
Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
PintoColvig said:
Yes; yes; yes; no; mine do; yes; yes; no; yes. :wave:

LoL.. nice nice..

Tac, I should have been more detailed... Universal said Jimmy Neutron is TODAY'S HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT... I meant for my post to mean he is far from today's hottest entertainment.. Harry potter is, Shrek is.. Dora is, Sponge Bob is.. Jimmy Neutron isn't..

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
And now I'll answer:

TAC said:
Does anyone know who the Swiss Family were?

Does anyone know the original idea for Jungle Cruise?

Does anyone actually care about Stitch (and his "great escape) ?
Stitch, yes.. the ride, :hurl:

Does anyone know who Tom Sawyer was ?

Do kids really enjoy World Showcase ?
Maybe more than you think.. but probably not many

Does anyone know anything about the show The Twilight Zone?

Does anyone really care about Who Wants to be a Millionaire ? That is soo...2001, isn't it ?
based on the popularity of the attraction, yes... ratings for the show, no... but the show isn't listed by Disney as TODAYS HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT

Does anyone really care about Drew Carey ?
Question is, did anyone EVER really care about Drew Carey?? :lol:

Does anyone really want to see Indiana Jones? I mean, the show is so, 80's, isn't it ?
Yes.. since there is a market for a 4th movie and the stunt show in MGM is always packed...

Now, i ask you, what do these examples have anything to do with me stating that Jimmy Neutron is NOT today's hottest entertainment, as Universal tries to pass him off as :)


Well-Known Member
how funny is that! universal doing a table comparing universal to disney -please dont make me laugh.

on the table it says that "todays hottest entertainment" then goes on to say that disney has all yesteryear stuff my question is this; will anyone remember the likes of spiderman or the mummy in say 50 years time. these stories are not classics like disney what with cinderella and snow white having been around for years and are as i said before classics. everyone knows the stories about princes and princesses thats all thats whole in this sick and weird world.

universal can kiss my ______ if they are saying they are better than disney. the last time i visited universal there was a huge 3 legged cocroach(sp?) trying to crawl on the floor.

you can never compare universal to disney!!!

im a disney girl me :)


TAC said:
Does anyone know who the Swiss Family were?

TAC said:
Does anyone know the original idea for Jungle Cruise?

TAC said:
Does anyone know who Tom Sawyer was ?

TAC said:
Does anyone actually care about Stitch (and his "great escape) ?
I don't care about Stitch or his great escape.

TAC said:
Do kids really enjoy World Showcase ?
I do, and always have ever since I was a baby, but that's just me.

TAC said:
Does anyone know anything about the show The Twilight Zone?
I love The Twilight Zone. Rod Serling is amazing.

TAC said:
Does anyone really care about Who Wants to be a Millionaire ? That is soo...2001, isn't it ?
Eh, I'm losing my interest.

TAC said:
Does anyone really care about Drew Carey ?
I cannot stand Drew Carey. I only watch Whose Line for Ryan and Colin.

TAC said:
Does anyone really want to see Indiana Jones? I mean, the show is so, 80's, isn't it ?


New Member
When I just saw another Universal commercial, what struck me odd was that they were just not giving Disney "free" advertising, now they say "Stay at a Universal resort and get a FREE CAR RENTAL" (or something like that)

Now they're basiclly screaming at you to go to Disney.:lol:

At least that's what I remember them saying. Correct me if I'm wrong. :)


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
Really? Hmm, Spiderman was introduced in the comics in 1962, not bad for 44 years, eh ? When the movie came out 2002, it seemed pretty big in the box office. In fact there was a rather large multi-page thread about Spiderman II on this very message board, two years ago. And Spiderman III is due to be released in 2007, so are you going to tell us you are not going to see it ? So if the question is "will anyone remember it.." I think they will. :animwink:

Superman was introduced in 1938, became a movie in 1978, and is due to be released as a remake this year. And if you are old enough, you remember Superfriends on ABC in the mid-70s.

They are not classics? Hmm, ask a comic book person if the first issue of Superman is a classic or not.

BTW, language like that does not need to be on a family message board. If you don't like Universal, fine. That does not mean you have to bash it.

Have a magical day.

just expressing my view -is that allowed?

i have seen the first spiderman but not in the cinema and it was good but as for the second one i havent see it. i also havent seen jurassic park or terminator or back to the future or jaws or the hulk or cat in the hat.

im not saying that spiderman is not a classic nor am i saying that it is a classic im saying that there is a major difference between universal and disney -WDW caters for most people while universal doesnt.


jmvd20 said:
if you love coasters spend a day at Islands of Adventure.
IOA has 4 coasters (3 if we include Fire & Ice as "one attraction"). That's it. 4.

MK has 3! Oh man, that's a definite coaster park right there!

dcaffey said:
I still vividly remember the first time I walked in to Universal and the first sound I heard was a very loud voice shouting "cold beer"
And WDW doesn't sell beer?

WishIwasThere said:
When I quickly looked through the list and saw Wet N Wild...I was a little confused...Did UO buy Wet N Wild? Then I see the little asterisk. I guess the two of them are ganging up on the people responsible for their existence.
From what I understand they own the park now and the only reason it could be said that they're "affiliated" is because it's off-site and people could think it's its own park (could be wrong though, I just know there have always been rumors about closing it down and building a new one on-site).

dxer07002 said:
Since it beat out Harry Potter and Shrek.. And The incredibles, and Ohh never mind.. like 10 years ago Jimmy neutron was hot. But today?? Kids don't even know who he is....
Neutron has been around for about 5 years now, not 10.

You just LOVE these threads, eh?

but the attendance for the theme parks are down from this time last year...
Yep, that's why it was extremely packed over the Spring Break times, even more than last year.

SeaWorld will soon be the 8th park on that list, pushing ahead of Universal..
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sponge Bob is..
Spongebob IS IN the Jimmy Neutron attraction, that's why it's called Jimmy Neutron's NICKTOON BLAST....

- Does anyone know who the Swiss Family were?
Pretty much only someone who has read the book and/or seen the movie, and I'm sure many younger kids haven't.

- Does anyone know the original idea for Jungle Cruise?
Only Disney fans would know that, not the general public.

- Does anyone know who Tom Sawyer was?
Again, only someone who has read the book and/or seen the movie, and I'm sure many younger kids haven't.

- Does anyone know anything about the show The Twilight Zone?
I'm sure many kids/teens don't.

- Does anyone really care about Who Wants to be a Millionaire ? That is soo...2001, isn't it?
based on the popularity of the attraction, yes... ratings for the show, no... but the show isn't listed by Disney as TODAYS HOTTEST ENTERTAINMENT
The attraction is still popular? Since when?

Now, i ask you, what do these examples have anything to do with me stating that Jimmy Neutron is NOT today's hottest entertainment, as Universal tries to pass him off as :)
To today's boys, he's definitely "hotter" than stuff like Cinderella, Snow White, Peter Pan, etc.

col said:
will anyone remember the likes of spiderman or the mummy in say 50 years time
Spider-Man has been around since '62 and the original Mummy film was out 30 years before that (the remake is still a popular film too).


New Member
alright kids, let's play nice. I used to work for Universal. In no particular order, here are the issues (not all) w/ UO followed by my opinion:

1. No culture. Unlike a man with a dream and a commitment to a product, UO was about making money and porfolio diversification. They are always planning and scheming to try to fool people that they are #1. THeir mission statement is "to be recognized as the world's #1 entertainment desitnation". Bad themimg, no synergy, no ambience, how would you do that? There are also no employee nights at CityWalk. M-F CW is dead. I asked my friend, who is a supervisor over there why they don't have emp. nights and he half-jokingly said "b/c our employees would end up being thrown out of the place and fired before the night's up"

2. Finance and Liscencing. UCreative (their version of WDI) creates some amazing rides and concepts but finance balks at the price. UO also decides to promote non-Uni movies such as MIB and Twister? How do you create a brand.

3. Wasting Money: Simply put, the different departments have no communication and high school drop outs running the place so the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing". ALso, get this, they are getting rid of their "onsies" (like a no-strings attached) and replacing them with a pass to ride whatever attraction you had a bad experience with to begin with. The new ones are also predated (unlike the onsie which you write the date in by hand so you a have a generic stock with unlimited shelf life) so if you don't use all the stock for that day you have to throw them away. According to management, it is to create a more consitant guest experience and reduce waste. tell me how that makes sense.

4. No synergy. Back to the Future had a 20th anniversary last june. That was a great trilogy that is still popular. Any mention of it or celebration or event. NO. Why not? It's Universal, who the he!l knows?

5. Bad Theming. A king kong movie comes out and is a hit but they got rid of the ride while the movie was being written (no communication). Mummy is a great ride but it isn't a story that people will know about or connect with for years to come like most good Disney movies. Why is Shrek in "Production Central" while they try to make it look less like a move soundstage facade and more like a castle? I went through Lost Continent and they were playing the Macarena through the PA. I went by Jaws (which is only open for 1/2 the day) and they were playing The Thong SOng and Walk This Way. Yep, 1976 all over that!! Go on some of the rides and you see where they cut corners on being able to see the support structure or seeing backstage. (for example, leave BTTF, get off hulk or ride ripsaw falls) Where is the streetmosphere in the park, action at $hityWalk. Just not there.

6. Branding. The name of the resort (officially) is "Universal Orlando Resort". The 2 parks are "Universal's Islands of Adventure" and "Uiversal Studios Florida". Road signs will say just Universal Studios or the old mname "Universal Studios Escape". My friend bought a dueling dragons hat. on the back it said Universal Studios. The merchandise has the wrong park on it and they sell it. It's like seeing a ToT hat with Epcot on it. They have coffee cups with incorrect logos and names like "Universal Studios Orlando" (instead of FL).

7. Marketing. IOA was created with a target market of 13-35. When I started there it was under construction and they drove that home. i think that's fine but that is where is ends. Their new marketing campaign blows. The kid that says they don't go to bed at 7; guess what 3/4 of the year that is when UO closes. Not hugging princesses, tell their #1 character Princess Fiona that.

8. Stupid executives. They are opening up a new club to compete with Blue MArtini with their demographic. They call it the red cocnut. Here is where it gets foolish, "rat pack cool with the 1970's attitude". Ummm, rat pack was 40s-50s. I asked a manager at CW about it and she said "most people don't know any better" That's one thing I love about Disney, they make things that most people who don't know better like, but people who do know better are able to get a little extra something out of it. (i.e Reflections of Earth: most people "ooh, cool fireworks and lasers and big-a$$ flamy thing". others can appreciate the story and artistic value. For proof of UOs dumbing down, look at Poisidien's Fury. Orinally themed after the original mythological tale, they changed it b/c nobody "got it". They kept all the props and artwrok that light up and some of the old story elements and characters (but with altered roles) so if you know mythology, you're confused and realize it sucks.

With all of that said, Universal has great rides some cool offerings and neat little things that are unique. I enjoy going there to not get "Disney-ed out" or to ride Spiderman and rollercoasters. They have a ton of potential if they would spend the money on the details and hire some people with at least a high school education in their management roles. People like things for different reasons and you have to respect that. I think people can go a little too far on these boards. There is nothing here to get upset about or take personal. Some people here are close minded and ignorant, there is no need to bash people. Some are probably amazing people that are deserving of buying a coffee and sitting at Starbucks with for a few hours. I love Disney, i like their product better and think there is a lot of amazing things, both in the product and the behind the scenes of it. Disney is the best at what they do and there is so much to engage you at every level.

That is my opinion. Whether or not you agree with me, that is your opinion. But, to provice some validity to my statements:
I worked at UO for 7 years. I just graduated from UCF. My degree was in Hospitality Mangagement with specializations in Event Management and Theme Park Management so i've seen both sides.

PS-examples of things done poorly usually led to a UO reference in class.

I hope we can all get along. Besides, one thing brings us all here, our love for Disney. Goodnight.

If anyone would like to chat, feel free to IM me at jackknifedswan12


New Member
Reminds me of that commercial that I really hate..."If I had to hug one more princess on my vacation..."

And they don't mention that if you are a Disney resort guest, you have a pass that covers your parking at all of the theme parks while you are there...grr.


New Member
Ok, this should be interesting for me. Last Spring Break my High School band took a trip to Flordia for a little over a week. We went to Universal and Disney. It was my 3rd trip to Disney and 1st time at Universal. IMO, I like both Universal and Disney. Disney has the classic attractions I love and Universal has the thrill rides and intense coasters I love. (But if I hear another Cedar Point fan tell me that Dueling Dragons is another typical coaster..Grrr..I can tell them how overrated CP is!)


New Member
TAC said:
It is. So you did indeed say that "Spiderman is not a classic."

With that, I am done with you.

LOL I got your back on this one. I was going to say the same thing. I was thinking "hmmm, he did just say Spiderman was not a classic lol".

I think comparing Universal and Disney is like the apples and oranges thing. I think they are both EXTRAORDINARY parks with noticeable differences which aren't good or bad but some people may have preferences. Both are clearly better than your Six Flags or Cedar Points, but it depends on what you're looking for. And classics are classics. Some people just prefer some over the other. My dad for example, likes Disney, but being the comic book connosieur that he is I think he's loooooooooooove Islands of Adventure way more than Disneyworld. Ditto for my boyfriend, but for different reasons, as in he's more into thrill rides and I don't think he would really appreciate It's a Small World or the Great Movie ride all that much. So it's really pointless to compare. They're both great and they're both unique!

Although I do admit, even though I was like 10 at the time, I thought Disney was ripping off Universal when they made MGM Studios :rolleyes:


New Member
NemoRocks said:
And WDW doesn't sell beer?

Many areas of WDW do, but Magic Kingdom is dry. The park that they know is the biggest draw for families and has the most appeal to children is alcohol-free. And I never hear venders who sell alcohol in the other parks or in DTD shouting out "COLD BEER! COLD BEER!" or anything of the like.


Well-Known Member
NemoRocks said:
IOA has 4 coasters (3 if we include Fire & Ice as "one attraction"). That's it. 4.

MK has 3! Oh man, that's a definite coaster park right there!

Yea and I live 40 minutes from Cedar Point so believe me I know what a "definite" coaster park is. I really do not know why you felt the need to quote my original post and then state this. What I was saying is that if you are in Orlando and love coasters you may want to spend a day at Islands of Adventure. In no way shape or form was I stating anything about MK or IOA being "definite" coaster parks or not.

But anyway thanks for teaching me about how many coasters each park has cause ya know I really never knew that.


New Member
Damien666 said:
Ok, this should be interesting for me. Last Spring Break my High School band took a trip to Flordia for a little over a week. We went to Universal and Disney. It was my 3rd trip to Disney and 1st time at Universal. IMO, I like both Universal and Disney. Disney has the classic attractions I love and Universal has the thrill rides and intense coasters I love. (But if I hear another Cedar Point fan tell me that Dueling Dragons is another typical coaster..Grrr..I can tell them how overrated CP is!)

Hey, I like CP. Leave them out of this :D


Well-Known Member
Damien666 said:
(But if I hear another Cedar Point fan tell me that Dueling Dragons is another typical coaster..Grrr..I can tell them how overrated CP is!)

here goes:

Dueling Dragons is overrated :D :D

Ummm actually I've never been on it though:lookaroun


New Member
sorry if someone already stated this.....but on that page.....they say they have 6 coasters....... i would count ou pteradon flyers, unicorn, and woody woodpecker, because they are KID rollercoasters.....now islands has 2, studios has 1....3 in total........ now....disneyworld......has 4.....expedition everest, rockin' roller coaster, space mtn, big thunder......and of course they have a lot more amazing attractions, but hey.


Active Member
dbogue said:
sorry if someone already stated this.....but on that page.....they say they have 6 coasters....... i would count ou pteradon flyers, unicorn, and woody woodpecker, because they are KID rollercoasters.....now islands has 2, studios has 1....3 in total........ now....disneyworld......has 4.....expedition everest, rockin' roller coaster, space mtn, big thunder......and of course they have a lot more amazing attractions, but hey.
If you count Goofy's Barnstormer, there are actually five at WDW.


New Member
I am a DISNEY freak through and through....BUT.....I do enjoy going to Universal while we're there.....BUT......(there's that butt....um....I mean BUT again)....when I saw that Universal commercial where the little girl says..."if I hafta hugh one more princess, I'll hurl".....it REALLY left a VERY BAD taste in my mouth towards Universal!!! Anyone else feel this way??? I mean sure, they're gonna have competitive commercials, BUT, MUST they go that far???!!! :drevil: :lookaroun :eek:


New Member
Just saw a Universal commercial....ouch...it was a little girl saying: "If I had to hug one more princess on my vacation I was going to hurl." Kinda mean...and sad for the little kid I think but...whatcha gonna do

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