Disneyworld Addresses Autism Bullying Incident...


New Member
I feel that the parents of children with autisim should be permitted to treat others who are ignorant or disrespectful in the same manner without any repercussions. I feel the early twenty somethings, teens, and children of this time are rude, crass, ignorant, lack morals, and behave as if they are entitled to what ever they want without work or justification. I remember as a child misbehaving at a grocery store and the lady in the aisle, who I do not know, smacking my bumm. Mom finds out that another mother had to reprimand me and I get another bumm whack for disrupting her day. I say give it back to the offenders just as much as they dished out or worse. At this point its the only way society stands a chance of changing outcomes of these nasty adolencents. I am so sorry your child had to go through this. I truly hope your next visit is a magical one and without incident. God Bless


New Member
Anyone else get the feeling Jimmy was a frustrated bike cop?



Active Member
Do tell.

As a police officer, I would know how to handle the situation.

As a parent, I would know how to handle the situation.

Neither would involve me or anyone getting ejected from the park.

Please enlighten us, because as the parent of a child with autism, I think I would have been ejected from the park following my response.

If there's a sensible and less explosive way of handling such a situation, I'd love to know what it is--seriously.


New Member
anyone else notice mr thick claiming to be the driving force of the forum and asking all if we happen to be a fan? I did...at the end of all his posts. if you have to ask if someone is your fan then the answer is no...as for being the driving force of the forum...i can honestly say I wont miss your posts if there weren't any. I say ignore his posts just to show how much they matter...i bet the forum will go on without the "driving force". just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
For anyone to think Disney is to blame over this is absurd.

EXACTLY!! Unless every single employee at WDW was there, we can't say that "Disney" dropped the ball. One manager and some rep don't equal Disney. I don't see how they had trouble with these kids. We had 3 teens sitting next to us at that little snack stand by Splash Mountain using profane and VERY crude language in front of my kids. It only took me about 7 seconds of stern discussion to put an end to that.


EXACTLY!! Unless every single employee at WDW was there, we can't say that "Disney" dropped the ball. One manager and some rep don't equal Disney. I don't see how they had trouble with these kids. We had 3 teens sitting next to us at that little snack stand by Splash Mountain using profane and VERY crude language in front of my kids. It only took me about 7 seconds of stern discussion to put an end to that.

The 2 employees represent Disney. Keep in mind one was a Commisary Manager and the other was responding to a specific complaint. This is their job and they should have known the policies surrounding the complaint or issue they were responding to. Disney as a company did not educate front line employees regarding these types of situations. This was an instance that could have very easily escalated to physical confrontation.
Keep in mind that the parent contacted Disney to find out #1 if the policy from the first 2 CMs was actually true, #2 if it was then to inform Disney of the consequences. As this was pursued she found out it was actually not the policy. She did not ask for compensation (Disney offered that and kudos to them for what they did).
This mother sought to provide input and education so Disney could better deal with any similar situations. At the end of the day Disney has been alerted that the is a communication and education issue related to, what I would think, is an important policy (handling confrontations on the property).
The mother was positive about the outcome and reaction of the final contact.
Every employee that has e er worked for me has been very clear on company policies regarding public interactions, confrontations etc. That being said I could not and Disney could not guarantee every employee will absorb and institute the training they receive. Being alerted by a customer who has had a bad experience is not a bad thing.

Iakona...thick is definitely not the driving force behind the forum...


Well-Known Member
EXACTLY!! Unless every single employee at WDW was there, we can't say that "Disney" dropped the ball. One manager and some rep don't equal Disney. I don't see how they had trouble with these kids. We had 3 teens sitting next to us at that little snack stand by Splash Mountain using profane and VERY crude language in front of my kids. It only took me about 7 seconds of stern discussion to put an end to that.

OK, so Disney EMPLOYEE's dropped the ball. But the Employees are representitives of the company.

Here is the thing though. Some kids (and parents) are just too smart. I have no problem having a "stern discussion" with some kids (or adults for that matter). However, many of them will then say "yeah, so, what are you going to do?" because they know that if I start any sort of altercation, I will be the one charged with assualt.

In this horn blowing case, I could have gone over there and "had a discussion" and if they did not stop, what was to be done next? I can't hit them, I can't shove them, heck I can't even take their horns away. Because of this, there needs to be a Security force that does have the jurisdiction (and "Disney" does have such a force) to have the people either stop the behavior or be removed.



Well-Known Member
I am someone who looks to this Forum for information and entertainment. My posts usually display my stale sense of humor, or serve to share some type of help. I have told myself over and again to stay out of the debates that arise on this Forum, and it is one of the reasons that I rarely post in the News and Rumors section, but the absurdities that have been stated over and again on this thread are astounding.

Who is “Disney”? Is it some mystical entity in the magical Land of Make Believe behind a wall? Has Fred Rodgers been resurrected to strap on a fresh sweater and serve as its mayor? No, Disney is a corporation that is represented by its individual employees, and in this case, on Disney‘s private property. I suppose that a CM, gouging you in the eyes with a night glow stick on Main Street while screaming, “this one’s for Mickey”, would not warrant a lawsuit from anyone on this Forum. You would simply say, “Disney is not responsible because this was just an individual employee going mad”.

Yes, the tormented family could have walked away on their own and forsaken the incident altogether.
Yes, it was their right to stay where they were and contact a CM for help against their tormentors.
Yes, the hooligans should have been told to stifle their malicious behavior by Disney employees.
Yes, if they refused further, security should have been called to aid them in their departure.

This event occurred on Disney property, which is managed and maintained by Disney employees. “Disney”, being represented on Disney property by Disney employees, should have handled this incident in a better way. The collective term “Disney” is used to describe the employees that work for, and represent, the corporation. The tormented family attempted to take the “stern discussion” route, but it did not work. They were well within their rights to ask management for help, rather than retreating from their position as though they were a flock of helpless sheep running from the belligerent wolves. They did not pull out a gun, they did not challenge their tormentors to a fistfight, and they did not take the law into their own hands. They simply sought help from the proper authorities. When good people remain silent, evil people flourish on this Earth.

If anyone here would have handled this in a different, better, or more satisfying way, then stand and be pleased with yourself in all of your sanctimonious glory. The fact remains that this family had every right to contact the proper authorities when personal confrontation did not work. The proper authority, Disney, did a mediocre job at best. I only hope that I am never assaulted in front of some of the members of this forum as they stand idly by while saying, “boy, that guy should do a better job at defending himself against that mugger. He should at least run away faster.” This entire thread is sounding more like the end of the Seinfeld series with every post, except that there isn’t an ounce of comedic value to be found.


Well-Known Member
I only hope that I am never assaulted in front of some of the members of this forum as they stand idly by while saying, “boy, that guy should do a better job at defending himself against that mugger. He should at least run away faster.” This entire thread is sounding more like the end of the Seinfeld series with every post, except that there isn’t an ounce of comedic value to be found.

SOOOO well said!! I have to choose to think that the majority of parents are teaching their children better. Walking away can be a very noble thing to do - but people shouldn't be able to behave this way either. A lot of people find it easier to blame the victim, and it is very disconcerting that a police officer would do that...


Well-Known Member
Still waiting on my answer.

At what point can you legally powerbomb annoying people? Is there something I can declare to make the pending maneuver legal? Such as "Powerbomb ahoy!"...followed by said powerbomb.

Some people really do deserve professional wrestling moves. This is a good example.


Well-Known Member
OK, so Disney EMPLOYEE's dropped the ball. But the Employees are representitives of the company.

Here is the thing though. Some kids (and parents) are just too smart. I have no problem having a "stern discussion" with some kids (or adults for that matter). However, many of them will then say "yeah, so, what are you going to do?" because they know that if I start any sort of altercation, I will be the one charged with assualt.

In this horn blowing case, I could have gone over there and "had a discussion" and if they did not stop, what was to be done next? I can't hit them, I can't shove them, heck I can't even take their horns away. Because of this, there needs to be a Security force that does have the jurisdiction (and "Disney" does have such a force) to have the people either stop the behavior or be removed.

My feelings exactly.


Well-Known Member
Please enlighten us, because as the parent of a child with autism, I think I would have been ejected from the park following my response.

If there's a sensible and less explosive way of handling such a situation, I'd love to know what it is--seriously.
The parents in this situation exercised extraordinary self control. This behavior was not only cruel, but stupid and dangerous for the perpetrators. Being the parent of a special needs kid is highly stressful under the best of cirumstances, and many of us would not be so restrained if our child were being tormented or tortured just for kicks.


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
This entire thread is sounding more like the end of the Seinfeld series with every post, except that there isn’t an ounce of comedic value to be found.
Sure there is! Jimmy Thick was in here somewhere along the line.

That's comedic! :cool:

Or was the word I was looking for pathetic? :shrug:


New Member
As someone who has autism I find it pathetic that people still feel the need to bother autistics. I don't even want to hear the excuse of they're teenagers because they know.

That said, the parent did the right thing contacting Disney and Disney did the right thing providing comp tickets. I blame the situation over the concept of "normal" :ROFLOL:

P.S. I am favor of the jacknife powerbomb being a legal way of self defense.


New Member
Mr. Thick, it's kind of funny how you even ask in your sig, "Are YOU a fan of Jimmy Thick?" Apparently the overwhelming response is "NO WAY BRO!!!" so you can just delete that part, but by all means keep the part about you being the driving force of the forum. If you didn't remind everyone at the bottom of every post that you're the driving force then the whole board would probably implode from it's lack of strong leadership.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it was Disney employees that dropped the ball. I understand that they represent the company, but why are people here so quick to crucify the company for what happens due to their(employees) actions?

Have none of you ever screwed up at work in some fashion? does that mean people should slam your company and protest and get up in arms? This kind of reminds me of how they do these study/opinion polls and say that "Americans prefer xxxxx vs xxxxx". Wait, I wasn't polled, so how can they speak for me?

In a company as big as Disney, you're not going to have perfection, ever. We all expect it yet some are quicker than others to jump on Disney's back when something goes wrong.


Well-Known Member
Disgusting. Had it been my child those kids were harassing I might have been thrown out of the park for 'beating ______.'

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