I can't believe the hypocrisy of some of the people on this board. A couple of Disney voiceover artists die-gentlemen who seem to have had long lives, and I hope they were also happy and successful lives-and people get all Colon-Open Parenthese-y (

) and say incredibly profound things like: "He will be missed," or "I pray for their families."
But when you hear about people whose livelihood is vanishing, and they're still in the process of figuring out how to survive in this new-to-them economical landscape, you people are essentially telling them to "$h!t or get off the pot right now. Quit-cher bellyaching, I spend enough money at Disney and you expect ME to pay YOU for a service you're offering to render! Go to Hell! Suh-ckas!"
I'm not saying Disney should jettison DME, because it IS a free market, and you can do whatever is legal to enhance your company's bottom line. And I'm not saying you HAVE to feel sorry for these people, but I think some consistency is necessary. If you can feel bad for John Fiedler, who lived to the ripe old age of 80, you can maybe feel bad for a guy who just saw his business shrink by 90 percent and doesn't yet know what he's going to do to support his family. Losing a job is one of the most stressful things that can happen to a person, and if you're driving a bus or a cab or a limo, there aren't many jobs you can just up and get that will pay the same. Some of these people will either have to relocate or take a job that will pay less. I don't know if that's ever happened to anybody on this board, but if it has, you gotta admit, it's rough at first. So if no sympathy can be spared for these guys, maybe some empathy. Think about what it's like to see your income hit that hard that fast and know you gotta do something to change your life but not knowing what yet.