Disney Irish
Premium Member
You seem not to like the word dead for some reason in this context. Not sure how you can say the IP is "alive", ie the opposite of dead, if its not being used, but ok whatever. So agree to disagree here.Yeah which means the IP isn't dead. Not every IP needs infinite spin offs and adaptations across every medium of entertainment to be constantly pumped out for the masses.
And I do think having IP owned by active studios that can use them is a good thing for consumers as the IP then gets used. This is why I'm also very aware that many independent studios exists today that are creating new IP. So there isn't a shifting of anything, especially since there wasn't a "goal post" set here.There isn't a categorical monopoly on all IP by a singular corporation, but the majority of popular IPs are now owned by large parent companies... you've acknowledged this your previous post implying this is a "good thing for consumers," so now you're just shifting goal posts. It isn't just the IPs that "I like," lol.
So this doesn't go on for pages and pages, we're just not going to see eye-to-eye here. So lets end this and say we both just see different sides of the entertainment business.