Disney's "New" Park


Well-Known Member
Sorry compared to other coasters, the Hulk is not world class. It's an average inverted coaster. Nothing exciting or earth shattering. Remember I have Cedar Point in my back yard, so I am quite picky. I was utterly disappointed with the Hulk the first time I rode it wondering why people thought it was so amazing. It's also kind of old compared to other coasters, so very behind the times with technology so to speak. The dragons coasters were okay as well but paled considerably in comparison to other coasters of that type.

Since when was Hulk inverted? Are you sure you're not remembering the Dragons?


Well-Known Member
Since when was Hulk inverted? Are you sure you're not remembering the Dragons?
Typo there with auto-correct taking over, inversion - not inverted.

I do remember the Dragons (before and after HP world too) and that one was just okay compared to others of its type. Both are just okay and both were very old by comparison.

It's kind of like the first time I rode the Iron Dragon at CP. I thought it was amazing. But as coasters improved, how I felt while riding changed. I'd go back to ride an older coaster (like Hulk really is) and it's just okay. Again I'm picky about coasters, but Hulk is nothing special at all now to me.


Well-Known Member
Assuming this wasn't a deadpan troll of all the bad rumors... ;)

Monstropolis was once an active consideration. Then it got shelved. Only one internet personality, Jim Hill, keeps mentioning it as a possibility while all our insiders say it's dead (for now). Other than TSL and SWL, the most DHS will see for then next handful of years is one new ride and a refresh of some of the shows, no new lands.

WDW doesn't move rides... try justifying that cost to corporate... unless there is a massive reworking project. Tomorrowland is going through a very light reworking and moving MLF isn't part of the deal. Insiders say it's staying.

And finally, it is *impossible* to retheme RnRC to a MI 'door coaster.' The doors in the movie hang from a track. The proposed coaster had the train cars hanging from a track. The RnRC isn't that type of coaster. It can't be rethemed to a hanging coaster, it would have to be demolished and rebuilt. That ain't happening.

Aye. I still say that we would more likely see them dust off "Roger Rabbit's Hollywood" as a new incarnation of ToonTown as a transition area between RNR and TSL, only with Oswald replacing Roger, since he, Jessica, and Baby Herman are 50% owned by Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment.
Seriously, it's a no-brainer. One of the rides planned for RR's Hollywood was a trolley-themed motion simulator.

And guess what Oswald's most famous cartoon is?

One rabbit out, another rabbit in.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Cameron will hold onto Lightstorm at least through Avatar 5.

Avatar 2 will be seen as a nice reboot of the franchise, but fans will complain it's just more of the same.

Avatar 3 will totally shake things up and fans will be upset it's so different.

Avatar 4 will try to split the difference and do OK at the box office but will fail critically due to a hostile fan base.

Avatar 5 will be an epic Box Office dud despite, 20 years later, being hailed as the best in the series. But before that reassessment occurs, Cameron will despondently sell Lightstorm to Disney.
Lotto numbers please.


Well-Known Member
Busch is a much better option for roller coaster enthusiasts in Fla, than either Disney or Uni. But that's not what Disney and Uni are all about.

Busch hasn't done a terribly good job theming their coasters until recently, though. Mako and Manta at Sea World have excellent theming, as does Verbolten at Busch's Williamsburg park. Montu is ok, but the only coaster at Tampa that attempts a proper theme approach is Cobra's Curse. Hopefully if Tampa does indeed get a B&M hyper or wingrider soon it will have a similar devotion to queue and decor elements.


Well-Known Member
Cameron will hold onto Lightstorm at least through Avatar 5.

Avatar 2 will be seen as a nice reboot of the franchise, but fans will complain it's just more of the same.

Avatar 3 will totally shake things up and fans will be upset it's so different.

Avatar 4 will try to split the difference and do OK at the box office but will fail critically due to a hostile fan base.

Avatar 5 will be an epic Box Office dud despite, 20 years later, being hailed as the best in the series. But before that reassessment occurs, Cameron will despondently sell Lightstorm to Disney.
Then Cameron will destract himself from his failures by pouring the money into a new submarine which he will use to find and raise the bar.


Well-Known Member
Amazing.................Disney uses the Star Wars franchise as its own personal dish rag and manages to somehow ruin basically all of our childhoods with the new movies. Now there is the possibility that ToT leaves too?
You may like the new movies, you may hate them, but I'm sorry, no matter what Disney does with Star Wars it can't ruin your childhood, unless you are currently 6 years old. I'm sorry people don't like the movies but can we stop being so dramatic with how movies 30 years later somehow changed the past.

Walt Disney1955

Well-Known Member
You may like the new movies, you may hate them, but I'm sorry, no matter what Disney does with Star Wars it can't ruin your childhood, unless you are currently 6 years old. I'm sorry people don't like the movies but can we stop being so dramatic with how movies 30 years later somehow changed the past.

Obviously I am exaggerating with the whole "ruined our childhood" type of thing. I have a wife and children, I obviously have my own concerns. What I mean though is basically the way they smeared the old beloved Star Wars characters. Solo dies, Luke is a grumpy and bitter old man who could care less Solo is dead and his sister is in danger. This was just simply not what a Jedi would do. They owed it to people to respect those characters. We bought their lunch boxes, their action figures and bought their VHS movies. They could have honored those characters, you know?

Model3 McQueen

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Hoping that DHS doesn't get the same treatment as DCA. But if that DOES happen, expect to see RnR re-themed to Avengers and ToT rethemed to Inside Out.

I was hoping that people sent a message when $hapek announced Mission Breakout. It's fine that people love it, but it's by no means the greatest accomplishment in the world that brought all the crowds back into the park. It was probably spent money that brought brand awareness for a franchise that hasn't proven itself in the long run.


Well-Known Member
Hoping that DHS doesn't get the same treatment as DCA. But if that DOES happen, expect to see RnR re-themed to Avengers and ToT rethemed to Inside Out.

I was hoping that people sent a message when $hapek announced Mission Breakout. It's fine that people love it, but it's by no means the greatest accomplishment in the world that brought all the crowds back into the park. It was probably spent money that brought brand awareness for a franchise that hasn't proven itself in the long run.

I think the Florida tower is safe for a long time, but the Studies becoming a California Adventure-style IP dumping ground is already a fait accompli.
Nothing wrong with it, in my book. The backlot sections of the park were always drab and boring and basically irrideemable after the "working studio" charade was up. As long as they keep the quality up they can keep on building Hogsmeades over and over again and it will be an improvement on what the studios is now.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aye. I still say that we would more likely see them dust off "Roger Rabbit's Hollywood" as a new incarnation of ToonTown as a transition area between RNR and TSL, only with Oswald replacing Roger, since he, Jessica, and Baby Herman are 50% owned by Spielberg's Amblin Entertainment.
Seriously, it's a no-brainer. One of the rides planned for RR's Hollywood was a trolley-themed motion simulator.

And guess what Oswald's most famous cartoon is?

One rabbit out, another rabbit in.

It's kind of the same scenario with Roger...If Spielberg decided to drop with using Roger in the parks say for Cartoon Spin as an example Eisner had a Backup toon made just incase the situation went bad...And that was..

All they would have to do is retheme some Minor elements and change the Weasels up a bit to make it a different story line becoming a member of the Toontown Police help Bonkers stop the bad toons reaking havoc...

This also helped out since they had a street character of him out in DL which would have fit perfectly for the character..


Well-Known Member
It's kind of the same scenario with Roger...If Spielberg decided to drop with using Roger in the parks say for Cartoon Spin as an example Eisner had a Backup toon made just incase the situation went bad...And that was..

All they would have to do is retheme some Minor elements and change the Weasels up a bit to make it a different story line becoming a member of the Toontown Police help Bonkers stop the bad toons reaking havoc...

This also helped out since they had a street character of him out in DL which would have fit perfectly for the character..

Lol. It looks like he's giving that girl a ticket.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of the same scenario with Roger...If Spielberg decided to drop with using Roger in the parks say for Cartoon Spin as an example Eisner had a Backup toon made just incase the situation went bad...And that was..

All they would have to do is retheme some Minor elements and change the Weasels up a bit to make it a different story line becoming a member of the Toontown Police help Bonkers stop the bad toons reaking havoc...

This also helped out since they had a street character of him out in DL which would have fit perfectly for the character..

I never did like Bonkers. You could always tell he was a Roger Rabbit knockoff.

But we have Oswald now. So Bonkers isn't necessary anymore. Thankfully.

And Car Toon Spin could easily be re-worked as an Oswald ride.


Well-Known Member
I never did like Bonkers. You could always tell he was a Roger Rabbit knockoff.

But we have Oswald now. So Bonkers isn't necessary anymore. Thankfully.

And Car Toon Spin could easily be re-worked as an Oswald ride.
Yeah but, just having him in 2 video games, a M&G in DCA, and a one time event with Ortensia in Paris just doesn't seem to give much hope for anything else to happen..It's also like this with the Muppets they have no idea where to go with them since there Star Wars and Marvel whipped right now..


Well-Known Member
Obviously I am exaggerating with the whole "ruined our childhood" type of thing. I have a wife and children, I obviously have my own concerns. What I mean though is basically the way they smeared the old beloved Star Wars characters. Solo dies, Luke is a grumpy and bitter old man who could care less Solo is dead and his sister is in danger. This was just simply not what a Jedi would do. They owed it to people to respect those characters. We bought their lunch boxes, their action figures and bought their VHS movies. They could have honored those characters, you know?
The new movies are great. The characters from the original movies are being presented as human beings. They fail.

Simply not what a Jedi would do? Says who? We have a Jedi who turned on his wife and his friends, betrayed his Republic, went to the dark side, slaughtered innocent children, and became the scourge of the Galaxy. Would Jedi do that?

The Clone Wars series shows the Jedi being corrupted and leading to the Republic's downfall and the rise of the Empire. Would the Jedi get complaciant and corrupt?

If the Clone Wars has shown anything, it's that Jedi are flawed humans like the rest of us. Sorry that your myopic view of Star Wars doesn't have any basis in the reality of the Star Wars history. I suppose you would have preferred the movies about midochlorians?

Luke was not a bitter grumpy man who couldn't care less. He's a man who lost confidence in himself because of a moment of weakness. And he did care; at the end he sacrificed himself to save his sister and the resistance, having his own redepmtion in the end (much like his father had his at the end of Jedi).


Well-Known Member
That's what it feels like to me. Just think of how much money TSL and SWL costs. Then imagine someone saying to Corporate, "DHS need more money because it's so far behind in development." ... a dozen spit takes ensue.

I've said this before, but it's unfortunate that the MK is having its 50th and WDW feels compelled to spend a lot of money there. The MK doesn't need a lot of money spent there, it should all go to the other parks. Yes, I know people want to make their special park more special, but, wouldn't it be better if the other parks were upgraded so much that they were just as special?
Agreed, would be great to get all 4 parks to the level of MK. Still, would be nice to get a couple more high capacity D level attractions in MK to reduce crowd pressure, preferably in Adventureland/Frontierland.

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