


New Member
Hopefully you're the only one that took that literally. :brick:

As far as the actual topic of the thread, I don't really pay much attention to the characters. Though I have heard on many occasions from guests that they prefer WDW's organization of the queues for characters.

I do agree that Disneyland's face characters are probably more "attractive" than the ones in WDW, considering the amount of hopeful actors and actresses in the Anaheim/Los Angeles area that have to find a way to pay their rent.

Plus, Disneyland has only two parks, which means less demand for face characters, whereas Disneyworld has more parks, plus all of the character meals.[/quote

I was just messing with you I didn't know you would take it so serious :zipit: DL has plenty of character meals and Goofy's Kitchen is so much better then any character meal that WDW has to offer. I agree park wise WDW is much better and that's only because DL doesn't have the land to expand like WDW has.

Frank Stallone

New Member
Hopefully you're the only one that took that literally. :brick:

As far as the actual topic of the thread, I don't really pay much attention to the characters. Though I have heard on many occasions from guests that they prefer WDW's organization of the queues for characters.

I do agree that Disneyland's face characters are probably more "attractive" than the ones in WDW, considering the amount of hopeful actors and actresses in the Anaheim/Los Angeles area that have to find a way to pay their rent.

Plus, Disneyland has only two parks, which means less demand for face characters, whereas Disneyworld has more parks, plus all of the character meals.[/quote

I was just messing with you I didn't know you would take it so serious :zipit: DL has plenty of character meals and Goofy's Kitchen is so much better then any character meal that WDW has to offer. I agree park wise WDW is much better and that's only because DL doesn't have the land to expand like WDW has.

No worries! One question I do have, however (at the risk of going completely offtopic of the thread), is how is Downtown Disney at Disneyland? Due to the space restrictions, I presume it's fairly small. What is there to do there? And, compared to WDW's Downtown Disney, how big is it?

Now I'm gonna head over to the house of blues for a drink after a loooooong day of work :sohappy:


New Member
Downtown DIsney at DL is nice but is definitely a lot smaller than it's WDW counterpart. There were a lot more well known stores there and not as many Disneyfyed things. Definitely not an all day or most of the evening trip like it is at WDW. I did really like how it ran along side the Grand Californian and would lead into the other Disney hotels at the other end.

In terms of the characters....remember that DL's Entertainment Division is set-up very differently than WDW's. At DL they set it up as parades, characters and shows and dining. If you are hired into dining then that is all you do, parades the same way and so forth and so on. I may be wrong on this part but at WDW many of the show characters (atleast the face characters) are equity....which are contracted performers and many times are not required to do meet 'n' greets unless it is a special situation. When I was at DL in August I met someone who I recognized as being one of the princesses and asked her about equity and she said that DL had pretty much eliminated that division.

As far as the organization because WDW is so much larger I really believe that this is why you see the lines and the organized meet 'n' greets. can you imagine just having the characters walk around WDW like they do at Disneyland??? It would be an absolute nightmare for the guests and the performers....not to mention unsafe.

I completely agree with one of the other posters on here that the character dining at DL is far superior to what happens at WDW. I didn't dine at Goofy's Kitchen but did go to Ariel's Grotto at DCA and the princesses actually took time to talk to the kids and families. Pocahontas, Cinderella and Mulan all spent quite a bit of time with my niece and asked her every question under the sun. It wasn't rush, rush, rush like it is at WDW.

JUst my two cents I guess. I was a character for 10 years at WDW so I understand why things are done a certain way at WDW and differ from DL but at the same time I think that both parks or resorts could something from each other.


Well-Known Member
I may be wrong on this part but at WDW many of the show characters (atleast the face characters) are equity....which are contracted performers and many times are not required to do meet 'n' greets unless it is a special situation.

I completely agree with one of the other posters on here that the character dining at DL is far superior to what happens at WDW. I didn't dine at Goofy's Kitchen but did go to Ariel's Grotto at DCA and the princesses actually took time to talk to the kids and families. Pocahontas, Cinderella and Mulan all spent quite a bit of time with my niece and asked her every question under the sun. It wasn't rush, rush, rush like it is at WDW.

You're correct regarding the Equity show characters; most of those characters only do Meet-and-Greets if it's absolutely required, or if they simply want to pick up extra hours. Unfortunately, this arrangement gives us abnormal characters that would never be seen in a face-to-face situation, such as the "Really Old Peter Pan" in the parade and castle show.

Characters only rush Guests through during peak periods. If you visit the World during slower periods, characters usually take as much time as they can with each child; it provides interest to an otherwise boring day!


New Member
Well folks,

I'd like to think I have the voice of experience here, having been to all Western parks on a number of occassions. Here is my view.

I think WDW/DLP have the most variety of characters, but DL seems to have the most face characters.

I have had my best character interactions at DL and found WDW to be largely lacking in this department. It is rare to just happen on a character and have one on one time anywhere but DL in my experience.

However, I think the differences are largely around demographics, some of the issues have already been discussed here.

I think it is easier going at DL because there are a number of local visitors who are not so bothered about character interactions. Whereas WDW and DLP have less frequent visitors who save for a long time to go, and therefore the characters are a bigger draw, requiring a line.

I find in the main, the guests are better behaved and have a community spirit at DL, whereas at WDW and especially DLP, it seems to be everyone out for themselves. (though this is not true of the AP holders, quite the opposite then).

So there are some big differences. Personally, I far prefer many things at DL - the magic of the park, Goofy's kitchen (better than Chef Mickey's or Cafe Mickey's IMHO), the Napa Rose is my fav restaurant anywhere, the Grand Californian is my fav Disney owned hotel.

WDW is blessed with size and diversity.

The anti WDW attitude in California comes from another of reasons:

- DL was the first and many feel MK is inferior (myself included). Fantasmic, a number of attractions, the live shows, the magic etc. In Europe, it's similar, a number of people think DLP is inferior because it is a copy (but again, I prefer DLP to MK). But people forget that WDW is not just the MK.

- There is a level of jealousy. For decades WDW seemed to get everything and DL got virtually nothing - especially during the Eisner regime. Again, as a kid I felt that way too. But as a business man now, I recognise that DL does not yield the same sort of R.O.I as WDW.

- Sense of history and community - the two resorts are very different. In California, a number of us grew up with the park. It was a part of life. This is not so much the case at WDW. To most, growing up with WDW is maybe a vacation a year. For DL, it is an every weekend deal for a lot of people.

The reality is that virtually all (except maybe HKDL) Disney destinations offer world class experiences and each should be judged on their own merits. There are strengths and weaknesses in all the resorts, but that gives us so much more to enjoy.

And for the record, I have had much better CM interaction experiences at DL too.

WDW offers me diversity, Epcot, DAK and a different set of experiences - HoP, CoP, CBJ.

DLP offers me some Disney magic close to home with fabulous state of the art attractions.

DL offers me magic, nostalgia, a concentration of amazing attractions in a small space.

as for the original point of characters - the greatest diversity has been WDW, the best experiences DL!


New Member
I would agree with you 100% on the community pride and the fact that Disneyland has a HUGE amount of local visitors and people who are from Anaheim, LA or California that just seem to visit for the weekend. Obviously there are not too many people who visit WDW much less work for the mouse that are originally from Orlando or even Florida for that matter. I have talked with several people who are native Floridians that hate Disney and blame Disney for ruining Florida and Orlando. I didn't get that sense when I was at DL....again almost a civic pride.

I also agree that the character interactions are much better at DL....they were more playful and as much as I hate to say it again ......not as rushed. I'm ashamed to admit that because I was a character for 10 years with WDW and it was always rush, rush, rush and sorry to disagree with another poster but regardless of season it was always like that here in Orlando. You always had someone keeping track of how many people who saw. The ONLY EXCEPTION was when you had a "Give Kids"/"Make a Wish" child or family....then you could slow down.

The only part I would disagree with you on, my friend, is that while it may be the original show there is now way that Fantasmic at DL si superior to WDW...plus you could never get me to stand for that long and so far in advance for it. It's a shame too because I wanted to see the differences but no way could I stand there for that long.

Maybe I'm getting old:confused: :)


New Member
The only part I would disagree with you on, my friend, is that while it may be the original show there is now way that Fantasmic at DL si superior to WDW...plus you could never get me to stand for that long and so far in advance for it. It's a shame too because I wanted to see the differences but no way could I stand there for that long.

Maybe I'm getting old:confused: :)

Ok, I understand where you are coming from, especially about seating. But I loved the use of the Mark Twain and Columbia in the main show. And how in the day you would never realise how different the area becomes at night.

I was really underwhelmed by WDW's version in comparison. There seemed to be a huge reliance on the projections. To be fair it was a freezing December night and we saw the amazing Illuminations ROE the night before.

We'll have to try again on our upcoming visits.


New Member
Now,...I can sooo see that happening.

I missed "Fantasmic" on both trips to DL. I inquired a CM to ask them why it wasn't showing on any of the 3 days I was there. I was told it was in "seasonal scheduling". I told the CM that I never would have thought that because MGM shows it every night. My reply was "Well THIS one is much better and it's worth coming back this weekend to see,....do you like those boats at the end the MGM version?...I think they are so stupid"

I talk to CM's allot. So, I probably put myself in a "high percentage" risk group of guests. Yes,...even at WDW I have had dozens of discussions with CM's about how much they hated Eisner,... and that's fine with me.

I just never expected to see a "nasty" rivalry between DL and WDW.

And just for the record, I only started "picking" on the DL CM's and the DL Monorail on the last night of my trip. I just had noticed so much of it that I decided to have "fun" with it in the final hours. ( and yes, I must admit that I did find it entertaining at the end.)

Just for fun,...on my next trip I was thinking I might make a custom T shirt that says in big letters:

4 Theme Parks
2 Water Parks
16 resorts
150 resteraunts
= 42 square miles of WDW Magic!

I would need to count up everything to get the numbers right,....but if I wore that shirt, those DL CM's would surely lynch me before the day was over.


Why do you insist on antagonizing people with the WDW/DLR comparisons...especially to the CM's at DLR?

To me their two different animals...it's like comparing your children. Yes, they're different, but I love them all.

Instead of making the t-shirt on your next DL trip....why not just not go. I'm sure everyone there will thank you for not coming and being a PIA.


Well-Known Member
You're correct regarding the Equity show characters; most of those characters only do Meet-and-Greets if it's absolutely required, or if they simply want to pick up extra hours. Unfortunately, this arrangement gives us abnormal characters that would never be seen in a face-to-face situation, such as the "Really Old Peter Pan" in the parade and castle show.

Characters only rush Guests through during peak periods. If you visit the World during slower periods, characters usually take as much time as they can with each child; it provides interest to an otherwise boring day!

Actually, you're wrong about the Equity show characters. Characters like Peter Pan in shows/parades are just normal characters. Equity performers normally do not do meet and greets, except in certain situations (like when Cinderellabration was canceled and Cinderella would meet). But other then that, the characters from shows are just normal characters.

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